Corpus de textes

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Dictionary with Examples

Gleki and others

Alice in Wonderland

Lewis Carroll

The Bad Beginning

by Lemony Snicket

Muplis database

Various authors

Le Masque

Résumé du roman de Stanisław Lem

Le Livre

H.P. Lovecraft

Tuer un enfant

Stig Dägerman

Comment l'Ennemi est venu à Thlunrana

Lord Dunsany, 51 Contes, 1915.

In A Bitter Hour

Kalman Kalocsay

Forest nymph

Elin Pelin

Emerald Tablet

by an unknown Arabic writer

Terroriste, il nous regarde.

Szymborska Wisława

Navy Seal Copypasta


The Girl from Ipanema

Vinicius de Moraes

Various texts

Various authors

Lord's prayer

The Bible


de nombreux auteurs