Corpus de textos
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Dictionary with Examples
Gleki and others
Alice in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll
The Bad Beginning
by Lemony Snicket
Muplis database
Various authors
A mascára
Resumo do romance de Stanisław Lem
O Livro
H.P. Lovecraft
Matar uma criança
Stig Dagerman
De como o inimigo chegou a Thlunrana
Senhor Dunsany
In A Bitter Hour
Kalman Kalocsay
Forest nymph
Elin Pelin
Emerald Tablet
by an unknown Arabic writer
A terrorist, he is watching
Szymborska Wisława
Terry, o Tigre Visita a Grande Cidade
Michael Turniansky
Navy Seal Copypasta
Garota de Ipanema
Vinicius de Moraes
There Will Come Soft Rains
Sara Teasdale
Vários textos
Vários autores
Lord's prayer
The Bible
many authors