Live chat

Lojban is a living language, and you can contact experts in Lojban in a chat.

Lojban community uses a united chat. You can use any of the following popular messengers and your messages will be delivered from the messenger you use to the respective channels in all the other messengers. We use a special "bridge" program to achieve that.

Choose the messenger you like.

lojban logo #lojban - "Lojban"

The main chat publicly logged: any questions

Join via a free messenger: Discord, Telegram, Slack.

lojban school logo #ckule - "School"

A chat where you ask questions about Lojban and get answers from fluent knowledgeable speakers.

Fun fact: this is the symbol of jelly called lo jduli in Lojban (pronounced as loh zhdooh-leeh), which rhymes with lo ckule, school (loh shkooh-leh)

Join via a free messenger: Discord, Telegram, Slack.

#jbosnu - Lojban-only discussions

A chat for talking in Lojban only

Join via a free messenger: Discord, Telegram, Slack.

#jboselbau - offtopic discussions

A chat for talking in Lojban only.

Join via a free messenger: Discord, Telegram, Slack.

#voknoi - voice messeages exchange

Join via a free messenger: Discord, Telegram, Slack.