Dictionary with Examples

jbovlalojboglico English definition
valsi fi le lojbo jufra English translation definition of the Lojban word
liste lo'i xamgu jufra xamgu jufra Dictionary with Examples
la gleki e lo drata la gleki e lo drata Gleki and others
fanva fo le lojbo fanva fo le lojbo Translation from Lojban
a .ei mi tavla la .alis. a la .kevin. I need to speak to Alice or Kevin (or to both of them). logical connective: sumti afterthought or.
a'a a'a ko ca'o skicu I'm listening, go on talking! attitudinal: attentive - inattentive - avoiding. See also {jundi}, {rivbi}.
a'a a'a cu'i ko denpa le nu mi jai gau mulno fai ti Eh, just a second, let me finish this. attitudinal: attentive - inattentive - avoiding. See also {jundi}, {rivbi}.
a'a do tavla da a'a nai La, la, la, I'm not listening what you are talking about. attitudinal: attentive - inattentive - avoiding. See also {jundi}, {rivbi}.
a'e a'e ba vlile tcima It's going to be a storm. attitudinal: alertness - exhaustion. See also {sanji}, {cikna}, {tatpi}.
a'e a'e nai mi ba klama le ckana Yaaaawn, I'm going to bed. attitudinal: alertness - exhaustion. See also {sanji}, {cikna}, {tatpi}.
a'i a'i cu'i mi klama le zarci I'm indecisive to whether I should go to a shop. attitudinal: effort - no special effort - repose. See also {gunka}, {slunandu}, {guksurla}, {troci}, {selprogunka}.
a'i a'i mi ca'o ralte I'm trying to hold it! attitudinal: effort - no special effort - repose. See also {gunka}, {slunandu}, {guksurla}, {troci}, {selprogunka}.
a'i a'i cu'i la'e ti frili Ah, this is easy. attitudinal: effort - no special effort - repose. See also {gunka}, {slunandu}, {guksurla}, {troci}, {selprogunka}.
a'i a'i nai cikre tu Nah, why bother fixing it. attitudinal: effort - no special effort - repose. See also {gunka}, {slunandu}, {guksurla}, {troci}, {selprogunka}.
a'o a'o pluka be do nicte Good night to you! attitudinal: hope - despair. See also {pacna}.
a'o a'o vamji fa le nu zukte I hope, it's worth doing it. attitudinal: hope - despair. See also {pacna}.
a'o a'o nai mi co'u ponse da Gah, I lost all my property. attitudinal: hope - despair. See also {pacna}.
a'oi a'oi la kevin ma nuzba Ahoy, Kevin! What's up?
a'u a'u ro jbopre cu stati prenu Interesting, all Lojbanists are smart people. attitudinal: interest - disinterest - repulsion. See also {cinri}, {selcni}.
a'u a'u ma krinu Hm, what is the reason? attitudinal: interest - disinterest - repulsion. See also {cinri}, {selcni}.
a'u a'u cu'i do ne ka'ai pa nanla cu se zdani It's none of my business that you live with a boy. attitudinal: interest - disinterest - repulsion. See also {cinri}, {selcni}.
a'u a'u nai do co'i speni le fange You married a stranger, it's none of my business, I'd avoid this topic. attitudinal: interest - disinterest - repulsion. See also {cinri}, {selcni}.
a'u a'u nai iu nai panci fa le kalci i ai nai mi citka ti Yuck, that smells like shit! I'm not going to eat this. attitudinal: interest - disinterest - repulsion. See also {cinri}, {selcni}.
aftobuso ma se stuzi le tcana pe le aftobuso pe li mu Where is the stop of bus number 5?
aftobuso le aftobuso pe li xo cu muvdu le muzga What's the number of the bus that goes to the museum?
aftobuso le aftobuso be lei litru cu clani The tourists' bus is long.
ai ai mi vitke do I'm going to visit you. attitudinal: intent - indecision - rejection / refusal. See also {termu'i}, {terzu'e}, {seljdi}, {selcu'a}.
ai ai nai mi pu darxi do I didn't mean to hit you. attitudinal: intent - indecision - rejection / refusal. See also {termu'i}, {terzu'e}, {seljdi}, {selcu'a}.
aidji mi aidji le ka klama la nipon I am going to go to Japan.
akti gau ko ta to'e akti Turn that off.
akti gau ko ta akti Turn it on.
akti mi ba jai gau akti fai le minji I will get the machine running.
akti le pa zarci ca akti The shop is open.
akti le minji ca akti le ka cupra le purmo The machine is now in operation producing flour.
anka le mi'u verba pu jai gau spofu le anka be le no'a The child broke his thigh.
ankabuta xu do terpa tu'a le ankabuta Are you afraid of the spider?
arte ti noi arte cu pu jai rinka so'i nu darlu There've been a lot of debates caused by this artwork.
arxokuna pa arxokuna cu zvati le mi kumfa pe le'e nu jukpa There's a raccoon in my kitchen.
asna ra co'a se asna pa jai ckape vi le barda fenra He took a dangerous pose near the abyss.
au .au .e'o tcati I'd like some tea, please. attitudinal: desire - indifference - reluctance. See also {djica}.
au au cu'i do jai gau bredi fai le cidja You prepare the food or not ... I don't have any preferences. attitudinal: desire - indifference - reluctance. See also {djica}.
au au nai do cliva I don't want you to leave. attitudinal: desire - indifference - reluctance. See also {djica}.
au au mi stali bu'u le zdani gi'e nai kansa le mi'u nakni I'd rather stay at home than come with him. attitudinal: desire - indifference - reluctance. See also {djica}.
au .i .au mi sipna I want to sleep. attitudinal: desire - indifference - reluctance. See also {djica}.
ba mi ba bevri I will bring it. time tense relation / direction: will [selbri]; after [sumti]; default future tense.
ba le'e snuti ba fasnu Accidents will happen. time tense relation / direction: will [selbri]; after [sumti]; default future tense.
ba mi pu na ku kufra ba le nu ra cinba mi I felt uncomfortable after she kissed me. time tense relation / direction: will [selbri]; after [sumti]; default future tense.
ba'a ba'a ra ba zi mo'u zukte He ought to finish soon. evidential: I expect - I experience - I remember. See also {bavykri}, {lifri}, {morji}.
ba'a ba'a le mamta be mi ca zvati le mi'u zdani I expect my mother to be at home now. evidential: I expect - I experience - I remember. See also {bavykri}, {lifri}, {morji}.
ba'a ba'a le mi'u pendo be mi pu jinga I expect my friend to have won. evidential: I expect - I experience - I remember. See also {bavykri}, {lifri}, {morji}.
ba'a ba'a cu'i le se klani be le sovda cu lacri le tcika be le nu le jipci co'a co'e In my experience, the number of eggs depends on when a hen starts. evidential: I expect - I experience - I remember. See also {bavykri}, {lifri}, {morji}.
ba'a ba'a nai do na nelci le laldo prenu As I remember, you don't like old people. evidential: I expect - I experience - I remember. See also {bavykri}, {lifri}, {morji}.
ba'e .i mi djuno le du'u ma kau darxi ba'e la .alis. I know who hit Alice specifically. forethought emphasis indicator; indicates next word is especially emphasized.
ba'e .i vajni ba'e mi It's important to me (!) forethought emphasis indicator; indicates next word is especially emphasized.
ba'o mi ba'o citka pa plise I have eaten an apple. interval event contour: in the aftermath of ...; since ...; retrospective / perfect | |----.
ba'o mi'o ba'o tavla We are done talking. interval event contour: in the aftermath of ...; since ...; retrospective / perfect | |----.
ba'o mi ba'o xagji I'm no longer hungry. interval event contour: in the aftermath of ...; since ...; retrospective / perfect | |----.
ba'o .i ca ku nu'i ge ba'o ku su'o da gi ca'o nai ku su'o de prami do No one loves you anymore. interval event contour: in the aftermath of ...; since ...; retrospective / perfect | |----.
ba'u do no ba'u roi jimpe fi mi You never understand me. discursive: exaggeration - accuracy - understatement. See also {satci}, {dukse}.
ba'u le mi'u pa tadni pu no ba'u cu'i roi jimpe zo'e noi mi ciksi fo ke'a The student literally never understood my explanations. discursive: exaggeration - accuracy - understatement. See also {satci}, {dukse}.
ba'u le mi'u terdi cu barda ba'u nai The Earth is big, to put it mildly. discursive: exaggeration - accuracy - understatement. See also {satci}, {dukse}.
bacru ko na bacru su'o cladu Don't talk loud. x1 utters verbally / says / phonates / speaks [vocally makes sound] x2. Also voices; does not necessarily imply communication or audience; ('says' is usually {cusku}). See also {krixa}, {cusku}, {casnu}, {tavla}, {voksa}, {pinka}.
badna ma jdima lei badna ku poi ki'ogra How much is the kilo of bananas? x1 is a banana / plantain [fruit / plant] of species / breed x2. See also {grute}.
badri mi pu badri le nu mi pu e'ande ra le ka zukte I was sad that I had allowed her to do it. x1 is sad / depressed / dejected / [unhappy / feels sorrow / grief] about x2 (abstraction). See also {klaku}, {gleki}, {betri}, {cinmo}, {junri}.
bai mi pu stali bu'u le zdani bai le ka bilma I stayed at home forced by my illness. bapli modal, 1st place (forced by) forcedly; compelled by force ...
bajra mi bajra vi'i le mitre be li ci ki'o I ran three thousands meters. x1 runs on surface x2 using limbs x3 with gait x4. See also {cadzu}, {klama}, {litru}, {stapa}, {plipe}, {cpare}.
bajra xu do su'o roi senva le nu do bajra lo jarki grana lei xance be do Have you ever dreamt of running on your hands on a narrow rod? x1 runs on surface x2 using limbs x3 with gait x4. See also {cadzu}, {klama}, {litru}, {stapa}, {plipe}, {cpare}.
bakfu ti bakfu le se posydu'a le dasri This is a gift packed with a ribbon into a bundle. x1 is a bundle / package / cluster / clump / pack [shape / form] containing x2, held together by x3. See also {daski}, {dakli}, {tanxe}.
bakni mu bakni cu zvati le purdi There are five cows in the garden. x1 is a cow / cattle / kine / ox / [bull / steer / calf] [beef-producer / bovine] of species / breed x2. See also {danlu}.
bakri mi xebni le'e bakri i ki'u bo ri'a tu'a ri le'e purmo cu snipa le xance I hate chalk. It leaves powder on hands. x1 is a quantity of / contains / is made of chalk from source x2 in form x3. See also {pinsi}, {blabi}, {jilka}.
baktu ko bevri le baktu be lo festi fo le dinju Take the pail of bucket out of the house. x1 is a bucket / pail / can / deep, solid, wide-topped container of contents x2, made of material x3. See also {botpi}, {patxu}, {tansi}, {lante}, {lanka}.
balji ra pu sombo pa balji be pa xrula le purdi She planted a flower bulb in the garden. x1 is a bulb [body-part] of plant / species x2; [metaphor: rounded, bulgy]. See also {punli}, {batke}.
balnema lei litru ca'o zgana le melbi nu muvdu fa le balnema The tourists are watching the graceful movement of a baleen whale.
balni mi cpana le balni be le zdani be mi I am on the balcony of my home. x1 is a balcony / overhang / ledge / shelf of building / structure x2. See also {kajna}.
balni le jvinu be fi le balni cu melbi The view from the balcony is beautiful. x1 is a balcony / overhang / ledge / shelf of building / structure x2. See also {kajna}.
balre le balre be le dakfu cu kinli The blade of the knife is sharp. x1 is a blade of tool / weapon x2. See also {dakfu}, {tunta}, {tutci}, {guska}, {kinli}, {katna}.
balvi la kevin co'u zvati .i je le nu go'i cu pu balvi le nu ju'a mi mo'u klama le xotli Kevin left, and that happened after my arrival to the hotel. x1 is in the future of / later than / after x2 in time sequence; x1 is latter; x2 is former. Also sequel, succeed, successor, follow, come(s) after; time ordering only (use {lidne} otherwise); aorist in that x1 may overlap in time with x2 as long as it extends afterwards; non-aorist future (= {cfabalvi}); (default x2 is the space time reference, whereupon:) x1 will occur. See also {lidne}, {cabna}, {purci}, {farna}.
bambola le nixli cu nelci tu noi bambola The girl likes that doll.
bambu le bambu cu torni le nu brife The bamboo bends before the wind. x1 is a bamboo (Bambuseae) of genus / species x2. Cf. {spati}, {tricu}.
bancu pa le lalxu cu bancu le tcadu There is a lake beyond the city. x1 exceeds / is beyond limit / boundary x2 from x3 in property / amount x4 (ka / ni). On the other side of a bound, but not necessarily directly 'across' nor at the shortest plausible distance (per {ragve}); also not limited to position in space. See also {dukse}, {ragve}, {zmadu}, {kuspe}.
bancu le tai fasnu cu bancu le se kakne be mi Such things are beyond my powers. x1 exceeds / is beyond limit / boundary x2 from x3 in property / amount x4 (ka / ni). On the other side of a bound, but not necessarily directly 'across' nor at the shortest plausible distance (per {ragve}); also not limited to position in space. See also {dukse}, {ragve}, {zmadu}, {kuspe}.
bancu le zdani cu bancu le vu tricu ti le ka darno ti The house is beyond those trees from here in how far it is from here. x1 exceeds / is beyond limit / boundary x2 from x3 in property / amount x4 (ka / ni). On the other side of a bound, but not necessarily directly 'across' nor at the shortest plausible distance (per {ragve}); also not limited to position in space. See also {dukse}, {ragve}, {zmadu}, {kuspe}.
bandu le nu brife e le nu carvi cu bandu le dinju le nu ri jelca Wind and rain protect the house from burning. x1 (event) defends / protects x2 (object / state) from threat / peril / potential x3 (event). Also secures (verb); x1 wards / resists x3; protective cover / shield (= {badgai}). See also {ckape}, {fanta}, {fapro}, {marbi}, {rivbi}, {zunti}, {snura}, {binra}, {lunbe}, {pulji}.
banfi lo'e remna cu simsa lo'e banfi le ka se tarmi Humans look like amphibians. x1 is an amphibian of species / breed x2. See also {danlu}, {respa}.
bangu .i xu do se bangu la .lojban. Do you speak Lojban? x1 is a / the language / dialect used by x2 to express / communicate x3 (si'o / du'u, not quote). Also tongue. See also {tance}, {cusku}, {ve} {tavla}, {valsi}, {gerna}, {jufra}, {natmi}, {slaka}.
bangu ra tavla fo le bangu be fi lo mabla He used foul language. x1 is a / the language / dialect used by x2 to express / communicate x3 (si'o / du'u, not quote). Also tongue. See also {tance}, {cusku}, {ve} {tavla}, {valsi}, {gerna}, {jufra}, {natmi}, {slaka}.
banli le jvinu be le xamsi bei le kumfa be le xotli cu banli le ka se tarmi The view of the sea from the hotel room is magnificent i its form. x1 is great / grand in property x2 (ka) by standard x3. Indicates a subjective greatness, as compared to the objective standard implied for {barda}; (synonyms, possibly requiring tanru:) extraordinary, illustrious, magnificent, impressive, awesome, grandiose, august, inspiring, special, majestic, distinguished, eminent, splendor, stately, imposing (all generally {zabna}); terrible ({mabla}). See also {barda}, {nobli}, {se} {sinma}, {pluja}, {misno}, {vajni}, {fasnu}, {cizra}, {traji}, {mutce}, {se} {manci}.
banro le spati ca'o banro le tricu le se katna jimca The plant is growing into a tree from a cut off branch. x1 grows / expands [an increasing development] to size / into form x2 from x3. Also rising, developing; x1 gets bigger / enlarges / increases. See also {farvi}, {zenba}, {jmina}, {barda}, {makcu}, {ferti}.
banxa ti banxa le gugde le ka canja fo lo kagni i je to'u ti banxa fi tu'a lo kagni This bank owned by state works with companies, in short, this is a commercial bank. x1 is a bank owned by / in banking system x2 for banking function(s) x3 (event). See also {sorcu}, {zarci}, {canja}, {kagni}.
bapli le tcima pu bapli le nu ra stali le zdani The violent weather forced him to stay at home. x1 [force] (ka) forces / compels event x2 to occur; x1 determines property x2 to manifest. Also constrains; requires success, unlike the physics term (better expressed by {danre}). See also {fanta}, {rinju}, {jimte}, {jitro}, {rinka}, {krinu}, {zukte}, {randa}, {danre}, cmavo list {bai}, {marxa}, {tinsa}, {xarnu}.
bapli le snuti pu bapli le nu ra zenba le ka jundi The accident convinced him to be more careful. x1 [force] (ka) forces / compels event x2 to occur; x1 determines property x2 to manifest. Also constrains; requires success, unlike the physics term (better expressed by {danre}). See also {fanta}, {rinju}, {jimte}, {jitro}, {rinka}, {krinu}, {zukte}, {randa}, {danre}, cmavo list {bai}, {marxa}, {tinsa}, {xarnu}.
barda le tanxe pu barda le ka se canlu xo kau da The box occupied large space. x1 is big / large in property / dimension(s) x2 (ka) as compared with standard / norm x3. See also {banli}, {clani}, {ganra}, {condi}, {plana}, {cmalu}, {rotsu}, {banro}, {xanto}.
barda le nu penmi cu pu barda le ka se ditcu The meeting lasted for a large amount of time. x1 is big / large in property / dimension(s) x2 (ka) as compared with standard / norm x3. See also {banli}, {clani}, {ganra}, {condi}, {plana}, {cmalu}, {rotsu}, {banro}, {xanto}.
bargu lei tricu cu bargu le dargu The trees form an arch over the road. x1 arches / curves over / around x2 and is made of x3; x1 is an arch over / around x2 of material x3. Also arc; x2 need not be an object, but may be a point or volume. See also {cripu}, {kruvi}, {korcu}, {condi}.
barja ti barja lo'e ckafi lo'e litru This is a bar serving coffee to tourists. x1 is a tavern / bar / pub serving x2 to audience / patrons x3. See also {gusta}, {birje}, {jikru}, {sanmi}, {vanju}, {xotli}, {ckafi}, {se} {pinxe}.
barna le barna be le kamju cu tcita le dargu tu'a lo flalu The mark on the pillar is a road sign. x1(s) is a / are mark(s) / spot(s) on x2 of material x3. {ba'armo'a} for a pattern of marks. See also {sinxa}, {pixra}, {se} {ciska}, {se} {prina}.
bartu ei mi klama lo bartu be le zdani I should go out. x1 is on the outside of x2; x1 is exterior to x2. See also {jibni}, {nenri}, {sruri}, {lamji}, {korbi}, {calku}, {vasru}.
basna mi pu basna le nu le nu ca'o gunka cu vajni vau le ka cladu cusku I emphasized the importance of continuing to work by saying it aloud. x1 emphasizes / accentuates / gives emphasis / stress / accent to x2 by (action) x3. Also: say forcefully. See also {pandi}.
basti ma ba basti do le ka gunka Who will replace you? x1 replaces / substitutes for / instead of x2 in circumstance x3; x1 is a replacement / substitute. Also: x1 trades places with x2. See also cmavo list {ba'i}, {binra}.
batci pu ku pa gerku cu batci le tuple be mi A dog bit my leg. x1 bites / pinches x2 on / at specific locus x3 with x4. Bite through (= {ka'arbatci}, {batygre}); pinch (= {cinzybatci}). See also {denci}, {jgalu}, {guska}, {citka}.
batke ra pu ru'i jgari pa batke be le kosta pe le nei He was holding a button of his coat. x1 is a button / knob / [handle] on / for item x2, with purpose x3, made of material x4. See also {jadni}, {balji}, {punji}, {jgari}, {lasna}.
bau mi tavla bau la lojban I talk in Lojban language. bangu modal, 1st place in language ...
bavlamdei ko klama ca le bavlamdei Come tomorrow!
bavlamdei pu ku ca le bavlamdei be le nu mi mo'u klama vau mi co'a ganse lo cizra On the day following my arrival I started feeling something strange.
bavmi lo'e bavmi cu ralju le'i se cupra be bu'u Barley is the main product here. x1 is a quantity of barley [grain] of species / strain x2. See also {gurni}.
be .i le tixnu be mi cu melbi My daughter is pretty. sumti link to attach sumti (default x2) to a selbri; used in descriptions.
be'e be'e le nobli do mulno xu Pardon, Sir/Madam, are you finished? vocative: request to send / speak.
be'e be'e le mi'u pendo Hello, are you still there, friend? vocative: request to send / speak.
be'i ti me le se dunda ne be'i la kevin This a present sent by Kevin. benji modal, 1st place (sender) sent by ...
be'u u'i be'u ko skicu le pa drata lisri Hehe, not that funny, tell me another story. attitudinal modifier: lack / need - presence / satisfaction - satiation. See also {claxu}, {nitcu}, {mansa}.
be'u ui be'u cu'i do bevri le mi'u re verba mlatu noi mi pu djica Yay, you brought the two kittens whom I wanted. attitudinal modifier: lack / need - presence / satisfaction - satiation. See also {claxu}, {nitcu}, {mansa}.
be'u u'i be'u nai ba'a mi ca farlu le loldi Ha-ha-ha, so funny, I can't laugh anymore, I might fall down to the floor now. attitudinal modifier: lack / need - presence / satisfaction - satiation. See also {claxu}, {nitcu}, {mansa}.
bebna ko na jai zu'e bebna le ka so'i roi ku cusku da Don't be silly in repeating the same. x1 is foolish / silly in event / action / property [folly] (ka) x2; x1 is a boob. See also {fenki}, {xajmi}, {prije}, {fliba}.
bekpi mi ca'o cortu le ka se bekpi My back still hurts. x1 is a / the 'back' / dorsum / 'posterior' body-part of x2 Cf. {trixe}, {cutne}. Not necessarily should be at the back of the body. Determined by bilateral symmetry of the body.
bemro mi nelci le bemro tumla I like North American lands. x1 reflects North American culture / nationality / geography in aspect x2. See also {merko}, {kadno}, {xispo}, {mexno}.
bende mi cmima le'i stati prenu ku noi se bende pa da la robin le nu ro cmima be le se nei cu tadni la lojban I am a member of a team of smart people led by Robin and learning Lojban. x1 is a crew / team / gang / squad / band of persons x2 directed / led by x3 organized for purpose x4. (x1 is a mass; x2 is a set completely specified); Also orchestra (= {zgibe'e}, {balzgibe'e}), outfit; x3 conductor; business, not necessarily incorporated (= {cajbe'e}, {venbe'e}). See also {gunma}, {girzu}, {dansu}, {jatna}, {jitro}, {kagni}, {kamni}, {minde}, {ralju}, {cecmu}, {gidva}.
benji mi ba benji pa xatra do fu tu'a la internet fo le skami pe le zdani be mi I will send you a letter via the internet from my home computer. x1 transfers / sends / transmits x2 to receiver x3 from transmitter / origin x4 via means / medium x5. Also possibly 'sharing'; no (complete) alienation from origin is implied. x5 carrier. See also {muvdu}, {dunda}, {mrilu}, {nirna}, {xruti}, {cradi}, {tivni}, {preja}, cmavo list {be'i}, {bevri}, {mrilu}, {tcana}.
benji le gunka pu benji le sance sinxa le drata gunka le galtu le vacri A worker sent a sound signal to another worker from the above over the air. x1 transfers / sends / transmits x2 to receiver x3 from transmitter / origin x4 via means / medium x5. Also possibly 'sharing'; no (complete) alienation from origin is implied. x5 carrier. See also {muvdu}, {dunda}, {mrilu}, {nirna}, {xruti}, {cradi}, {tivni}, {preja}, cmavo list {be'i}, {bevri}, {mrilu}, {tcana}.
bersa mi se bersa re da I have two sons. x1 is a son of mother / father / parents x2 [not necessarily biological]. Also filial. See also {verba}, {nanla}, {nakni}, {nanmu}, {patfu}, {mamta}, {bruna}, {rirni}, {rorci}, {panzi}, {tixnu}.
berti le za'u purdi be fi lo grute cu berti le tcadu le farna be le'e maksi jesni Fruit gardens are to the north of the city in terms of magnetic needle direction. x1 is to the north / northern side [right-hand-rule pole] of x2 according to frame of reference x3. See also {snanu}, {stici}, {stuna}, {farna}.
besna ro remna su'o da se besna All humans have brains. x1 is a / the brain [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: intelligence, mental control]. Also cerebral. See also {menli}, {stedu}, {rango}, {pensi}.
betfu mi cortu le ka se betfu My belly hurts. x1 is a / the abdomen / belly / lower trunk [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: midsection]. Also stomach (= {djaruntyrango}), digestive tract (= {befctirango}, {befctirangyci'e}). See also {cutne}, {livga}, {canti}.
betka ti na ciblu gi'e ja'a betka It's not blood. It's beet. x1 is a beet of species / variety x2.
betri pu betri ra fa le nu le bersa be ra co'a morsi It was a tragedy for him to lose his only son. x1 is a tragedy / disaster / tragic for x2. See also {badri}, {xlali}, {morsi}, {binra}.
bevri mi pu bevri le pa patxu be lo nudle fu'e ta'o fi le purdi fo le slestu be le nu jukpa vau fu le rokci dargu fu'o I carried a bowl of noodles (to the garden from the kitchen via a rocky road). x1 carries / hauls / bears / transports cargo x2 to x3 from x4 over path x5; x1 is a carrier / [porter]. Alienation from x2 to x3 is implied. See also {marce}, {muvdu}, {benji}, {klama}.
bevri la kevin pu bevri le pa gerku le zdani Kevin brought a dog home. x1 carries / hauls / bears / transports cargo x2 to x3 from x4 over path x5; x1 is a carrier / [porter]. Alienation from x2 to x3 is implied. See also {marce}, {muvdu}, {benji}, {klama}.
bevri mi pu bevri le pa fonxa fo le pa daski I took a phone out of a pocket. x1 carries / hauls / bears / transports cargo x2 to x3 from x4 over path x5; x1 is a carrier / [porter]. Alienation from x2 to x3 is implied. See also {marce}, {muvdu}, {benji}, {klama}.
bi bi penbi cu se pilno mi There are 8 pens that I use. digit / number: 8 (digit) [eight].
bi'i mi sanli pa dinju bi'i pa rirxe I am standing between a house and a river. non-logical interval connective: unordered between ... and ...
bi'o mi gunka de'i li cy bi bi'o li cy pa ze I work from 8 to 17 o'clock. non-logical interval connective: ordered from ... to ...
bi'orka le pezli be le bi'orka co'a pelxu The birch leaves have turned yellow.
bi'u le bi'u nai nixli pu klama pa panka i bi'u le mi'u nixli ca tavla pa nanla bu'u le mi'u panka That girl (mentioned earlier), she went to a park. What is new is that she is talking to a boy there. discursive: newly introduced information - previously introduced information. See also {nindatni}, {saurdatni}.
bidju pu ku mu bidju ti zvati There were five pebbles here. x1 is a bead / pebble [shape / form] of material x2. See also {bolci}, {canre}, {lakse}, {dirgo}.
bifce le bifce cu vofli vi lei xrula Bees are flying near the flowers. x1 is a bee / wasp / hornet of species / breed x2. See also {cinki}, {sfani}, {lakse}.
bikla le carvi pu bikla ta'i le nu ri janli le canko The rain whipped against the window. x1 whips / lashes / snaps [a sudden violent motion]. See also {skori}, {darxi}.
bilga mi bilga le ka bevri ti voi cukta vau le ponse ca le cabdei vau le ka pu nupre I must take this book to the owner today fulfilling my earlier promise. x1 is bound / obliged to / has the duty to do / be x2 in / by standard / agreement x3; x1 must do x2. Also x3 frame of reference. See also {zifre}, {fuzme}.
bilma ra pu terpa le nu le nei co'a bilma fi la zukam She was afraid to catch a cold. x1 is ill / sick / diseased with symptoms x2 from disease x3. See also {kanro}, {mikce}, {spita}, {senci}, {kafke}, {binra}.
bilma mi bilma fi le influ'enza fe le ka cortu le ka se denci I've got the flu and my teeth hurt. x1 is ill / sick / diseased with symptoms x2 from disease x3. See also {kanro}, {mikce}, {spita}, {senci}, {kafke}, {binra}.
binra le kagni cu binra le sportivo lo'e xrani le ka pleji le jdini The company insures the sportsman against injuries by paying money as an insurance. x1 insures / indemnifies x2 (person) against peril x3 (event) providing benefit(s) x4 (event). Also x3 loss; sell / purchase insurance (= {binryve'u}), premium (= {binrydi'a}, or {binryvelve'u}). See also {bandu}, {cirko}, {betri}, {basti}, {bilma}.
binxo le tsiju ba zi binxo le ka tricu The seed soon will turn into a tree. x1 becomes / changes / converts / transforms into x2 under conditions x3. Resultative, not-necessarily causal, change. (cf. {cenba} for non-resultative, {galfi} for causal, {stika} for non-resultative, non-causal change; {zasni})
birje ti birje lo'e badna This is banana beer. x1 is made of / contains / is a amount of beer / ale / brew brewed from x2. See also {pinxe}, {barja}, {jikru}, {vanju}, {xalka}, {fusra}.
birka ra pu gasnu le torni be le birka be mi She twisted my arm. x1 is a / the arm [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: branch with strength]. Also elbow (= {bircidni}), wrist (= {xanterjo'e}), appendage (but jimca, rebla preferred). See also {jimca}, {janco}, {xance}, {rebla}.
birti mi birti le du'u do ba snada I am sure you will succeed. x1 is certain / sure / positive / convinced that x2 is true. See also {jetnu}, {jinvi}, {krici}, {djuno}, {senpi}, {sruma}.
birti xu do pu'i jai gau birti fai lei rirni be do le du'u le nu litru cu na ckape Have you persuaded your parents that the journey wouldn't be dangerous? x1 is certain / sure / positive / convinced that x2 is true. See also {jetnu}, {jinvi}, {krici}, {djuno}, {senpi}, {sruma}.
bisli au mi viska su'o bisli cmana I'd like to see ice mountains. x1 is a quantity of / is made of / contains ice [frozen crystal] of composition / material x2. Composition including x2, which need not be a complete composition. See also {kunra}, {runme}, {lenku}, {krili}, {bratu}, {snime}, {carvi}.
bitmu le bitmu be le purdi bei le foldi cu rotsu The fence between the garden and the field is thick. x1 is a wall / fence separating x2 and x3 (unordered) of / in structure x4. See also {jbini}, {sepli}, {fendi}, {canko}, {drudi}, {kumfa}, {loldi}, {senta}, {snuji}, {pagre}, {gacri}, {kuspe}, {marbi}, {vorme}.
bitmu pa ti voi bitmu le malsi cu sinxa le pu nu le gugde cu vlipa One of these fences of the temple is a sign of the past power of the country. x1 is a wall / fence separating x2 and x3 (unordered) of / in structure x4. See also {jbini}, {sepli}, {fendi}, {canko}, {drudi}, {kumfa}, {loldi}, {senta}, {snuji}, {pagre}, {gacri}, {kuspe}, {marbi}, {vorme}.
bitni le vreji cu bitni li pa ki'o The file is 1000 bit.
blabi lei denci be ra pu blabi Her teeth were white. x1 is white / very-light colored [color adjective]. Pale forms of other colors are a compound of white; e.g. pink (= {labyxu'e}, {xunblabi}) (whereas kandi is used for pale = dimness, lack of intensity). See also {skari}, {xekri}, {grusi}, {kandi}, {manku}, {carmi}, {bakri}, {blanu}, {bunre}, {cicna}, {crino}, {narju}, {nukni}, {pelxu}, {xunre}, {zirpu}.
blaci le kabri cu blaci lo blanu The cup is made of blue glass. x1 is a quantity of / is made of / contains glass of composition including x2. See also {kabri}.
blanu le tsani cu blanu ca le cabdei The sky is blue today. x1 is blue [color adjective]. See also {skari}, {blabi}, {xekri}, {zirpu}, {kandi}, {carmi}, {cicna}.
blato lo'e blato cu mipri le nei ca lo'e donri Cockroaches hide themselves during daytime.
bliku le dinju cu te zbasu le bliku be lo rokci The house is built of stone blocks. x1 is a block [3-dimensional shape / form] of material x2, surfaces / sides x3. x3 sides / surfaces should include number, size, and shape; also polyhedron (= {pitybli} having flat / planar sides / surfaces). regular polyhedron (= {kubybli}, {blikubli}), brick (= {kitybli}); See also {tapla}, {kubli}, {tanbo}, {canlu}, {kojna}, {sefta}, {bolci}, {kurfa}, {tarmi}.
blondine le blondine nixli pu mo'u klama te zu'e le nu vo'a penmi do A girl with blond hair arrived to meet you.
bloti mi pu se marce le bloti be lo'e prenu bei le te falnu I was a passenger on a sailboat for carrying people. x1 is a boat / ship / vessel [vehicle] for carrying x2, propelled by x3. See also {falnu}, {fulta}, {marce}, {jatna}, {sabnu}.
bo mi pu penmi le pa drata merko bo jbopre I met another American Lojbanist. short scope joiner; joins various constructs with shortest scope and right grouping. Cf. {ke}, {ke'e}.
bo ko catlu le barda se kanla melbi Look at the beauty with big eyes. short scope joiner; joins various constructs with shortest scope and right grouping. Cf. {ke}, {ke'e}.
bo ko catlu le barda se kanla bo melbi Look at the big beauty-with-eyes. short scope joiner; joins various constructs with shortest scope and right grouping. Cf. {ke}, {ke'e}.
bo mi pu plipe i ja'e bo mi pu kuspe le drudi I jumped so that I reached the roof. short scope joiner; joins various constructs with shortest scope and right grouping. Cf. {ke}, {ke'e}.
bo la tom pu bilma gi'e ja'e bo pu na kakne le ka klama Tom was ill and that's why couldn't come. short scope joiner; joins various constructs with shortest scope and right grouping. Cf. {ke}, {ke'e}.
bo mi e ba bo do klama le nenri First I, then you enter. short scope joiner; joins various constructs with shortest scope and right grouping. Cf. {ke}, {ke'e}.
boi mi pu citka ci boi ro moi jbari I ate three last berries. elidable terminator: terminate numeral or letteral string.
bolci pu ku bu'u le flecu le bolci fe'e co'u gunro The ball rolled into the stream. x1 is a ball / sphere / orb / globe [shape / form] of material x2; x1 is a spherical object [made of x2]. Also round. See also {bliku}, {cukla}, {bidju}, {gunro}.
bombila le bombila cu spofu The light bulb is broken.
bongu mi pu jai gau janli fai le grana le bongu be le ka sarji le tuple be mi I hit my leg bone with a stick. x1 is a / the bone / ivory [body-part], performing function x2 in body of x3; [metaphor: calcium]. x2 is likely an abstract: may be structure / support for some body part, but others as well such as the eardrum bones; the former can be expressed as (tu'a le <body-part>); cartilage / gristle (= {ranbo'u}), skeleton (= {bogygreku}). See also {greku}, {denci}, {jirna}, {sarji}.
boske ti boske le clani tricu joi le kliti dertu This is a forest of long trees and clay loams.
botpi ti botpi le'e birje le blaci le pa xunre This is a bottle of beer made of glass and having a red lid. x1 is a bottle / jar / urn / flask / closable container for x2, made of material x3 with lid x4. See also {baktu}, {lante}, {patxu}, {tansi}, {tanxe}, {vasru}, {gacri}.
boxfo mi ba bevri le pa boxfo do I will bring you a blanket. x1 is a sheet / foil / blanket [2-dimensional shape / form flexible in 3 dimensions] of material x2. See also {plita}, {cinje}, {polje}, {slasi}, {tinci}.
boxna pu ku pa da barda boxna le xamsi There was a big wave in the sea. x1 is a wave [periodic pattern] in medium x2, wave-form x3, wave-length x4, frequency x5. See also {slilu}, {dikni}, {cinje}, {polje}, {morna}, {canre}.
bradi le tance be mi mi bradi le nu mi troci le ka pilno le nei le ka bacru lo lojbo valsi--- My tongue is my enemy when I'm trying to use it to utter Lojban words. x1 is an enemy / opponent / adversary / foe of x2 in struggle x3. See also {damba}, {jamna}, {darlu}, {pendo}, {fapro}, {gunta}, {sarji}, {jivna}, {jinga}.
bramlatu ju'o cu'i le bramlatu cu se zdani le mi'u tutra Big cats may inhabit this area.
bratu le nu le bratu be loi snime cu carvi cu pu vlile The precipitation of sleet was violent. x1 is hail / sleet / freezing rain / solid precipitation of material / composition including x2. This is the substance, not the act or manner of its falling, which is carvi. See also {carvi}, {snime}, {bisli}, {tcima}.
brazo le finti cu brazo le ka se bangu The author is Brazilian in their language. x1 reflects Brazilian culture / nationality / language in aspect x2. See also {porto}, {ketco}.
bredi mi bredi le ka kansa do le ka cadzu I am ready to walk with you. x1 is ready / prepared for x2 (event). See also {spaji}, {jukpa}.
bridi le du'u mi klama do ti cu bridi le ka klama vau mi ce'o do ce'o ti That I come to you from here is a relationship between the property of coming and the sequence of me, you and this place. x1 (text) is a predicate relationship with relation x2 among arguments (sequence / set) x3. Also: x3 are related by relation x2 (= {terbri} for reordered places). (x3 is a set completely specified); See also {sumti}, {fancu}.
brife oi le brife be lo berti se la'u li du'e carmi Oh, the northern wind is too strong. x1 is a breeze / wind / gale from direction x2 with speed x3; x1 blows from x2. See also {tcima}.
briju ti briju le mikce le tcadu This is the doctor's city office. x1 is an office / bureau / work-place of worker x2 at location x3. See also {jibri}, {gunka}.
brisni lu ma nuzba li'u brisni "What's up?" is a grammatical clause.
brisni lu mi dunda ti do cu brisni zo dunda zo mi ce'o zo ti ce'o zo do "I give this to you." is a clause with the main verb "give" that has sequential places "I","this","you".
broda .i mi pu klama cei broda le zarci i ba bo mi ze'a sipna .i xu do ba broda I went to the market, and then I slept. Will you go to the market? x1 is a 1st assignable variable predicate (context determines place structure). See also cmavo list {bu'a}.
brunete doi la alis ma traji le ka do nelci vau fo lo'e blondine ce lo'e brunete Alice, whom do you like more, blondes or brunets?
bu mi pilno la'e me'o vy bu vy bu vy bu I use WWW. convert any single word to BY.
bu la alis pu klama pa zarci i je ku'i mi na djuno le du'u a bu pu te vecnu ma kau Alice went to a store, but I don't know what A (Alice) bought. convert any single word to BY.
bu'a fau le nu do djica le nu bu'a cu bu'a gau ko If there is something you want to happen, make it happen. logically quantified predicate variable: some selbri 1.
bu'e su'o bu'a su'o bu'e su'o bu'i zo'u le nu bu'a cu ka'e se jalge le nu bu'e ca le nu bu'i There is an event X, an event Y and event Z such that X can lead to Y during Z. logically quantified predicate variable: some selbri 2.
bu'i su'o bu'a su'o bu'e su'o bu'i zo'u le nu bu'a cu ka'e se jalge le nu bu'e ca le nu bu'i There is an event X, an event Y and event Z such that X can lead to Y during Z. logically quantified predicate variable: some selbri 3.
bu'o za'o ku do klama mo'u ui bu'o At last you arrived, and I'm happy now! attitudinal contour: start emotion - continue emotion - end emotion.
bu'o ua nai bu'o cu'i la alis cu simsa fi le ka na zvati What's going on, Alice is also not present. attitudinal contour: start emotion - continue emotion - end emotion.
bu'o u'i bu'o nai mi di'a gunka Enough laughing, I'm back to work. attitudinal contour: start emotion - continue emotion - end emotion.
bu'u mi xabju ze'a le nanca be li ci le bu'u dinju I've been living for three years in this house. location tense relation / direction; coincident with / at the same place as; space equivalent of ca.
bu'u le mi'u verba ca sipna bu'u le mi'u kumfa The child is now sleeping in the room. location tense relation / direction; coincident with / at the same place as; space equivalent of ca.
bukpu le bukpu cu cpana le jubme The cloth is on the table. x1 is an amount of cloth / fabric of type / material x2. See also {mapni}, {matli}, {sunla}, {slasi}, {silka}.
bumru le xamsi cu bumru loi lenku dirgo The sea is covered by a fog of cold drops. x1 is foggy / misty / covered by a fog / mist / vapor of liquid x2. See also {djacu}, {carvi}, {danmo}, {lunsa}, {tcima}, {gapci}.
bunda ti voi tanxe cu bunda li pa no le ka glico This box is 10 Engish pounds in weight. x1 is x2 (def. 1) local weight unit(s) [non-metric], standard x3, subunits [e.g. ounces] x4. (additional subunit places may be added as x5, x6, ...); See also {grake}, {junta}, {tilju}, {rupnu}, {fepni}, {dekpu}, {gutci}, {minli}, {merli}, {kramu}.
bunre le bunre gerku pu zvafa'i le pa blabi ractu The brown dog found a white rabbit. x1 is brown / tan [color adjective]. See also {skari}, {blabi}, {xekri}, {kandi}, {carmi}.
burcu ti burcu lo'e nu punji lo cinta vau lei cmalu This is a brush for painting with small bristles. x1 is a brush for purpose x2 (event) with bristles x3. See also {komcu}, {pinsi}.
burna xu do burna le nu do pilno la lojban Are you disconcerted of using Lojban? x1 is embarrassed / disconcerted / flustered / ill-at-ease about / under conditions x2 (abstraction). See also {cinmo}.
ca .i lei rirni pu zvati le barja .i ca bo lei verba cu kansa no da bu'u le zdani The parents were in the bar; meanwhile the children were alone at home. time tense relation / direction: is [selbri]; during / simultaneous with [sumti]; present tense.
ca .i ko smaji ca le nu mi tavla Be quite while I'm talking. time tense relation / direction: is [selbri]; during / simultaneous with [sumti]; present tense.
ca ca le nu do steba le nu do kansa no da zo'u ko morji le se gleki be mi'o mokca When you feel frustrated about being lonely, remember the happy moments we had together. time tense relation / direction: is [selbri]; during / simultaneous with [sumti]; present tense.
ca mi pu prami do i mi ca prami do i mi ba prami do I loved you. I love you. I will love you. time tense relation / direction: is [selbri]; during / simultaneous with [sumti]; present tense.
ca le pendo be mi be'o joi mi pu mo'u klama le pa cizra stuzi ca le nu no lu'a vo'a sanji le du'u le stuzi ka'e jai ckape My friend and I arrived at a strange place lacking the awareness that it can be dangerous. time tense relation / direction: is [selbri]; during / simultaneous with [sumti]; present tense.
ca'a mi ca'a limna I'm actually swimming. modal aspect: actuality / ongoing event.
ca'a la kevin ca ca'a jatna Kevin is now acting as a captain. modal aspect: actuality / ongoing event.
ca'e ca'e do zutse va You sit there! evidential: I define. See also {mitcu'a}, {mitsmu}.
ca'e ca'e do klama ka'ai mi You go with me! evidential: I define. See also {mitcu'a}, {mitsmu}.
ca'e ca'e le se gunka cu mulno The work is hereby done. evidential: I define. See also {mitcu'a}, {mitsmu}.
ca'e ca'e gusni Let there be light! evidential: I define. See also {mitcu'a}, {mitsmu}.
ca'o le verba ca'o citka The child is eating. interval event contour: during ...; continuative |-----|.
ca'u le snime cu mitre li pa ca'u le vorme pe do There is snow one meter thick in front of your door. location tense relation / direction; forwards / to the front of ...
cabdei le cabdei cu detri li jy dy ze Today is Sunday.
cabna so'i roi ku lo xamgu fasnu cu cabna lo xlali fasnu Good events often happen at the same time as bad events. x1 is current at / in the present of / during / concurrent / simultaneous with x2 in time. (default x2 is the present resulting in:) x1 is now; time relationship only, 'aorist' claiming simultaneity does not mean one event does not extend into the past or future of the other. See also {zvati}, {balvi}, {purci}, cmavo list {ca}, cmavo list {ca'a}.
cabra ti cabra le ka zalvi le gurni vau le xance This is a hand-controlled machine for grinding grain. x1 is apparatus / mechanism / device / equipment for function x2 controlled / [triggered] by x3 (agent). Form determined by / from function; does not imply automated / automatic action - requires an external agent / trigger (a minji may be a zmiku cabra if it requires an external agent to trigger or control the functions that it performs automatically). (cf. {tutci}, {minji}, {finti}; {girzu}, {ganzu} for organizational apparatus, pilno)
cacra lo'e nicte be le cabna bei ti cu cacra li mu At this time and this place, night is 5 hours long. x1 is x2 hours in duration (default is 1 hour) by standard x3. See also {junla}, {mentu}, {snidu}, {tcika}, {temci}.
cadzu pu ku ca le nu do mo'u klama vau mi ru'i cadzu le srasu le jamfu When you arrived I was walking on the grass on foot. x1 walks / strides / paces on surface x2 using limbs x3. See also {stapa}, {bajra}, {klama}, {litru}.
cafne .i mutce cafne fa le nu mi vitke le patfu be mi It's quite often that I visit my father. x1 (event) often / frequently / commonly / customarily occurs / recurs by standard x2. See also {rirci}, {fadni}, {kampu}, {rapli}, {krefu}, {lakne}, cmavo list piso'iroi and similar {compounds}.
cagna ti cagna le pu se zvati be le pa denci le moklu be ra le nu le mikce mo'u vimcu denci bu This is a wound in his mouth at the place where there was a tooth and caused by removal of the tooth by a doctor. $x_1$ is a wound on body $x_2$ at locus $x_3$ caused by $x_4$ Unlike {ve} {xrani} specific to physical injuries pertaining to the surface of an organic body such as skin. Open wounds include {ka'arcagna} for "incision / incised wound", {fercagna} for "laceration", {gukcagna} for "abrasion", {tuncagna} for "puncture wound", {grecagna} for "penetration wound", {batcagna} for "bite wound", {dancagna} for "gunshot wound", {jelcagna} for "burn", {da'ercagna} for "bedsore", {furcagna} for "necrosis"; closed wounds include {daxcagna} for "contusion / bruise", {camdaxcagna} for "hematoma", {ra'ircagna} for "chronic wound".
cai oi cai Ah, pain, I'm going to lose consciousness now!!! attitudinal: strong intensity attitude modifier.
cakla mi nelci lo'e blabi cakla ne se mau lo'e manku cakla I prefer white chocolate to dark chocolate. x1 is made of / contains / is a quantity of chocolate / cocoa. See also {ckafi}.
calku mi nitcu tu'a su'o calku be lo stedu I need a head helmet. x1 is a shell / husk [hard, protective covering] around x2 composed of x3. See also {pilka}, {skapi}, {gacri}, {bartu}.
canci do canci le jvinu be fi mi You disappeared from my view. x1 vanishes / disappears from location x2; x1 ceases to be observed at x2 using senses / sensor x3. Also leaves, goes away (one sense). See also {cliva}, {ganse}, {zgana}, {lebna}, {vimcu}.
cange ti cange le barda tumla le mensi be mi le'e vanjba This is a farm covering a large parcel of land; it's kept by my sister and produces grapes. x1 is a farm / ranch at x2, farmed by x3, raising / producing x4; (adjective:) x1 is agrarian. Also grange; farming is any organized agrarian activity, not limited to plant crops. See also {purdi}, {nurma}, {ferti}, {foldi}, {xarju}.
canja e'u mi canja fo do fe tu'a le bidju le ka gasnu lo nu mi zgana le tatru be do Let me give you these beads in exchange that you show me your breast. x1 exchanges / trades / barters commodity x2 for x3 with x4; x1, x4 is a trader / merchant / businessman. Also (adjective:) x1, x2, x4 is / are commercial (better expressed as ka canja, {kamcanja}). x2 / x3 may be a specific object, a commodity (mass), an event (possibly service), or a property; pedantically, for objects / commodities, this is sumti-raising from ownership of the object / commodity (= {posycanja} for unambiguous semantics); (cf. {dunda}, {friti}, {vecnu}, {zarci}, {jdini}, {pleji}, {jdima}, {jerna}, {kargu}; see note at {jdima} on cost / price / value distinction, {banxa}, {cirko}, {dunda}, {janta}, {kargu}, {prali}, {sfasa}, {zivle})
canko le canko be le karce cu kalri The window in the car is open. x1 is a window / portal / opening [portal] in wall / building / structure x2. See also {vorme}, {bitmu}, {ganlo}, {murta}, {pagre}, {kevna}, {jvinu}, {kalri}, {kuspe}.
canlu le canlu be le purdi cu barda The garden occupies a large space. x1 is space / volume / region / room [at-least-3-dimensional area] occupied by x2. Also occupy (= selca'u). See also {kensa}, {bliku}, {kumfa}, {kevna}, {kunti}, {tubnu}, {dekpu}.
canpa ti canpa lo'e dertu ji lo'e snime Is this spade for digging ground or snow? x1 is a shovel / spade [bladed digging implement] for digging x2. See also {kakpa}, {guska}, {tutci}.
canre mi pu penmi le i'u nai prina be le canre bei su'o jamfu I found some footprints in the sand. x1 is a quantity of / contains / is made of sand / grit from source x2 of composition including x3. Also abrasive (= {gukcanre}). See also {bidju}, {rokci}, {zalvi}, {boxna}.
canre mi pu se nandu le ka cadzu lei canre poi gunma lo cmalu rokci It was hard for me to walk on the sand made of small stones. x1 is a quantity of / contains / is made of sand / grit from source x2 of composition including x3. Also abrasive (= {gukcanre}). See also {bidju}, {rokci}, {zalvi}, {boxna}.
canti ro da poi remna zo'u kanpe le nu ba zi le nu da co'a cifnu vau loi jurme co'a xabju lo canti be da For every human it is expected that soon after he is born bacteria colonize his intestines. x1 is a / the gut(s) / entrails / intestines / viscera / innards / digestive system [body-part] of x2. Metaphor: process hub. See also {betfu}.
carce mi sazri le pa carce be lo'e karce I am driving a car transporter. x1 is a cart / carriage / wagon [wheeled vehicle] for carrying x2, propelled by x3. See also {karce}, {xislu}, {marce}, {matra}.
carmi ti voi bombila cu carmi le ka te gusni vau mi This light bulb gives a light bright to me. x1 is intense / bright / saturated / brilliant in property (ka) x2 as received / measured by observer x3. Also lustrous, gleaming, sparkling, shining (all probably better metaphorically combined with gusni: gusycai or camgu'i); in colors, refers principally to increased saturation (with opposite kandi). See also {denmi}, {gusni}, {kandi}, {ruble}, {skari}, {tilju}, {tsali}, {mutce}, {blabi}, {blanu}, {bunre}, {cicna}, {crino}, {grusi}, {narju}, {nukni}, {pelxu}, {xekri}, {xunre}, {zirpu}.
carna ko carna fi le pritu Turn to the right. x1 turns about vector x2 towards direction x3, turning angular distance / to face point x4 Also revolve (= {jincarna}). See also {gunro}, {jendu}. New definition of {carna} originally proposed by Robin Lee Powell and backward-compatible with the old one. Official definition: x1 turns / rotates / revolves around axis x2 in direction x3.
carna ko carna fi le pritu Turn right. x1 turns about vector x2 towards direction x3, turning angular distance / to face point x4 Also revolve (= {jincarna}). See also {gunro}, {jendu}. New definition of {carna} originally proposed by Robin Lee Powell and backward-compatible with the old one. Official definition: x1 turns / rotates / revolves around axis x2 in direction x3.
carna i ko carna le kojna le pritu Turn right around the corner. x1 turns about vector x2 towards direction x3, turning angular distance / to face point x4 Also revolve (= {jincarna}). See also {gunro}, {jendu}. New definition of {carna} originally proposed by Robin Lee Powell and backward-compatible with the old one. Official definition: x1 turns / rotates / revolves around axis x2 in direction x3.
carna ro da poi mokca le xislu zo'u da go nai carna le jendu le pritu be ri bei mi gi'e galtu be mi bei le jendu gi carna le jendu le zunle be ri bei mi gi'e dizlo be mi bei le jendu The wheel was rotating around the rod counterclockwise when viewed by me. x1 turns about vector x2 towards direction x3, turning angular distance / to face point x4 Also revolve (= {jincarna}). See also {gunro}, {jendu}. New definition of {carna} originally proposed by Robin Lee Powell and backward-compatible with the old one. Official definition: x1 turns / rotates / revolves around axis x2 in direction x3.
carna le xislu pu ca'o ca'a carna le grana The wheel was rotating around the rod. x1 turns about vector x2 towards direction x3, turning angular distance / to face point x4 Also revolve (= {jincarna}). See also {gunro}, {jendu}. New definition of {carna} originally proposed by Robin Lee Powell and backward-compatible with the old one. Official definition: x1 turns / rotates / revolves around axis x2 in direction x3.
cartu ti cartu le fange tcadu le dargu This is a map showing roads of an alien city. x1 is a chart / diagram / map of / about x2 showing formation / data-points x3. See also {platu}.
cartu gau ko mi zgana le cartu be le nu'o se zvati be mi'o Show me a map of places where you and I haven't been. x1 is a chart / diagram / map of / about x2 showing formation / data-points x3. See also {platu}.
carvi ca ca'o carvi It's raining. x1 rains / showers / [precipitates] to x2 from x3; x1 is precipitation [not limited to 'rain']. See also {bratu}, {dilnu}, {santa}, {snime}, {tcima}, {bisli}, {bumru}.
carvi le snime pu carmi carvi le lalxu pa barda dilnu It was snowing hard onto the lake from a large cloud. x1 rains / showers / [precipitates] to x2 from x3; x1 is precipitation [not limited to 'rain']. See also {bratu}, {dilnu}, {santa}, {snime}, {tcima}, {bisli}, {bumru}.
casnu ra joi mi pu casnu le pa arte She and I discussed a piece of art. x1(s) (mass normally, but 1 individual / jo'u possible) discuss(es) / talk(s) about topic / subject x2. Also chat, converse. See also {bacru}, {cusku}, {darlu}, {tavla}.
catke le nixli pu catke le nanla le stedu be ri The girl pushed the boy on his head. x1 [agent] shoves / pushes x2 at locus x3. Move by pushing / shoving (= {ca'ermuvgau}). (cf. danre for non-agentive force, lacpu)
catlu ko catlu mi Look at me. x1 looks at / examines / views / inspects / regards / watches / gazes at x2. Also look through (= {grecta}, {ravycta}, {bacycta}); note that English 'look' often means a more generic 'observe'. See also {jvinu}, {minra}, {simlu}, {viska}, {lanli}, {zgana}, {setca}, {viska}.
catni mi co'a catni le ka cange ti ce'u vau le du'u le patfu be mi cu curmi le nu nei The authority to be a farmer on this land has been given to me by my father. x1 has authority / is an official in / on / over matter / sphere / persons x2 derived on basis x3. See also {turni}, {tutra}, {krati}, cmavo list {ca'i}, {jaspu}, {pulji}.
catra ra kakne le ka catra re cipni le ka pilno pa rokci He can kill two birds with one stone. x1 (agent) kills / slaughters / murders x2 by action / method x3. See also {morsi}, {xarci}.
caucni mi caucni do I miss you.
caxno ti voi lalxu cu caxno le ka sraji vau le sefta be vo'a This lake is shallow in separating its bottom from its surface. x1 is shallow in extent in direction / property x2 away from reference point x3 by standard x4. See also {condi}, {tordu}, {jarki}, {cinla}, {cmalu}, {jarki}, {jmifa}.
ce'i le ninmu cu ji'i mu no ce'i si'ei le remna Approximately 50% of humans are women. digit / number: % percentage symbol, hundredths.
ce'o li pa ce'o li re ce'o li ci cu porsi 1,2,3 is a sequence. non-logical connective: ordered sequence link; and then, forming a sequence.
ce'u la alis la an cu zmadu le ka mi nelci ce'u I like Alice more than Ann. pseudo-quantifier binding a variable within an abstraction that represents an open place.
cecla ti cecla lo'e fagri This is a fire gun. x1 launches / fires / shoots projectile / missile x2, propelled by x3 [propellant / propulsion]. Also: x1 is a gun / launcher / cannon; x1 hurls / throws / casts (more general than renro in that propulsion need not be internal to x1). See also {renro}, {danti}, {jakne}, {jbama}, {spoja}.
cecmu le pa cecmu be lo cipni mo'u muvdu le bu'u tcadu A colony of birds moved to this city. x1 is a community / colony of organisms x2. See also {bende}, {kulnu}, {natmi}, {tcadu}, {jecta}, {girzu}.
cedra le cabna cu cedra le nu pilno le skami These days are the era of using computers. x1 is an era / epoch / age characterized by x2 (event / property / interval / idea). (x2 interval should be the defining boundaries; if merely a characterizing period, the nature of the interval should be expressed in an abstract bridi, or the interval should be marked with tu'a; x2 may also be characteristic object(s) or practices of the era, if marked with tu'a); See also {ranji}, {temci}, {citsi}.
cei mi ba klama cei broda le zarci i au do broda I will go to the store. I'd like you go there too. selbri variable assignment; assigns broda series pro-bridi to a selbri.
cei le'e verba mlatu cei broda zo'u mi nelci le'e broda poi blabi gi'e ku'i na nelci le'e broda poi xekri As for kittens I like white ones but don't like black ones. selbri variable assignment; assigns broda series pro-bridi to a selbri.
cenba do cenba le ka cpedu ma kau vau le barda Your demands vary to much degree. x1 varies / changes in property / quantity x2 (ka / ni) in amount / degree x3 under conditions x4. Non-resultative, not-necessarily causal change. (cf. cenba which is non-resultative, galfi which is resultative and causal, stika which is non-resultative and causal; stodi, zasni, binxo)
cenba ro linji ka'e cenba le ka clani ma kau vau ro da Any line segment can be changed in its length to any degree. x1 varies / changes in property / quantity x2 (ka / ni) in amount / degree x3 under conditions x4. Non-resultative, not-necessarily causal change. (cf. cenba which is non-resultative, galfi which is resultative and causal, stika which is non-resultative and causal; stodi, zasni, binxo)
censa le bu'u tcadu cu censa ro prenu pe vi This city is holy to all people here. x1 is holy / sacred to person / people / culture / religion / cult / group x2. See also {cevni}, {krici}, {latna}, {pruxi}, {lijda}, {sinma}.
centero ti noi tcadu cu centero le te gugde This city is in the center of the country.
centi le insekto cu centi le ka ce'u mitre li xo kau vau le ka ce'u clani The insect is 1 centimeter long. x1 is a hundredth [1 / 100; $1*10^{-2}$] of x2 in dimension / aspect x3 (default is units). See also {grake}, {mitre}, {snidu}, {stero}, {delno}, {molro}, {kelvo}, {xampo}, {gradu}, {litce}, {merli}, {decti}, {dekto}, {femti}, {gigdo}, {gocti}, {gotro}, {kilto}, {megdo}, {mikri}, {milti}, {nanvi}, {petso}, {picti}, {terto}, {xatsi}, {xecto}, {xexso}, {zepti}, {zetro}.
cerda mi cerda le ka ponse le dinju vau le patfu be mi su'o se djica be ri I inherited the house from my father according to his will. x1 is an heir to / is to inherit x2 (object / quality) from x3 according to rule x4. Pedantically, inheriting an object should be a sumti-raising (tu'a if non-abstract in x2) of inheriting loka ponse the object - the ownership of the object (= {posycerda}, posyselcerda for unambiguous {semantics}). See also {jgina}.
cermurse mi ba klama le boske ca le cermurse be le bavlamdei bei ti I will go to forest tomorrow at dawn at this place.
cerni cerni coi Good morning! x1 is a morning [dawn until after typical start-of-work for locale] of day x2 at location x3. This morning (= {cabdeicerni}); tomorrow morning (= {bavlamcerni}); yesterday morning (= {prulamcerni}, {prulamdeicerni}) See also {vanci}, {murse}, {tcika}.
cerni ca cerni pa cnino la .nipon. It is now the morning of a new day in Japan. x1 is a morning [dawn until after typical start-of-work for locale] of day x2 at location x3. This morning (= {cabdeicerni}); tomorrow morning (= {bavlamcerni}); yesterday morning (= {prulamcerni}, {prulamdeicerni}) See also {vanci}, {murse}, {tcika}.
certu-- fau ei ro da mi se zu'e se marvele le nu le mi'u prenu se la'u li xo kau certu le ka limna I cannot but wonder at his skill in swimming.
cevni do cevni mi le nu carvi You are a god of rain for me. x1 is a / the god / deity of people(s) / religion x2 with dominion over x3 [sphere]; x1 is divine. Also divinity; x2 religion refers to the religious community as a mass. See also {censa}, {krici}, {lijda}, {malsi}.
cfari de'i li cy xo le se tigni cu cfari At what time does the performance begin? x1 [state / event / process] commences / initiates / starts / begins to occur; (intransitive verb). See also {sisti}, {krasi}, {fanmo}, {co'acfa}.
cfika la'e lu la lunra cu kusru turni li'u cfika le logji bangu 'The Moon is a harsh mistress' is a fiction about logical languages. x1 is a work of fiction about plot / theme / subject x2 / under convention x2 by author x3. Also story, lie, untrue. See also {cukta}, {lisri}, {prosa}, {fatci}, {jitfa}, {jetnu}, {xanri}.
cfila mi se cfila le nu le drata cu xanka I have my faults making other nervous. x1 (property - ka) is a flaw / fault / defect in x2 causing x3. See also {cikre}, {srera}, {fenra}, {fliba}, {prane}.
cfine mi pu setca pa cfine le loldi te zu'e le nu le mi'u vorme co'a kalri I drove a wedge into the floor so that the door was open. x1 is a wedge [shape / form / tool] of material x2. See also {tutci}.
cfipu zo zabna jai cfipu mi le ka se smuni To me {zabna} is confusing in meaning. x1 (event / state) confuses / baffles x2 [observer] due to [confusing] property x3 (ka). See also {pluja}, {cfipu}, {zunti}.
cfipu do je'a xu se cfipu le ka cuxna le ka zukte ma kau Are you really confused of deciding what to do? x1 (event / state) confuses / baffles x2 [observer] due to [confusing] property x3 (ka). See also {pluja}, {cfipu}, {zunti}.
ci ci delfinu ca limna vi le korbi There are three dolphins swimming near the shore. digit / number: 3 (digit) [three].
ci'angulo ma se sinxa ti noi ci'angulo What does this triangle signify?
ci'e ci'e la internet le vrici prenu ka'e jikca zu'ai In the system of the internet, various people can socialize with each other. ciste modal, 1st place used in scalar negation in system / context ...
ci'erkei xu do ci'erkei la fudbol Do you play soccer?
ci'i ci'i da te cuxna There is an infinite number of possibilities. digit / number: infinity; followed by digits => aleph cardinality.
ci'i ci'i da te cuxna fi le pa prenu i je ci'i re da te cuxna fi le re prenu There is an infinite number of possibilities for one man, and twice as many for two men. digit / number: infinity; followed by digits => aleph cardinality.
cibjmagutci le foldi cu clani le ka cibjmagutci li pa re no le ka glico The field is 120 yards in length. $g_1$ is $g_2$ yard / yards (length unit). Cf. {ci}, {jamfu}, {gutci}, {degygutci}, {jmagutci}, {birgutci}, {minli}.
ciblu le ciblu be mi cu klesi li a bu ma'u bu My blood type is A positive. x1 is blood / vital fluid of organism x2. See also {risna}, {flecu}.
cicna le vanci tsani co'a cicna The evening sky became turquoise. x1 is cyan / turquoise / greenish-blue [color adjective]. See also {skari}, {blabi}, {xekri}, {kandi}, {carmi}, {crino}, {blanu}.
cidja le rectu na cidja le xirma Meat is not a food for horses. x1 is food / feed / nutriment for x2; x1 is edible / gives nutrition to x2. See also {citka}, {nitcu}, {pinxe}, {xagji}, {cpina}.
cidja mi nelci le jungo cidja I like Chinese food. x1 is food / feed / nutriment for x2; x1 is edible / gives nutrition to x2. See also {citka}, {nitcu}, {pinxe}, {xagji}, {cpina}.
cidni le cidni be le tuple be mi cu se xrani My knee is injured. x1 is a / the knee / elbow / knuckle [hinged joint, body-part] of limb x2 of body x3. Metaphor: a sharp bend / curve. See also {korcu}, {jarco}, {jganu}.
cidro le cidro cu traji linto se ratni Hydrogen is the lightest element. x1 is a quantity of / contains / is made of hydrogen (H); [metaphor: light, flammable]. See also {gapci}, {xukmi}.
cifnu xu le mi'u cifnu xa'o jimpe le lojbo se smusku Does the infant understand Lojban yet? x1 is an infant / baby [helpless through youth / incomplete development] of species x2. Also infantile. See also {makcu}, {verba}.
cigla ti cigla le xasne le remna This human gland secrets sweat. x1 is a / the gland [body-part] secreting x2, of body x3; x2 is a secretion of x1. Secretion (= {selcigla}). See also {vikmi}, {xasne}.
cikna xu su'o do cikna Is any of you awake? (adjective:) x1 is awake / alert / conscious. See also {sanji}, {sipna}, {tatpi}.
cikna mi pu co'a clira cikna I got up early. (adjective:) x1 is awake / alert / conscious. See also {sanji}, {sipna}, {tatpi}.
cikna ko jai gau cikna fai mi de'i li cy bi Wake me up at 8. (adjective:) x1 is awake / alert / conscious. See also {sanji}, {sipna}, {tatpi}.
cikre mi cikre le mi'u spofu stizu le ka ka'e se zutse I repair the chair so that one can sit on it. x1 repairs / mends / fixes x2 for use x3. A repair may be incomplete, fixing only one of the possible uses of x2, hence x3. See also {cfila}, {spofu}.
ciksi mi pu ciksi fi le mi'u ctuca fe le nu mi na zvati le nu penmi vau fo le nu mi na pu djuno le du'u sarcu fa le nu mi zvati nu bu I explained to the teacher my absence at the meeting that I didn't know that I should've been there. x1 (person) explains x2 (event / state / property) to x3 with explanation x4 (du'u). Explanation x4 is an underlying mechanism / details / purpose / method for x2 (= velcki for reordered places), generally assumed to be non-obvious; metaphorical usage with the various causal relations (i.e. jalge, mukti, krinu, rinka, nibli, zukte) is possible, but the non-obviousness, and the existence of an explainer with a point of view makes this word not a simple expression of cause. See also {cipra}, {danfu}, {jalge}, {jinvi}, {krinu}, {mukti}, {nabmi}, {preti}, {rinka}, {sidbo}, {zukte}, {tavla}.
ciksi le gidva pu ciksi fi mi'a fe le nu mi'a cliva ca le lerci vau le nu le aftobuso nu'o mo'u klama The guide explained to us that we would leave later in that the bus hadn't yet arrived. x1 (person) explains x2 (event / state / property) to x3 with explanation x4 (du'u). Explanation x4 is an underlying mechanism / details / purpose / method for x2 (= velcki for reordered places), generally assumed to be non-obvious; metaphorical usage with the various causal relations (i.e. jalge, mukti, krinu, rinka, nibli, zukte) is possible, but the non-obviousness, and the existence of an explainer with a point of view makes this word not a simple expression of cause. See also {cipra}, {danfu}, {jalge}, {jinvi}, {krinu}, {mukti}, {nabmi}, {preti}, {rinka}, {sidbo}, {zukte}, {tavla}.
cilce ti noi foldi cu cilce This field is untamed. (adjective:) x1 is wild / untamed. Tame (= {tolcilce}). See also {pinfu}, {panpi}, {tarti}.
cilce ra sazri pa cilce xirma He rides an untamed horse. (adjective:) x1 is wild / untamed. Tame (= {tolcilce}). See also {pinfu}, {panpi}, {tarti}.
cilmo ko lumci le mi'u canko se pi'o le cilmo bukpu Clean the window with a damp cloth. x1 is moist / wet / damp with liquid x2. See also {litki}, {lunsa}, {sudga}.
cilre mi cilre fi la .lojban. I learn Lojban. x1 learns x2 (du'u) about subject x3 from source x4 (obj. / event) by method x5 (event / process). See also {ctuca}, {tadni}, {djuno}, {ckule}.
cilre mi pu cilre le du'u le remna na smani I learnt that humans are not monkeys. x1 learns x2 (du'u) about subject x3 from source x4 (obj. / event) by method x5 (event / process). See also {ctuca}, {tadni}, {djuno}, {ckule}.
cilre mi tcidu mu'i le nu mi cilre I read in order to learn. x1 learns x2 (du'u) about subject x3 from source x4 (obj. / event) by method x5 (event / process). See also {ctuca}, {tadni}, {djuno}, {ckule}.
cilre mi so'i da pu'i cilre fo le nu mi pu zgana le cipni I learned a lot from watching birds. x1 learns x2 (du'u) about subject x3 from source x4 (obj. / event) by method x5 (event / process). See also {ctuca}, {tadni}, {djuno}, {ckule}.
cilta mi pu katna le mi'u cilta le ci mei I cut the wire into three pieces. x1 is a thread / filament / wire [shape / form] of material x2. See also {fenso}, {nivji}, {skori}, {silka}.
cimde le mitre be li re cu cimde le mi'u kumfa le ka clani Two meters is the dimension of the room in length. x1 (property - ka) is a dimension of space / object x2 according to rules / model x3. See also {morna}, {ckilu}, {merli}, {manri}.
cimni si'au le nu penmi cu cimni le ka se ditcu It seems to me, the meeting will never end. x1 is infinite / unending / eternal in property / dimension x2, to degree x3 (quantity) / of type x3. Also everlasting, eternity, (= {cimnytei}), eternal (= cimnyteikai or {temcimni}). See also {vitno}, {renvi}, {munje}, {fanmo}, {sisti}.
cimni le mi'u munje cu cimni le ka se canlu The world is infinite in space. x1 is infinite / unending / eternal in property / dimension x2, to degree x3 (quantity) / of type x3. Also everlasting, eternity, (= {cimnytei}), eternal (= cimnyteikai or {temcimni}). See also {vitno}, {renvi}, {munje}, {fanmo}, {sisti}.
cinba mi pu cinba le mi'u fetsi re'o pa kerlo I kissed her in the ear. x1 (agent) kisses / busses x2 at locus x3. See also {ctebi}.
cindu xu da cindu bu'u le mi'u cmana Are there oak trees on the mountain? x1 is an oak, a type of tree of species / strain x2. See also {tricu}.
cinfo mi pu se spaji le ka viska le cinfo I was surprised to see a lion. x1 is a lion / [lioness] of species / breed x2. See also {mlatu}.
cinje da cinje le bukpu There are creases in the cloth. x1 is a wrinkle / crease / fold [shape / form] in x2. See also {korcu}, {polje}, {boxfo}, {boxna}.
cinje gau ko ri xutla Smooth out it. x1 is a wrinkle / crease / fold [shape / form] in x2. See also {korcu}, {polje}, {boxfo}, {boxna}.
cinki lo ka insekto cu ka cinki Insects are arthropods. x1 is an insect / arthropod of species x2; [bug / beetle]. See also {civla}, {danlu}, {jalra}, {jukni}, {manti}, {sfani}, {toldi}, {bifce}.
cinla le mi'u ninmu cu cinla le ka se tuple The woman has thin legs. x1 is thin in direction / dimension x2 by standard x3; [relatively short in smallest dimension]. See also {rotsu}, {jarki}, {tordu}, {cmalu}, {caxno}, {plana}, {jarki}.
cinmo mi cinmo le ka gleki vau le nu mi'o tavla zu'ai bau la lojban I feel happy that we talk in Lojban. x1 feels emotion x2 (ka) about x3. Also mood / humor (= {nuncni}). See also cmavo list {ci'o}, {cumla}, {jilra}, {nelci}, {xendo}, {ckeji}, {cortu}, {jgira}, {kecti}, {kufra}, {manci}, {prami}, {steba}, {zungi}, {badri}, {burna}, {gleki}.
cinri .i ma paunai se cinri le cabna be lenu ra co'a speni Who cares when she gets married? x1 (abstraction) interests / is interesting to x2; x2 is interested in x1. Use x1 tu'a for non-specific interest in an object; interested in (= {selci'i}). See also {zdile}, {kucli}, {manci}, {kurji}.
cinta mi pu punji le cinta be le kliti bei le sovda le mi'u bitmu I put an oil paint (with clay as a pigment) on to the wall. x1 [material] is a paint of pigment / active substance x2, in a base of x3. See also {pixra}, {skari}.
cintura le cintura be do cu klani ma le ka clani What is the length of your waist?
cinza lei re cinza be le manti bei lei cidja ca ca'o sutra muvdu The two pincers of the ant used to pinch food are quickly moving. x1 is a / are tong(s) / chopsticks / pincers / tweezers / pliers [tool / body-part] for x2 to pinch x3. See also {tutci}.
cipni le mi'u pa cipni ca'o vofli The bird is flying. x1 is a bird / avian / fowl of species x2. See also {datka}, {gunse}, {jipci}, {nalci}, {pimlu}, {vofli}, {xruki}, {danlu}.
cipra le nu catlu le kanla be do cu cipra le nu do stace se la'u li xo kau To look into your eyes is a test of your sincerity. x1 (process / event) is a test for / proof of property / state x2 in subject x3 (individ. / set / mass). Also examination, proxy measure, validation; (a set in x3 must be completely specified). See also {ciksi}, {troci}, {jarco}, {pajni}, {saske}.
cipra mi pu gasnu le cipra be tu'a le mi'u karce I tested the car. x1 (process / event) is a test for / proof of property / state x2 in subject x3 (individ. / set / mass). Also examination, proxy measure, validation; (a set in x3 must be completely specified). See also {ciksi}, {troci}, {jarco}, {pajni}, {saske}.
cipra ba zi ku mi jai se cipra I will have a test soon. x1 (process / event) is a test for / proof of property / state x2 in subject x3 (individ. / set / mass). Also examination, proxy measure, validation; (a set in x3 must be completely specified). See also {ciksi}, {troci}, {jarco}, {pajni}, {saske}.
cirko mi cirko le ka kakne le ka sazri le xirma vau le ka xabju le tcadu I lost my ability to ride a horse while living in the city. x1 loses person / thing x2 at / near x3; x1 loses property / feature x2 in conditions / situation x3. x2 may be a specific object, a commodity (mass), an event (rare for cirko), or a property; pedantically, for objects / commodities, this is sumti-raising from ownership of the object / commodity (= {po'ecri}, posyselcri for unambiguous {semantics}). See also {facki}, {ralte}, {sisku}, {claxu}, {jinga}, {pleji}, {canja}, {sfasa}, {dapma}, {binra}, {mipri}.
cirkulo mi pu ciska pa cirkulo I drew a circle.
cirla xu do djica tu'a le cirla Would you like cheese? x1 is a quantity of / contains cheese / curd from source x2. See also {ladru}.
ciska mi ba ciska lu coi munje li'u le pelji I will write "Hello, world!" on the paper. x1 inscribes / writes x2 on display / storage medium x3 with writing implement x4; x1 is a scribe. Also x3 writing surface. See also {papri}, {penbi}, {pinsi}, {tcidu}, {xatra}, {pixra}, {prina}, {finti} for 'author' or specific authorial works, {barna}, {pinka}.
cisma se ja'e ma do cisma Why are you smiling? x1 smiles / grins (facial expression). Smile / grin at something (= {cismyfra}). See also {xajmi}, {cmila}, {frumu}.
ciste le kibro cu ciste le se tcana be le skami poi se pi'o ce'u le prenu cu jikca The internet is a system with computer nodes, using which people communicate. x1 (mass) is a system interrelated by structure x2 among components x3 (set) displaying x4 (ka). x1 (or x3) is synergistic in x4; also network; x2 also relations, rules; x3 also elements (set completely specified); x4 systemic functions / properties. See also cmavo list {ci'e}, {cmima}, {girzu}, {gunma}, {stura}, {tadji}, {munje}, {farvi}, {ganzu}, {judri}, {julne}, {klesi}, {morna}, {tcana}.
citka .i mi mo'u citka le pa badna .e le re plise I've eaten a banana and two apples. x1 eats / ingests / consumes (transitive verb) x2. See also {cidja}, {pinxe}, {tunlo}, {xagji}, {xaksu}, {batci}, {gusta}, {kabri}.
citno le nixli cu citno le ka lifri le xo kau mei The girl is young in how much she experienced. x1 is young / youthful [relatively short in elapsed duration] by standard x2. Also age (= {nilnalci'o}); (adjective:) x1 is junior. See also {laldo}, {cnino}, {slabu}, {verba}.
citri mi tadni le citri be le mi'u kagni bei le cnino lanli I'm studying the history of the company according to new analysts. x1 is a history of x2 according to x3 (person) / from point-of-view x3. Also historic / historical (= {cirtermo'i}, {cirvai}). See also {muzga}.
citsi ca citsi le nu carvi vau le pa no no mu moi Now it's the season of rains of year 2005. x1 is a season / is seasonal [cyclical interval], defined by interval / property x2, of year(s) x3. Also anniversary (= {citsydei}, {na'arcitsydei}), jubilee (= {mumnoncitsi}); the period of time may be short or long as indicated by x2, and may occur every year or every nth year as indicated by x3 (default every year); (x2 and / or x3 may need metaphorical restriction: djecitsi, pavdeicitsi; also equinox, solstice, time of year. See also {cedra}, {crisa}, {critu}, {dunra}, {ranji}, {temci}, {vensa}, {jbena}.
citsi vi ku le dunra cu citsi le nu lenku Here, winter is a cold season. x1 is a season / is seasonal [cyclical interval], defined by interval / property x2, of year(s) x3. Also anniversary (= {citsydei}, {na'arcitsydei}), jubilee (= {mumnoncitsi}); the period of time may be short or long as indicated by x2, and may occur every year or every nth year as indicated by x3 (default every year); (x2 and / or x3 may need metaphorical restriction: djecitsi, pavdeicitsi; also equinox, solstice, time of year. See also {cedra}, {crisa}, {critu}, {dunra}, {ranji}, {temci}, {vensa}, {jbena}.
civla xu le civla be fi le gerku cu ckape le remna Are dog louses dangerous to humans? x1 is a louse / flea [blood-sucking arthropod] of species / breed x2, parasitic on x3. See also {cinki}, {jalra}.
cizra .i le valsi cu cizra mi le ka se smuni makau The word is strange to me in meaning. x1 is strange / weird / deviant / bizarre / odd to x2 in property x3 (ka). Also alien, mysterious, deviant, queer, unusual, exotic. See also {ranxi}, {rirci}, {fange}, {banli}.
cizra .i cizra fa le nu la .tom. na zvati It's strange that Tom is not present. x1 is strange / weird / deviant / bizarre / odd to x2 in property x3 (ka). Also alien, mysterious, deviant, queer, unusual, exotic. See also {ranxi}, {rirci}, {fange}, {banli}.
ckabu le bolci poi ckabu cu plipe ri'a le ka pruni A rubber ball jumps because it is elastic. x1 is a quantity of / contains / is made of rubber / latex from source x2 of composition including x3. See also {pruni}.
ckafi do pinxe le ckafi ji le tcati Will you drink coffee or tea? x1 is made of / contains / is a quantity of coffee from source / bean / grain x2. Brew based on a seed / bean / grain; e.g. also chicory coffee, decaf, postum. See also {tcati}, brewed from a leaf, {barja}, {cakla}.
ckaji le mi'u prenu na simlu gi'e ku'i ja'a ckaji vau le ka ninmu The person doesn't look like a woman but she is. x1 has / is characterized by property / feature / trait / aspect / dimension x2 (ka); x2 is manifest in x1. Manifested / property / quality / trait / feature / aspect (= {selkai}). See also cmavo list {kai}, {tcaci}, {tcini}.
ckaji le ka masno bacru cu se ckaji tu noi nanmu Slow speech is the characteristic of that man. x1 has / is characterized by property / feature / trait / aspect / dimension x2 (ka); x2 is manifest in x1. Manifested / property / quality / trait / feature / aspect (= {selkai}). See also cmavo list {kai}, {tcaci}, {tcini}.
ckana au mi vreta le ckana I want to lie down in bed. x1 is a bed / pallet of material x2 for holding / supporting x3 (person / object / event). See also {kamju}, {kicne}, {nilce}, {palta}, {cpana}, {vreta}, {jubme}, {stizu}, {matci}, {zbepi}, {palne}, {sarji}.
ckape ka'e ckape le nu do kanro vau fa le nu do zukte le se stidi be la kevin It can be dangerous for your health to do what Kevin suggested. x1 is perilous / dangerous / potentially harmful to x2 under conditions x3. x1 is a danger / peril to x2. See also te {bandu}, te {kajde}, te {marbi}, se {snura}, se {xalni}.
ckape do jai se ckape fai le nu do co'a bilma You are at risk of getting ill. x1 is perilous / dangerous / potentially harmful to x2 under conditions x3. x1 is a danger / peril to x2. See also te {bandu}, te {kajde}, te {marbi}, se {snura}, se {xalni}.
ckasu le pendo pu ckasu mi le ka cadzu tai ma kau vau le ka cusku le mabla The friend mocked at the manner I walk by saying bad words. x1 ridicules / mocks / scoffs at x2 about x3 (property / event) by doing activity x4 (event). See also {cmila}.
ckeji le mamta be mi pu ckeji le nu mi tarti ma kau vau lei prenu My mother was ashamed in front of the crowd of my conduct. x1 feels ashamed / mortified / humiliated under conditions x2 before community / audience x3. See also {cinmo}.
ckiku ti ckiku le xunre vorme i ma ckiku le jaspu be do What is the password to your account? x1 is a key fitting / releasing / opening / unlocking lock x2, and having relevant properties x3. Also x2 fastener, mechanism; code key (= {termifckiku}, {kiktermifra}); x3 is dependent on the type of key, but are those form properties of the key that enable it to serve the function of opening the lock - in the case of a metal key to a padlock, for example, this would be the shaft and teeth. See also {stela}.
ckiku mi mo'u cirko le pe mi ckiku I lost my keys. x1 is a key fitting / releasing / opening / unlocking lock x2, and having relevant properties x3. Also x2 fastener, mechanism; code key (= {termifckiku}, {kiktermifra}); x3 is dependent on the type of key, but are those form properties of the key that enable it to serve the function of opening the lock - in the case of a metal key to a padlock, for example, this would be the shaft and teeth. See also {stela}.
ckilu le ka mitre ma kau cu ckilu le ka te sepli ma kau ma kau Metric scale measures the distance between two points. x1 (si'o) is a scale of units for measuring / observing / determining x2 (state). See also cmavo list {ci'u}, {gradu}, {merli}, {cimde}, {manri}.
ckilu .i le ka skari cu ckilu le nu le stizu cu xunre Having a color is the scale of the chair being red. x1 (si'o) is a scale of units for measuring / observing / determining x2 (state). See also cmavo list {ci'u}, {gradu}, {merli}, {cimde}, {manri}.
ckini mi na jimpe le du'u makau te ckini le panci le jai se vecnu be fi do I don't understand the relation between the smell and your purchases. x1 is related to / associated with / akin to x2 by relationship x3. See also cmavo list {ki'i}, {ponse}, {srana}, {steci}, {mapti}, {sarxe}, {fange}.
ckini ti'e le sance cu ckini le barda mabru le ka ce'u cupra ce'u fau le nu ri pagre ti They say the sound is related to a large mammal that produces it while passing here. x1 is related to / associated with / akin to x2 by relationship x3. See also cmavo list {ki'i}, {ponse}, {srana}, {steci}, {mapti}, {sarxe}, {fange}.
ckini le nu da'i mi pu zvati la nipon cu ckini fi no da The fact that I was in Japan is totally irrelevant. x1 is related to / associated with / akin to x2 by relationship x3. See also cmavo list {ki'i}, {ponse}, {srana}, {steci}, {mapti}, {sarxe}, {fange}.
ckire mi ckire do le mi'u ka sidju mi Thank you for helping me. x1 is grateful / thankful to / appreciative of x2 for x3 (event / property). Also gratitude (= {nunckire} or {kamckire}). See also {cinmo}, {friti}, {pluka}.
ckire ckire fi le balvi Thanks in advance. x1 is grateful / thankful to / appreciative of x2 for x3 (event / property). Also gratitude (= {nunckire} or {kamckire}). See also {cinmo}, {friti}, {pluka}.
ckule ti ckule le bu'u gugde le ve mikce le citno tadni This is a medical school serving in this area teaching therapy methods to young students. x1 is school / institute / academy at x2 teaching subject(s) x3 to audien. / commun. x4 operated by x5. Also college, university. See also {cilre}, {ctuca}, {tadni}.
ckule mi ve ckule fi le ralju I'm in primary school. x1 is school / institute / academy at x2 teaching subject(s) x3 to audien. / commun. x4 operated by x5. Also college, university. See also {cilre}, {ctuca}, {tadni}.
ckunu xu le tsiju be ti noi ckunu cu kukte Are pine nuts of this conifer tasty? x1 is a conifer / pine / fir of species / strain x2 with cones x3. See also {tricu}.
cladu le zgike cu cladu le bu'u kumfa ku ji'a The music is loud even when you are in this room. x1 is loud / noisy at observation point x2 by standard x3. See also {savru}.
clani la tom cu clani le ka sraji Tom is tall. x1 is long in dimension / direction x2 (default longest dimension) by measurement standard x3. See also {slabu}, {condi}, {ganra}, {rotsu}, {tordu}, {barda}, {ganra}, {gutci}, {minli}, {rotsu}.
clani le cmana cu clani The mountain is high. x1 is long in dimension / direction x2 (default longest dimension) by measurement standard x3. See also {slabu}, {condi}, {ganra}, {rotsu}, {tordu}, {barda}, {ganra}, {gutci}, {minli}, {rotsu}.
clani le nu penmi pu clani le ka se ditcu The meeting was long. x1 is long in dimension / direction x2 (default longest dimension) by measurement standard x3. See also {slabu}, {condi}, {ganra}, {rotsu}, {tordu}, {barda}, {ganra}, {gutci}, {minli}, {rotsu}.
clani clani le ka mitre li re The length is two meters. x1 is long in dimension / direction x2 (default longest dimension) by measurement standard x3. See also {slabu}, {condi}, {ganra}, {rotsu}, {tordu}, {barda}, {ganra}, {gutci}, {minli}, {rotsu}.
claxu mi claxu le ka djica le ka citka I lack the desire to eat. x1 is without / lacking / free of / lacks x2; x1 is x2-less. See also cmavo list {cau}, {cirko}, {kunti}, {nitcu}, {pindi}, {banzu}.
claxu si'au do claxu le ka cinmo da Looks like you lack any emotions. x1 is without / lacking / free of / lacks x2; x1 is x2-less. See also cmavo list {cau}, {cirko}, {kunti}, {nitcu}, {pindi}, {banzu}.
claxu mi claxu su'o penbi I don't have a pen. x1 is without / lacking / free of / lacks x2; x1 is x2-less. See also cmavo list {cau}, {cirko}, {kunti}, {nitcu}, {pindi}, {banzu}.
clika ti clika fi le rokci This is moss growing on rocks. x1 is a moss / lichen of species / strain x2 growing on x3; (adjective:) x1 is mossy. See also {mledi}.
clira le nu la alis cu cliva le mi'u briju pu clira le se sruma be mi Alice leaving the office was early according to my assumption. x1 (event) is early by standard x2. See also {lerci}.
clite do pu na clite le ka cusku le se du'u le mi'u ctuca na drani You wasn't polite in saying that the teacher isn't right. x1 is polite / courteous / civil in matter x2 according to standard / custom x3. Also formal, ritual. See also {ritli}.
cliva ra pu cliva le mi'u kumfa pa canko He left the room via a window. x1 leaves / goes away / departs / parts / separates from x2 via route x3. Also: x1 leaves behind / takes leave of x2. See also {litru}, {canci}, {vimcu}, {lebna}, {muvdu}.
clupa ko jai se torni le mi'u skori ja'e le nu ri clupa Twist the rope into a loop. x1 is a loop / circuit of x2 [material]. Also noose (= skoclupa, saljgeclupa; there is no indication of shape, but merely that the ends join / meet); closed curve defined by set of points (= {cuptai}). See also {djine}.
cmaci mi tadni le cmaci be le klani I study arithmetic (mathematics of quantity). x1 is a mathematics of type / describing x2. See also {mekso}.
cmalu le nu penmi ba cmalu le ka ditcu The meeting will be short in duration. x1 is small in property / dimension(s) x2 (ka) as compared with standard / norm x3. See also {caxno}, {cinla}, {jarki}, {tordu}, {barda}.
cmalu le mi'u cukta cu cmalu le ka jai vajni The book is of little importance. x1 is small in property / dimension(s) x2 (ka) as compared with standard / norm x3. See also {caxno}, {cinla}, {jarki}, {tordu}, {barda}.
cmana so'i da cmana le bu'u tumla This land has a lot of mountains. x1 is a mountain / hill / mound / [rise] / [peak] / [summit] / [highlands] projecting from land mass x2. See also {punli}, {derxi}.
cmavo zo ka cmavo ma'oi nu {ka} is a grammatical particle of class "NU" (clause prefix) x1 is a structure word of grammatical class x2, with meaning / function x3 in usage (language) x4. x4 may be a specific usage (with an embedded language place) or a massified language description; x3 and x4 may be merely an example of cmavo usage or refer to an actual expression; cmavo list, if physical object (= (loi) ma'oste); referring to the mental construct (e.g. propose adding a new cmavo to the cmavo list = ma'orpoi, ma'orselcmi, ma'orselste). See also {gismu}, {lujvo}, {gerna}, {smuni}, {valsi}.
cmene .i ma cmene do What is your name? x1 (quoted word(s)) is a / the name / title / tag of x2 to / used-by namer / name-user x3 (person). Also: x2 is called x1 by x3 (= selcme for reordered places). See also cmavo list {me'e}, {gismu}, {tcita}, {valsi}, {judri}.
cmene .i mi se cmene zo .bab. My name is Bob. x1 (quoted word(s)) is a / the name / title / tag of x2 to / used-by namer / name-user x3 (person). Also: x2 is called x1 by x3 (= selcme for reordered places). See also cmavo list {me'e}, {gismu}, {tcita}, {valsi}, {judri}.
cmene .i le bruna be mi mi te cmene zo ractu My brother calls me "Rabbit" x1 (quoted word(s)) is a / the name / title / tag of x2 to / used-by namer / name-user x3 (person). Also: x2 is called x1 by x3 (= selcme for reordered places). See also cmavo list {me'e}, {gismu}, {tcita}, {valsi}, {judri}.
cmene le kamni pu xusra le du'u le prenu pu zukte no le se cmene be lu na'e drani li'u bei le kamni The committee asserted that the person had done nothing "incorrect" (quoting the committee's words). x1 (quoted word(s)) is a / the name / title / tag of x2 to / used-by namer / name-user x3 (person). Also: x2 is called x1 by x3 (= selcme for reordered places). See also cmavo list {me'e}, {gismu}, {tcita}, {valsi}, {judri}.
cmevla zo lojban cmevla "Lojban" is cmevla.
cmila ra pu co'a cmila She started laughing. x1 laughs (emotional expression). x1 laughs at x2 (= {mi'afra}). See also {ckasu}, {frumu}, {xajmi}, {cisma}.
cmima mi cmima pa kamni pe le mi'u gugde I am a member of a state committee. x1 is a member / element of set x2; x1 belongs to group x2; x1 is amid / among / amongst group x2. x1 may be a complete or incomplete list of members; x2 is normally marked by la'i / le'i / lo'i, defining the set in terms of its common property(ies), though it may be a complete enumeration of the membership. See also {ciste}, {porsi}, {jbini}, {girzu}, {gunma}, {klesi}, cmavo list {mei}, {kampu}, {lanzu}, {liste}.
cmoni le mi'u prenu pu cmoni zo a le ka gleki The person uttered "A!" expressing his happiness. x1 utters moan / groan / howl / scream [non-linguistic utterance] x2 expressing x3 (property). Also shriek, most animal sounds, e.g. bark, cackle, meow, neigh, moo, honk, baa, crow. See also {krixa}, {bacru}, {cusku}, {cortu}.
cnano le ki'ogra be li ci cu cnano le ka se junta vau le ca zi jbena 3 kilograms is a normal weight of newborns. x1 [value] is a norm / average in property / amount x2 (ka / ni) among x3(s) (set) by standard x4. Also mean, normal, usual; (x3 specifies the complete set). See also {tcaci}, {fadni}, {kampu}, {lakne}, {tarti}, {rirci}.
cnebo le cnebo be le za'u vi ninmu cu clani These women have long necks. x1 is a / the neck [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: a relatively narrow point]. See also {galxe}, {cutne}.
cnemu mi pu cnemu le mi'u gerku le ka bevri le grana vau le ka te cpacu le sakta le mi'u gerku I rewarded the dog for bringing the stick by giving it sugar. x1 (agent) rewards x2 [recipient] for atypical x3 (event / property) with reward / desserts x4. Differs from earned payment because of atypical nature; rewards need not be positive but are in some sense deserved from the point of view of the rewarder: positive reward (= {zanyne'u}), punishment, penalty, demerit (= {malne'u}, {sfane'u}); x4 may be a specific object, a commodity (mass), an event, or a property; pedantically, for objects / commodities, this is sumti-raising from ownership of the object / commodity (= {posne'u}, posyvelne'u for unambiguous {semantics}). See also {dunda}, {friti}, {jerna}, {jinga}, {jivna}, {pleji}, {sfasa}, {venfu}, {prali}, {dapma}.
cnici le mi'u kerfa cu cnici le ka se ganzu fi le carmi The hair is neat in being organized into a shining part. x1 is orderly / neat / ordered in property / quantity x2 (ka / ni). See also {cunso}, {kalsa}.
cnino .i do cnino mi le ka kakne le ka limna This is news to me that you can swim. x1 is new / unfamiliar / novel to observer x2 in feature x3 (ka) by standard x4; x1 is a novelty. See also {nuzba}, {slabu}, {citno}, se {djuno}.
cnino .i cnino fa no cnita be le solri Nothing is new under the Sun. x1 is new / unfamiliar / novel to observer x2 in feature x3 (ka) by standard x4; x1 is a novelty. See also {nuzba}, {slabu}, {citno}, se {djuno}.
cnisa ra pu troci le ka zbasu le solji le cnisa He tried to make gold out of lead. x1 is a quantity of / contains / is made of lead (Pb); [metaphor: heavy, malleable, soft metal]. See also {jinme}, {tinci}.
cnita le mi'u pelji cu cnita le mi'u cukta The paper is below the book. x1 is directly / vertically beneath / below / under / underneath / down from x2 in frame of reference x3. Also underside, nether. See also {dizlo}, {gapru}, {galtu}, {farna}, {loldi}.
co lu le ractu co melbi li'u dunli lu le melbi ractu li'u "Pretty bunnies" is the same as "bunnies, the pretty". tanru inversion operator; ... of type ...; allows modifier trailing sumti without sumti links.
co'a pu co'a ru'i carvi It started raining. interval event contour: at the starting point of ...; initiative >|< |.
co'a le plise co'a fusra The apple has begun to decay. interval event contour: at the starting point of ...; initiative >|< |.
co'a co'a pelxu It's turning yellow. interval event contour: at the starting point of ...; initiative >|< |.
co'a do pu co'a lazni You became lazy. interval event contour: at the starting point of ...; initiative >|< |.
co'e mu'i ma do co'e mi Why are you doing this to me? elliptical / unspecified bridi relationship.
co'e za'o co'e It's going on for too long. elliptical / unspecified bridi relationship.
co'e .ei do troci le ka co'e bu'u lo drata You should try it somewhere else. elliptical / unspecified bridi relationship.
co'i mi pu co'i nai citka pa mango ca le nu ra co'i klama le nenri I was eating a mango when she entered. interval event contour: at the instantaneous point of ...; achievative / perfective; point event >|<.
co'i mi co'i cirko I've lost it. interval event contour: at the instantaneous point of ...; achievative / perfective; point event >|<.
co'o co'o le tumla pe mi Goodbye, my land! vocative: partings / good-bye.
co'o co'o ro do Goodbye to all of you! vocative: partings / good-bye.
co'oi co'oi le pendo be mi Ciao, my friend! Combination of {coi} and {co'o}, indicating either greetings or partings according to context. The scalar negated forms of this COI are apparently identical to its positive form. cf. {coi}, {co'o}, {rinsa}, {tolrinsa}.
co'u mi pu co'u pinxe le stasu I sopped eating a soup. interval event contour: at the ending point of ... even if not done; cessative | >< |.
coi coi le munje Hello, world! vocative: greetings / hello.
coi coi ro do Hello, everyone! vocative: greetings / hello.
cokcu le mi'u verba cu cokcu le ladru le tatru le moklu Children suck up milk from breast into the mouth. x1 soaks up / absorbs / sucks up x2 from x3 into x4; x1 is an absorbant. See also {panje}, {sakci}, {lacpu}.
condi ti voi xamsi cu condi le ka sraji vau le sefta be vo'a This sea is deep in separating its bottom from its surface. x1 is deep in extent in direction / property x2 away from reference point x3 by standard x4. See also {clani}, {caxno}, {bargu}, {ganra}, {rotsu}, {barda}, {gutci}, {minli}.
condi e'o do bevri le pa condi kabri Please, bring a deep glass. x1 is deep in extent in direction / property x2 away from reference point x3 by standard x4. See also {clani}, {caxno}, {bargu}, {ganra}, {rotsu}, {barda}, {gutci}, {minli}.
cortu mi cortu le xance My hand hurts. x1 hurts / feels pain / hurt at locus x2. See also {cinmo}, {xrani}.
cortu mi cortu le galxe be mi I have a sore throat. x1 hurts / feels pain / hurt at locus x2. See also {cinmo}, {xrani}.
cpacu mi ba cpacu le grute mi I'll get fruits for myself. x1 gets / procures / acquires / obtains / accepts x2 from source x3 [previous possessor not implied]. Also fetch; accept a gift (= {seldu'acpa}). See also {punji}, {lebna}, {vimcu}.
cpacu mi ne le xance pu te cpacu fi la kevin fe le dakfu I handed Kevin a knife. x1 gets / procures / acquires / obtains / accepts x2 from source x3 [previous possessor not implied]. Also fetch; accept a gift (= {seldu'acpa}). See also {punji}, {lebna}, {vimcu}.
cpana su'o bisli cu se cpana le cmana There is ice on top of the mountain. x1 is upon / atop / resting on / lying on [the upper surface of] x2 in frame of reference / gravity x3. (x1 may be object or event); See also se {vasru}, {jbini}, {zvati}, {nenri}, {vreta}, {ckana}, {diklo}, {jibni}, {lamji}, {zutse}, {punji} for lay upon, {sarji}, {zbepi}.
cpare ra pu mo'u cpare le mi'u cmana She has climbed on the mountain. x1 climbs / clambers / creeps / crawls on surface x2 in direction x3 using x4 [limbs / tools]. See also {klama}, {litru}, {bajra}, {farlu}, {plipe}.
cpedu le mi'u nanmu pu cpedu le ka jai gau kalri fai le mi'u vorme vau mi ta'i le ka jai gau muvdu fai le xance The man asked me to open the door by moving his hand. x1 requests / asks / petitions / solicits for x2 of / from x3 in manner / form x4. Also demand (= {mi'ecpe}); x4 is a means of expression See also ve {cusku}.: a request may be indicated in speech, in writing, or by an action (e.g. petitions are often in writing, while begging / panhandling may be indicated by an action or even demeanor). (cf. pikci, te preti, te frati, se spuda, danfu)
cpina le mi'u sanso cu cpina The sauce is hot. x1 is pungent / piquant / peppery / spicy / irritating to sense x2. Also prickly (= {pecycpina}). See also {vrusi}, {kukte}, {cidja}, {panci}, {sumne}.
cpina le mi'u panci cu cpina The smell is irritating. x1 is pungent / piquant / peppery / spicy / irritating to sense x2. Also prickly (= {pecycpina}). See also {vrusi}, {kukte}, {cidja}, {panci}, {sumne}.
cradi ti cradi le vajni notci le tordu boxna le se bevri This is a radio transmitter sending important messages on short waves to portable receivers. x1 broadcasts / transmits [using radio waves] x2 via station / frequency x3 to [radio] receiver x4. Also x1 is a broadcaster. See also {tivni}, {benji}, {tcana}.
crane pa tricu cu crane la alis la kevin A tree is before (in front of) Alice from Kevin's position. x1 is anterior / ahead / forward / (in / on) the front of x2 which faces / in-frame-of-reference x3. Also: x3 is the standard of orientation for x2. See also {sefta}, {flira}, {trixe}, {mlana}, {pritu}, {zunle}.
crane pa tricu cu crane mi A tree is in front of me. x1 is anterior / ahead / forward / (in / on) the front of x2 which faces / in-frame-of-reference x3. Also: x3 is the standard of orientation for x2. See also {sefta}, {flira}, {trixe}, {mlana}, {pritu}, {zunle}.
crane pa ctino cu pagre bu'u le crane be le mi'u lunra A shadow passed before the moon. x1 is anterior / ahead / forward / (in / on) the front of x2 which faces / in-frame-of-reference x3. Also: x3 is the standard of orientation for x2. See also {sefta}, {flira}, {trixe}, {mlana}, {pritu}, {zunle}.
creka do poi dasni le creka cu simlu le ka stati You look smart in the shirt. x1 is a shirt / blouse / top [upper-body garment - not necessarily sleeved or buttoned], material x2. See also {taxfu}.
crepu ra crepu le vanjba le mi'u purdi She is harvesting grapes from the garden. x1 (agent) harvests / reaps / gathers crop / product / objects x2 from source / area x3. See also {critu}, {sombo}, {jmaji}.
cribe le cribe cu se zdani le vi boske Bears live in this forest. x1 is a bear / ursoid of species / breed x2. See also {danlu}, {mabru}.
crida fi mi pu lisri pa da le za'u crida I told a story about fairies. x1 is a fairy / elf / gnome / brownie / pixie / goblin / kobold [mythical humanoid] of mythos / religion x2. Also orc, giant, demon or devil (when humanoid-form is presumed by the mythos / religion), bugbear, bogeyman. (cf. {ranmi}, especially for non-humanoid creatures of myth, {lijda})
crino ca le crisa le pezli poi crino co'a xunre In the fall leaves that are green, turn red. x1 is green / verdant [color adjective]. See also {skari}, {blabi}, {xekri}, {kandi}, {carmi}, {cicna}.
cripu mi'a muvdu fo le cripu be pa rirxe bei pa tcadu jo'u le nurma We are moving over the bridge across a river that connects a city and the rural zone. x1 is a bridge / span over / across x2 between x3 and x4 [unordered, typically destination first]. See also {bargu}, {kruca}, {ragve}, {kuspe}.
crisa ca crisa le re no no mu moi be le nanca ti Now it's summer of year 2005 at my place. x1 is summer / summertime [hot season] of year x2 at location x3. See also {citsi}, {critu}, {dunra}, {vensa}.
critu xu ca critu le re no no mu moi be le nanca do Is it now autumn of year 2005 at your place? x1 is autumn / fall [harvest / cooling season] of year x2 at location x3. See also {citsi}, {crisa}, {dunra}, {vensa}, {crepu}.
ctaru le ctaru be le xamsi cu barda The tide in the sea is high. x1 is a tide [cyclical / periodic expansion] in x2 caused by x3. See also {xamsi}.
ctebi le se dekpu be le ctebi be le mi'u vlagi cu banzu le nu le panzi cu pagre The size of the hole of the vagina is enough for the child to pass. x1 is a / the lip [body-part] / rim of orifice x2 of body x3; (adjective:) x1 is labial. See also {moklu}, {korbi}, {cinba}.
cteki le prenu pu na nelci le noi cnino vau cteki be le ka ralte le bakni bei ro le xabju bei lei turni People didn't like the new tax on keeping cows levied against everyone by the government. x1 is a tax / levy / duty on goods / services / event x2 levied against x3 by authority / collector x4. Also custom, toll, tariff, tribute. See also {pleji}, {flalu}, {turni}.
cteki le rupnu be li re mu cu cteki le ka ralte le bakni 25 dollars is the tax for keeping cows. x1 is a tax / levy / duty on goods / services / event x2 levied against x3 by authority / collector x4. Also custom, toll, tariff, tribute. See also {pleji}, {flalu}, {turni}.
ctile ti minji le nu cokcu le ctile This is a machine for pumping out oil. x1 is a quantity of petroleum / oil from source x2. See also {grasu}.
ctino mi pu terpa tu'a le ctino be le tricu bei le mi'u lunra I was afraid of shadows of trees in moonlight. x1 is a shadow / the shade of object x2, made by light / energy source x3. See also {manku}, {gusni}.
ctuca le mi'u prenu pu ctuca mi'a le traji tasmi be le nu tavla fo la lojban The person taught us the best style of speaking Lojban. x1 teaches audience x2 ideas / methods / lore x3 (du'u) about subject(s) x4 by method x5 (event). Also instruct, instructor, educate, educator, teacher, professor, pedagogue; (adjective:) x1 / x5 is pedagogical. See also {ckule}, {cilre}, {tadni}.
ctuca le mi'u mamta cu ctuca le mi'u verba le du'u le nu cladu tavla na se clite The mother taught the child that talking loud isn't polite. x1 teaches audience x2 ideas / methods / lore x3 (du'u) about subject(s) x4 by method x5 (event). Also instruct, instructor, educate, educator, teacher, professor, pedagogue; (adjective:) x1 / x5 is pedagogical. See also {ckule}, {cilre}, {tadni}.
ctuca le mi'u laldo pu ctuca mi le tadji be le nu na ganse le ka cortu The old one taught me the method of not feeling the pain. x1 teaches audience x2 ideas / methods / lore x3 (du'u) about subject(s) x4 by method x5 (event). Also instruct, instructor, educate, educator, teacher, professor, pedagogue; (adjective:) x1 / x5 is pedagogical. See also {ckule}, {cilre}, {tadni}.
cu lei rirni cu zvati ti ca The parents are here now. elidable marker: separates selbri from preceding sumti, allows preceding terminator elision.
cu'e lu do cu'e vitke la nipon li'u lu pu'o li'u "Have you been to Japan?" "I'm about to." tense / modal question.
cu'e lu le mi'u penbi cu'e zvati li'u lu pu vu li'u "Where is the pen?" "It was over there." tense / modal question.
cu'i au cu'i le bruna mo'u klama The brother arrived, meh. attitudinal: neutral scalar attitude modifier.
cu'o le nu casnu cu su'o cu'o le nu le mi'u jatna cu klama The discussion is possible if the boss comes. convert number to probability selbri; event x1 has probability (n) of occurring under cond. x2.
cu'o le nu mi ricfu cu ro cu'o le nu mi ponse le megdo be le rupnu Had I a million dollars I'd be rich. convert number to probability selbri; event x1 has probability (n) of occurring under cond. x2.
cu'u cu'u la gleki la lojban cu vlipa bangu As said by La Gleki, Lojban is a powerful language. cusku modal, 1st place (attribution / quotation) as said by source ...; used for quotation.
cukla le mi'u lunra noi pelxu gi'e cukla gi'e carmi cu zvati le tsani The Moon, yellow, round and bright, is in the sky. x1 is round / circular [2-dimensional shape / form]; x1 is a disk / circle / ring. Normally used for a filled-in circle / disk, but emphasis on roundness means that the concept may include 'ring'. See also {djine}, {ranji}, {bolci}, {tarmi}.
cukta mi tcidu fi pa cukta be le cinri I read a book with an interesting content (an interesting book). x1 is a book containing work x2 by author x3 for audience x4 preserved in medium x5. [x1 is a manifestation / container A physical object or its analogue. of a work / content, not necessarily using paper (= {selpapri})]; See also {cfika}, {prina}, {prosa}, {tcidu}, {papri}.
culno le mi'u lanka cu culno le pelji The basket is full of paper. x1 is full / completely filled with x2. See also {tisna}, {kunti}, {mulno}, {setca}, {tisna}.
cumki .i cumki fa le nu la .alis. ba jai lerci It's possible that Alice will be late. x1 (event / state / property) is possible under conditions x2; x1 may / might occur; x1 is a maybe. Also possibility. See also {lakne}.
cumla mi'ai pu cumla le ka kanpe ma kau We were modest in our expectations. x1 is humble / modest about x2 (abstraction); x1 displays humility about x2. See also {cinmo}, {jgira}.
cunmi le jipci cu citka le cunmi Hens eat millet. x1 is a quantity of millet [grain] of species / strain x2. See also {gurni}.
cunso le cabna be le nu ra mo'u klama cu pu cunso When would he come was unpredictable. x1 is random / fortuitous / unpredictable under conditions x2, with probability distribution x3. Also accidental, chancy, by chance, adventitious, arbitrary (also = cuncu'a, cunselcu'a, cunjdi, cunseljdi; based on 'unpredictable'). See also {cnici}, {lakne}, {funca}, {kalsa}, {snuti}.
cuntu ra pu se cuntu le zekri He was involved in a crime. x1 is an affair / organized activity involving person(s) x2 (ind. / mass); x1 is x2's business. Also matter, concern; x2 is engaged in x1 (which is usually an abstraction) (= selcu'u for reordered places). See also {jikca}, {srana}.
cupra le karce cu cupra le nejni le ka jai gau jelca le livla Car produces energy by burning fuel. x1 produces x2 [product] by process x3. See also {zbasu}, {farvi}, {gundi}, {jukpa}.
cupra le tricu cu se cupra le grute Trees come from fruits. x1 produces x2 [product] by process x3. See also {zbasu}, {farvi}, {gundi}, {jukpa}.
curmi le saske cu curmi le nu jimpe le munje Science allows understanding the world. x1 (agent) lets / permits / allows x2 (event) under conditions x3; x1 grants privilege x2. Sufficient condition (= {crutcini}), agent that permits a situation (= {tcinycru}). See also {rinju}, {banzu}, {ralte}, {jimte}, {jaspu}, {zifre}.
curmi le mi'u canko cu curmi le nu le vifne vacri cu pagre The window permits the passage of the fresh air. x1 (agent) lets / permits / allows x2 (event) under conditions x3; x1 grants privilege x2. Sufficient condition (= {crutcini}), agent that permits a situation (= {tcinycru}). See also {rinju}, {banzu}, {ralte}, {jimte}, {jaspu}, {zifre}.
curnu le mi'u cipni mo'u kavbu le curnu The bird caught a worm. x1 is a worm / invertebrate animal of species / breed x2. Also mollusk, snail (= {cakcurnu}), shellfish (= {xaskemcakcurnu}, {xaskemcakydja}); the generalization to invertebrate is because many multicellular invertebrates are indeed wormlike. See also {since}, {silka}.
curve ti noi djine cu curve le ka solji This ring is of pure gold. x1 is pure / unadulterated / unmitigated / simple in property x2 (ka). x1 is simply / purely / unmitigatedly / solely x2. See also {prane}, {jinsa}, {manfo}, {sampu}, {sepli}, {traji}, {lumci}, {xukmi}.
cusku .i ba ku mi cusku fi ra fe lu do mutce le ka xendo li'u And then I said to her: "You are very kind." x1 (agent) expresses / says x2 (sedu'u / text / lu'e concept) for audience x3 via expressive medium x4. Also says. See also {bacru}, {tavla}, {casnu}, {spuda}, cmavo list {cu'u}, {bangu}, {dapma}, {jufra}, {pinka}.
cusku .i do pu cusku le se du'u do ba gasnu le katna be le nanba You said that you would cut the bread. x1 (agent) expresses / says x2 (sedu'u / text / lu'e concept) for audience x3 via expressive medium x4. Also says. See also {bacru}, {tavla}, {casnu}, {spuda}, cmavo list {cu'u}, {bangu}, {dapma}, {jufra}, {pinka}.
cutci ti noi prenu cu zbasu le cutci be le sufti This person makes horseshoes. x1 is a shoe / boot / sandal for covering / protecting [feet / hooves] x2, and of material x3. Also boot (= {tupcutci}). See also {smoka}, {taxfu}, {skiji}.
cutne le mi'u nanla pu ca'o jgari le gerku re'o le cutne The boy was holding the dog near the chest. x1 is a / the chest / thorax / upper trunk / [rib cage / breast] [body-part] of x2. See also {cnebo}, {betfu}, {xadni}, {tanxe}.
cuxna mi nu'o mo'u cuxna le ka zukte ma kau I haven't yet decided what to do. x1 chooses / selects x2 [choice] from set / sequence of alternatives x3 (complete set). Also prefer (= {nelcu'a}). See also {jdice}, {pajni}, {nelci}.
cuxna nandu fa le ka cuxna It's hard to choose. x1 chooses / selects x2 [choice] from set / sequence of alternatives x3 (complete set). Also prefer (= {nelcu'a}). See also {jdice}, {pajni}, {nelci}.
cuxna mi pu cuxna la alis le nixli I chose Alice from the girls. x1 chooses / selects x2 [choice] from set / sequence of alternatives x3 (complete set). Also prefer (= {nelcu'a}). See also {jdice}, {pajni}, {nelci}.
cuxna la alis pu cuxna le blanu le taxfu Alice chose the blue dress out of all. x1 chooses / selects x2 [choice] from set / sequence of alternatives x3 (complete set). Also prefer (= {nelcu'a}). See also {jdice}, {pajni}, {nelci}.
cuxna mi pensi cuxna le nu mi citka ma kau I'm thinking about what to eat. x1 chooses / selects x2 [choice] from set / sequence of alternatives x3 (complete set). Also prefer (= {nelcu'a}). See also {jdice}, {pajni}, {nelci}.
da mi se bruna da I have a brother. logically quantified existential pro-sumti: there exists something 1 (usually restricted).
da mi nelci ro da I like everything. logically quantified existential pro-sumti: there exists something 1 (usually restricted).
da'a da'a re prenu pu zvati va All but two people were present there. digit / number: all except n; all but n; default 1.
da'i da'i mi ricfu I could be rich. discursive: supposing - in fact. See also {sruma}.
da'i da'i nai mi se zdani le daplu I do live on an island. discursive: supposing - in fact. See also {sruma}.
dacru pa junla ca cpana le se dacru be le barda A clock stands on a chest of big drawers. x1 is a drawer / file in structure x2, a [sliding compartment] container for contents x3. See also {nilce}, {tanxe}.
dacti tu noi dacti cu mo What is that object over there? x1 is a material object enduring in space-time; x1 is a thing. See also {marji}, {xanri}.
dadjo le mi'u tcaci cu dadjo The tradition is Taoist. x1 pertains to the Taoist culture / ethos / religion in aspect x2. See also {lijda}, {jegvo}.
dai oi ro'o dai tuple doi le mi'u cifnu I know it hurts, baby! attitudinal modifier: marks empathetic use of preceding attitudinal; shows another's feelings. See also {cnijmi}.
dai do jinga ui dai You won, yay you! attitudinal modifier: marks empathetic use of preceding attitudinal; shows another's feelings. See also {cnijmi}.
dai ui nai dai le gerku pe do co'a morsi You must be sad, your dog died. attitudinal modifier: marks empathetic use of preceding attitudinal; shows another's feelings. See also {cnijmi}.
dakfu ti dakfu le nanba This is a knife for cutting bread. x1 is a knife (tool) for cutting x2, with blade of material x3. See also {denci}, {balre}, {katna}, {tunta}, {forca}, {smuci}, {kinli}.
dakli mi ba bevri pa dakli be le tamca le nenri I will take a bag of tomatoes inside. x1 is a sack / bag with contents x2, and of material x3. See also {daski} for pouch, {bakfu}.
damba mi pu damba le mensi be mi le du'u ma kau klama ka'ai lei rirni I fought with my sister of who would go with parents. x1 fights / combats / struggles with x2 over issue x3 (abstract); x1 is a fighter / combatant. Use x3 tu'a for fight over an object / objective. See also {bradi}, {gunta}, {talsa}, {darlu}, {fapro}, {jamna}, {sonci}.
damri le mi'u nakni pu zgipli pa damri be le xance He was playing a hand struck drum. x1 is a drum / cymbal / gong [percussion musical instrument] with beater / actuator x2. See also {rilti}, {zgike}.
damva'u le mi'u prenu cu damva'u le se panci be le mabla The person smokes something that has a shitty smell.
dandu le mi'u smani pu dandu le galtu jimca le rebla The monkey was hanging its tail from a high branch. x1 hangs / dangles / is suspended from x2 by / at / with joint x3. Pendant (= {dadja'i}); also dependent (original meaning). See also {lasna}, {jorne}.
danfu le ka pilno le drata ckiku cu danfu le tadji be le ka jai gau karli fai le mi'u vorme Using another key is the answer to the problem of opening the door. x1 is the answer / response / solution / [reply] to question / problem x2. (cf. ciksi, frati, preti, nabmi, spuda for agentive response / reply, cpedu)
danlu mi pu viska pa danlu bu'u le mi'u boske i le mi'u danlu cu jutsi ma I saw an animal in the forest. What species does it belong to? x1 is an animal / creature of species x2; x1 is biologically animate. See also {banfi}, {cinki}, {cipni}, {finpe}, {jukni}, {respa}, {since}, {mabru}, {bakni}.
danmo le danmo be le noi ca'o jelca vau tricu co'a denmi The smoke from the burning trees is becoming dense. x1 is made of / contains / is a quantity of smoke / smog / air pollution from source x2. x2 may be a fire. See also {pulce}, {gapci}, {sigja}, {bumru}.
danre le brife cu danre le falnu Wind puts pressure on the sail. x1 (force) puts pressure on / presses / applies force to x2. Agentive press / depress (= {da'ergau}, {da'erzu'e}). See also {catke}, {bapli}, {prina}, {tinsa}.
dansu e'u mi'o dansu le ca zgike Let's dance to this music. x1 (individual, mass) dances to accompaniment / music / rhythm x2. See also {bende}, {zgike}, {zajba}.
danti pa danti be le cecla mo'u muvdu le dinju A bullet from a gun reached the house. x1 is a ballistic projectile [e.g. bullet / missile] for firing by [gun / propelling launcher] x2. Also cannonball, catapult stone, shot pellet(s). See also {cecla}, {renro}, {jakne}.
daplu fe'e ro roi le daplu lo remna cu xabju People live all over the island. x1 is an island / atoll / key of [material / properties] x2 in surroundings / body x3; x1 is insular. See also {lalxu}, {rirxe}, {xamsi}, {dirgo}.
dapma le cizra pu dapma le virnu le nu ri ba zi morsi The monster cursed the brave person to die soon. x1 curses / damns / condemns x2 to fate (event) x3. Curse with a specific expression (= {dapsku}). See also {mabla}, {dimna}, {cnemu}, {sfasa}, {dunda}, {cusku}, {cirko}, {jdima}, {di'ai}.
dargu da bisli vi'a le mi'u dargu There is ice on the road. x1 is a road / highway to x2 from x3 with route x4 (x2 / x3 may be unordered). A regularly used, improved-for-use surface for travelling. See also {naxle}, {tcana}, {pluta}, {klaji}.
darlu lei enge pu darlu le nu le mi'u dargu cu se stuzi le berti vau le nu le mi'u dinju cu se zbasu fi le rokci Engineers argued for the road to be located to the north and against the house to be built of rock. x1 argues for stand x2 against stand x3; [an opponent is not necessary]. See also {fapro}, {jamna}, {sarji}, {talsa}, {sumti}, {tugni}, {casnu}, {damba}, {bradi}, {tavla}.
darno le mi'u muzga cu darno ti The museum is far from here. x1 is far / distant from x2 in property x3 (ka). See also {jibni}.
darno le jungo bangu cu darno le glico bangu le ka va'o ce'u ma kau tarmi le nu bacru Chinese language is far from English in the manner of pronunciation. x1 is far / distant from x2 in property x3 (ka). See also {jibni}.
darsi la edvard ca darsi le ka na cusku le jetnu la tom Eduard dares not tell Tom the truth. x1 shows audacity / chutzpah in behavior x2 (event / activity); x1 dares to do / be x2 (event / ka). x1 is bold. See also {virnu}.
darxi mi pu darxi le xedja be ra le xance I hit his jaw with hand. x1 hits / strikes / [beats] x2 with instrument [or body-part] x3 at locus x4. See also {bikla}, {gunta}, {jenca}, {tunta}, {tikpa}, {janli}, {jgari}, {pencu}.
darxi mi pu darxi la alis le zunle jamfu be mi le betfu I kicked Alice with my left foot in the belly. x1 hits / strikes / [beats] x2 with instrument [or body-part] x3 at locus x4. See also {bikla}, {gunta}, {jenca}, {tunta}, {tikpa}, {janli}, {jgari}, {pencu}.
daski mi pu punji le xance be mi le daski be le kosta pe mi I put my hand into the pocket of my coat. x1 is a pocket / pouch of / in garment / item x2. See also {dakli}, {taxfu}, {bakfu}.
dasni e'o do co'a dasni le cutci Please put on your shoes. x1 wears / is robed / garbed in x2 as a garment of type x3. x2 need not be intended for use as a garment (unlike taxfu). See also {taxfu}.
dasni le mi'u nixli cu dasni le creka le skaci The girl wears a shirt as a skirt. x1 wears / is robed / garbed in x2 as a garment of type x3. x2 need not be intended for use as a garment (unlike taxfu). See also {taxfu}.
daspo ra pu daspo le ka kanro He ruined his health. x1 (event) destroys / ruins / wrecks / despoils x2; x1 is destructive. See also {spofu}, {xrani}, {marxa}, {zalvi}, {xaksu}.
daspo le fagri pu daspo ci me le dinju The fire destroyed three of the buildings. x1 (event) destroys / ruins / wrecks / despoils x2; x1 is destructive. See also {spofu}, {xrani}, {marxa}, {zalvi}, {xaksu}.
dasri le jai se dunda pu se bakfu fi le pa dasri The gift was tied with a ribbon. x1 is a ribbon / tape / strip / band / stripe of material x2. See also {djine}.
datka so'o datka ru'i limna le mi'u lalxu Several ducks are swimming in the lake. x1 is a duck / [drake] of species / breed x2. See also {cipni}.
datni le ka zukte le zekri cu datni le mi'u nanmu le ka zgana le se zukte be ce'u Being a criminal are the data about the man collected by monitoring his actions. x1 (du'u) [fact / measurement] is data / information / statistic(s) about x2 gathered by method x3. Evidence (= velji'i datni or just {velji'i}, {sidydatni}). See also {fatci}, {saske}, {vreji}.
datni ai mi tavla do le datni be fi le cipra I'm going to talk to you about experimental data. x1 (du'u) [fact / measurement] is data / information / statistic(s) about x2 gathered by method x3. Evidence (= velji'i datni or just {velji'i}, {sidydatni}). See also {fatci}, {saske}, {vreji}.
dau ei mi'o denpa ze'a le djedi be li dau We should wait for 10 days. digit / number: hex digit A (decimal 10) [ten].
dau'i ju'o la alis ba mo'u klama I'm sure Alice will arrive. attitudinal: equal intensity attitudinal relativizer Specifies an equal intensity - relative to any previously specified intensity of the same UI / cmavo. See also {mau'i}, {me'ai}, {cu'i}
dau'i ju'o dau'i ji'a la kevin ba vitke mi'a And I'm equally sure that Kevin will visit us. attitudinal: equal intensity attitudinal relativizer Specifies an equal intensity - relative to any previously specified intensity of the same UI / cmavo. See also {mau'i}, {me'ai}, {cu'i}
de ro da poi ke'a sinma ke'a cu se sinma ro de poi ke'a sinma di Everyone who respects oneself is respected by everyone who respects someone. logically quantified existential pro-sumti: there exists something 2 (usually restricted).
de'a le mi'u fetsi pu de'a vasxu She ceased to breathe. event contour for a temporary halt and ensuing pause in a process.
de'a mi de'a jundi I won't be paying attention for a while. event contour for a temporary halt and ensuing pause in a process.
de'e de'e cinri jufra i au do tirna mi i le xunre cu srana le nu fengu The utterance that comes is interesting. I'd like you to listen to me. Red is related to the state of being angry. pro-sumti: a near future utterance.
de'i de'i li ly ci dy pa mu mi pu zvati la nipon On March 15 I was in Japan. detri modal, 1st place (for letters) dated ... ; attaches date stamp.
de'i de'i li cy pa ci mi'a cliva We leave at 1 pm. detri modal, 1st place (for letters) dated ... ; attaches date stamp.
de'i mi'a cliva de'i li cy so my ci no We leave at 9:30 detri modal, 1st place (for letters) dated ... ; attaches date stamp.
de'u sei suksa co'a gusni bu'u le darno i ba bo le mi'u gusni cu canci i ro le mi'u re mei pu troci le ka ganse le mi'u gusni vau za'u re'u i ku'i le mi'u re mei na pu djuno le du'u xu kau la'e de'e cu du le sinxa poi le mi'u re mei ze'u kanpe tu'a ke'a Suddenly a light appeared far away and then the light disappeared. They both tried to observe it once again. But they didn't know whether that was the sign they had been expecting for so long. pro-sumti: a recent utterance.
decti le bitmu cu decti le ka ce'u mitre li xo kau vau le ka ce'u rotsu The fence is 10 centimeters thick. x1 is a tenth [1 / 10; $1*10^{-1}$] of x2 in dimension / aspect x3 (default is units). (cf. grake, mitre, snidu, stero, delno, molro, kelvo, xampo, gradu. litce, merli, centi, dekto, femti, gigdo, gocti, gotro, kilto, megdo, mikri, milti, nanvi, petso, picti, terto, xatsi, xecto, xexso, zepti, zetro)
degji le degji be le pritu xance be mi cu cortu The fingers of my right hand hurt. x1 is a / the finger / digit / toe [body-part] on limb / body site x2 of body x3; [metaphor: peninsula]. Finger (= {xandegji}), toe (= {jmadegji}). See also {nazbi}, {tamji}, {tance}, {xance}.,
degygutci le jesni cu degygutci li pa pi re le ka glico The needle is 1.2 English inches in size. $g_1$ is $g_2$ inch / inches (length unit). Cf. {degji}, {gutci}, {jmagutci}, {cibjmagutci}, {birgutci}, {minli}.
dei le nu casnu pe dei ca zenba le ka cinri This discussion is getting more interesting. pro-sumti: this utterance.
dejni mi dejni le ka sidju vau do le ka se sidju do I am obliged to help you in return for your help. x1 owes x2 in debt / obligation to creditor x3 in return for x4 [service, loan]; x1 is a debtor. See also {jbera}, {janta}, {zivle}.
dejni mi dejni fi le patfu be mi fo le ka snada I owe my success to my father. x1 owes x2 in debt / obligation to creditor x3 in return for x4 [service, loan]; x1 is a debtor. See also {jbera}, {janta}, {zivle}.
dekpu ti voi botpi cu dekpu li pa le ka merko This bottle is one American gallon in volume. x1 is x2 (default 1) local volume unit(s) [non-metric; e.g. bushel], standard x3, x4 subunits. Gallon (= {likydekpu}), quart (= {likseldekpu}), barrel (wet = likybradekpu, dry = sudbradekpu), bushel (= {sudydekpu}), peck (= {sudyseldekpu}), cupful (= {kabrydekpu}), tablespoon (= {mucydekpu}); teaspoon (= {mucyseldekpu}); (all of these lujvo may need gic- to distinguish the English measurement system in contrasting with some local system; the English system is otherwise presumed to be the default non-metric system). (additional subunit places may be added as x5, x6, ...); See also {canlu}, {litce}, {rupnu}, {fepni}, {gutci}, {minli}, {merli}, {bunda}, {kramu}.
dekto le dinju cu dekto fi le ka ganra vau fe le ka mitre li xo kau le ka le lalxu cu farna ce'u The house is 10 meters wide when measured towards the lake. x1 is ten [10; $1*10^1$] of x2 in dimension / aspect x3 (default is units). See also {grake}, {mitre}, {snidu}, {stero}, {delno}, {molro}, {kelvo}, {xampo}, {gradu}, {litce}, {merli}, {centi}, {decti}, {femti}, {gigdo}, {gocti}, {gotro}, {kilto}, {megdo}, {mikri}, {milti}, {nanvi}, {petso}, {picti}, {terto}, {xatsi}, {xecto}, {xexso}, {zepti}, {zetro}
dekto mi ponse le dekto be le ka mlatu I own 10 cats. x1 is ten [10; $1*10^1$] of x2 in dimension / aspect x3 (default is units). See also {grake}, {mitre}, {snidu}, {stero}, {delno}, {molro}, {kelvo}, {xampo}, {gradu}, {litce}, {merli}, {centi}, {decti}, {femti}, {gigdo}, {gocti}, {gotro}, {kilto}, {megdo}, {mikri}, {milti}, {nanvi}, {petso}, {picti}, {terto}, {xatsi}, {xecto}, {xexso}, {zepti}, {zetro}
dekto mi ponse le dekto be le ka mlatu bei le ka kancu fo le pa me ce'u I own 10 cats. x1 is ten [10; $1*10^1$] of x2 in dimension / aspect x3 (default is units). See also {grake}, {mitre}, {snidu}, {stero}, {delno}, {molro}, {kelvo}, {xampo}, {gradu}, {litce}, {merli}, {centi}, {decti}, {femti}, {gigdo}, {gocti}, {gotro}, {kilto}, {megdo}, {mikri}, {milti}, {nanvi}, {petso}, {picti}, {terto}, {xatsi}, {xecto}, {xexso}, {zepti}, {zetro}
delfinu le'e delfinu cu stati Dolphins are generally smart.
delno ti noi bombila cu delno li ji'i pa re no This light bulb has a luminous intensity of around 120 candela. x1 is x2 candela [metric unit] in luminosity (default is 1) by standard x3. See also {centi}, {decti}, {dekto}, {femti}, {gigdo}, {gocti}, {gotro}, {kilto}, {megdo}, {mikri}, {milti}, {nanvi}, {petso}, {picti}, {terto}, {xatsi}, {xecto}, {xexso}, {zepti}, {zetro}.
dembi mi ca ca'o citka le stasu be le dembi I am eating a bean stew. x1 is a bean / pea / leguminous seed from plant [legume] x2. See also {grute}, {sobde}, {tsiju}.
denci le denci be mi cu cortu I have a toothache. x1 is a / the tooth [body-part] of x2; (adjective:) x1 is dental. (for metaphor: see {dakfu}, {pagre}, {jgalu}); See also {moklu}, {dakfu}, {pagre}, {jgalu}, {batci}, {bongu}.
denmi le karce flu'ente cu denmi le ka se pagbu le xo kau karce bu'u le klaji The car traffic is intense in the streets. x1 is dense / concentrated / packed / intense in property x2 (ka) at location / locus x3. See also {carmi}, {midju}, {viknu}.
denpa ko ze'i denpa Wait a bit. Just a moment! x1 awaits / waits / pauses for / until x2 at state x3 before starting / continuing x4 (activity / process). (x2 is an event, usually a point event); also: resuming x4. See also {dicra}, {fanmo}, {sisti}, {fliba}, {pandi}.
denpa xu do pu denpa Did you wait? x1 awaits / waits / pauses for / until x2 at state x3 before starting / continuing x4 (activity / process). (x2 is an event, usually a point event); also: resuming x4. See also {dicra}, {fanmo}, {sisti}, {fliba}, {pandi}.
denpa mi denpa le nu le patfu cu volta vau le ka kelci vau le ka cliva I am waiting for my father to arrive playing before leaving. x1 awaits / waits / pauses for / until x2 at state x3 before starting / continuing x4 (activity / process). (x2 is an event, usually a point event); also: resuming x4. See also {dicra}, {fanmo}, {sisti}, {fliba}, {pandi}.
dertu pu ze'a ku le mi'u karce cu muvdu bu'u le dertu For a while, the car moved on the soil. x1 is a quantity of / contains / is made of dirt / soil / earth / ground from source x2 of composition x3. Also: x1 is earthen; x3: composition including x3, which need not be exhaustive of composition. See also {kliti}, {terdi}, {loldi}.
derxi mi pu cupra pa derxi be le mudri I chopped a pile of wood. x1 is a heap / pile / stack / mound / hill of materials x2 at location x3. See also {cmana}.
desku ra pu desku le ka terpa She was shaking with fear. x1 shakes / quakes / trembles / quivers / shudders / wobbles / vibrates from force x2. Also (expressible either with desku or slilu): side to side, to and fro, back and forth, reciprocal motion. See also {slilu}, {janbe}.
detri li ly pa dy pa ze ny re no pa xa detri le nu mi co'a tadni la lojban vau la nipon. la gregoris. January 17, 2016 (Japanese timezone, Gregorian calendar) is the date when I started studying Lojban. x1 is the date [day,{week},{month},year] of event / state x2, at location x3, by calendar x4. (time units in x1 are specified as numbers separated by pi'e or are unit values massified with joi); See also cmavo list {de'i}, {djedi}, {jeftu}, {masti}, {nanca}, {tcika}.
detri puku vi ku ca le se detri be li nanca bu 1995 masti bu 2 djedi bu 12 co'a snuti On February 12, 1995, an accident happened here. x1 is the date [day,{week},{month},year] of event / state x2, at location x3, by calendar x4. (time units in x1 are specified as numbers separated by pi'e or are unit values massified with joi); See also cmavo list {de'i}, {djedi}, {jeftu}, {masti}, {nanca}, {tcika}.
di ku'i la'a nai su'o da cizra ro de ro di But it is unlikely that something is strange to everyone in every way. logically quantified existential pro-sumti: there exists something 3 (usually restricted).
di'a mi na ba di'a zgipli le pipno I won't play the piano again. event contour for resumption of a paused process.
di'a mi di'a jundi I'm listening again. event contour for resumption of a paused process.
di'a mi di'a ta'e finti lo pemci ba le nu mi finti lo prosa I return to writing poems after writing prose. event contour for resumption of a paused process.
di'a gau ko le jdini cu di'a co'e Return the money. event contour for resumption of a paused process.
di'ai di'ai do Good luck to you. vocative: well-wish - curse Used to express well-wishes / curses. See also {dimna}, {dapma}, {ki'e}, {doi}
di'ai mi pacna le nu do ba jinga di'ai do I hope you will win, good luck to you. vocative: well-wish - curse Used to express well-wishes / curses. See also {dimna}, {dapma}, {ki'e}, {doi}
di'ai ko na raktu mi di'ai nai do Don't disturb me, damn you! vocative: well-wish - curse Used to express well-wishes / curses. See also {dimna}, {dapma}, {ki'e}, {doi}
di'anzi gau do e'i to'e akti fa le di'anzi pe do Turn off your electronic devices.
di'e di'e na drani i la djon cu cmene mi i lu zo djon cmene mi li'u drani ku'i The following sentence isn't correct. Someone called John is my name. "John is my name" is correct, though. pro-sumti: the next utterance.
di'i mi di'i cadzu bu'u le mi'u panka I regularly walk in the park. tense interval modifier: regularly; subjective tense / modal; defaults as time tense.
di'i pa cukta di'i te tcidu mi I read the same book again and again. tense interval modifier: regularly; subjective tense / modal; defaults as time tense.
di'i mi di'i nai citka le kokso I eat coconuts here and there. tense interval modifier: regularly; subjective tense / modal; defaults as time tense.
di'u ma zabna traji tadji le nu tadni la lojban i di'u zabna se retsku What is the best method of learning Lojban? That is a good question. pro-sumti: the last utterance.
di'u la alis ze'a le djedi be li za'u re na zvati i la'e di'u cizra Alice isn't present for more than two days. That is strange. pro-sumti: the last utterance.
dicra le sance pu dicra le nu mi sipna vau le ka cladu The sound woke me up since it was loud. x1 (event) interrupts / stops / halts / [disrupts] x2 (object / event / process) due to quality x3. Also disturbs (one sense). See also {zunti}, {fanza}, {raktu}, {denpa}.
diklo le ca carvi cu diklo le stuna le bu'u tcadu Within the borders of this city, the rain is in the south. x1 is local to x2; x1 is confined to locus x2 within range x3; x1 is regional Indicates a specific location / value within a range; e.g. a hits b. What is the locality on b that a hits? Thus x1 is associated with a specific narrow region / interval x2 of wider space / range x3. See also cmavo list {di'o}, {jibni}, {zvati}, {cpana}, {nenri}, {lamji}, {stuzi}, {tcila}.
dikni mi dikni le ka lumci le kumfa pe mi vau le jeftu I am regular in cleaning my room every week. x1 is regular / cyclical / periodic in property (ka) / activity x2 with period / interval x3. Also uniform; resonant (= {dikslicai}). See also {slilu}, {rilti}, {xutla}, {manfo}, {boxna}.
dilcu li re dilcu li pa ci li mu li ci 2 is the quotient of 13 divided by 5 with the remainder 3. x1 is a quotient of 'x2 / x3' [dividend x2 divided by divisor x3], leaving remainder x4. See also {frinu}, {fendi}, {katna}, {parbi}, {mekso}.
dilnu le mi'u cmana cu cupra le dilnu be le danmo The mountain produces clouds of smoke. x1 is a cloud / mass of clouds of material x2 in air mass x3 at floor / base elevation x4. See also {carvi}, {tcima}.
dimna le ka xabju ti cu dimna mi To live here is my fate. x1 is a fate / destiny of x2; [doom, curse are mabla-forms]; x2 is fated / predestined / doomed to x1. Fated / destined / doomed (= {seldimna}). See also {dapma}.
dinju ti dinju le nu lumci This is a bathhouse. x1 is a building / edifice for purpose x2. See also {ginka}, {zdani}, {zarci}.
dinko mi pu lasna le mi'u pixra le mi'u bitmu pa dinko se pi'o pa mruli I nailed the picture to the wall using a hammer. x1 is a nail / tack [pointed driven / frictional fastener] of type / size x2 (ka), made of material x3. (x2 also can be ni abstraction); See also {pijne}, {lasna}.
dinko ti dinko le ka lasna le cutci le xirma ce'u This is a nail for fastening horseshoes. x1 is a nail / tack [pointed driven / frictional fastener] of type / size x2 (ka), made of material x3. (x2 also can be ni abstraction); See also {pijne}, {lasna}.
dirba do pu zvati ma doi le dirba Where have you been, dear? x1 is dear / precious / darling to x2; x1 is emotionally valued by x2. x1 may be a specific object, a commodity (mass), an event, or a property; pedantically, for objects / commodities, this is sumti-raising from ownership of the object / commodity (= posydirba for unambiguous {semantics}). See also {tcika}, {kargu}, {vamji}, {vajni}, {pleji}, {jadni}, {jemna}.
dirba le nu jmive cu dirba ro da Life is dear to everybody. x1 is dear / precious / darling to x2; x1 is emotionally valued by x2. x1 may be a specific object, a commodity (mass), an event, or a property; pedantically, for objects / commodities, this is sumti-raising from ownership of the object / commodity (= posydirba for unambiguous {semantics}). See also {tcika}, {kargu}, {vamji}, {vajni}, {pleji}, {jadni}, {jemna}.
dirce le mi'u jinto cu dirce le djacu The spring of fluid emits water. x1 radiates / emits x2 under conditions x3. See also {gusni}.
dirgo sa'u ti dirgo le grasu le djacu It's just a drop of oil in water. x1 is a drop [small, cohesive shape] of material [liquid / vapor] x2 in surrounding material x3. See also {daplu}, {bidju}.
ditcu ma ditcu le nu do limna le mi'u rirxe How long have you been swimming in the river? x1 is the time-duration / interval / period / [elapsed time] of event x2. short rafsi is -dit-. Cf. {cedra}, {ranji}, {tcika}, {renvi}, {temci}, {canlu}, {kuspe}, {krafamtei}
dizlo le gerku cu dizlo mi le mlatu poi cpare le tricu To me the dog stands low compared to the cat climbing the tree. x1 is low / down / downward in frame of reference x2 as compared with baseline / standard height x3. Also lower; x3 is generally some defined distance above a zero point / baseline, or is that baseline itself. See also {cnita}, {galtu}, {gapru}, {farna}, {loldi}.
dizlo mi co'i farlu le dizlo korbi be le bitmu I fell down to the foot of the fence. x1 is low / down / downward in frame of reference x2 as compared with baseline / standard height x3. Also lower; x3 is generally some defined distance above a zero point / baseline, or is that baseline itself. See also {cnita}, {galtu}, {gapru}, {farna}, {loldi}.
djacu le mi'u nakni pu pinxe le djacu pa kabri He drank some water from a cup. x1 is made of / contains / is a quantity / expanse of water; (adjective:) x1 is aqueous / [aquatic]. Aquatic (= {jaupli}). See also {lalxu}, {rirxe}, {xamsi}, {limna}, {litki}, {lumci}, {bumru}, {jinto}.
djedi mi volta ba zi le djedi be li pa no I will return in 10 days. x1 is x2 full days in duration (default is 1 day) by standard x3; (adjective:) x1 is diurnal. Today (= {cabdei}); tomorrow (= {bavlamdei}); yesterday (= {prulamdei}). See also {donri}, {detri}, {jeftu}, {masti}, {nanca}, {nicte}, {tcika}.
djica .i mi djica le nu mi cusku le xajmi vau le nu do cisma I want to tell something funny to make you smile. x1 desires / wants / wishes x2 (event / state) for purpose x3. If desire is for an object, this is sumti-raising; use tu'a in x2 (or use lujvo = po'edji). See also {taske}, {xagji}, {mukti}, {nitcu}, {nelci}, {pacna}, {prami}, {rigni}, {trina}, {xebni}, {xlura}.
djica .i mi djica tu'a le plise I want the apples. x1 desires / wants / wishes x2 (event / state) for purpose x3. If desire is for an object, this is sumti-raising; use tu'a in x2 (or use lujvo = po'edji). See also {taske}, {xagji}, {mukti}, {nitcu}, {nelci}, {pacna}, {prami}, {rigni}, {trina}, {xebni}, {xlura}.
djica mi djica le nu do smadi I want you to guess. x1 desires / wants / wishes x2 (event / state) for purpose x3. If desire is for an object, this is sumti-raising; use tu'a in x2 (or use lujvo = po'edji). See also {taske}, {xagji}, {mukti}, {nitcu}, {nelci}, {pacna}, {prami}, {rigni}, {trina}, {xebni}, {xlura}.
djine ti solji djine This is a golden ring. x1 is a ring / annulus / torus / circle [shape / form] of material x2, inside diam. x3, outside diam. x4. Also ellipse, oval (= {jincla}); (usage has been for near-circles, such as tight spirals, even if not closed loops). Also band, belt, encircle (= {jinsru}). See also {clupa}, {cukla}, {dasri}, {karli}, {sovda}, {sruri}, {konju}.
djuno .i mi djuno le du'u mi zasti vau fo le du'u mi pensi I know that I exist since I think. x1 knows fact(s) x2 (du'u) about subject x3 by epistemology x4. Words usable for epistemology typically have a du'u place; know how to - implying knowledge of method but not necessarily having the ability to practice (= {tadjyju'o}). (cf. know / familiar with: se slabu, na'e cnino, na'e fange). See also cmavo list {du'o}, {krici}, {jinvi}, {cilre}, {certu}, {facki}, {jijnu}, {jimpe}, {senpi}, {smadi}, {kakne}, {birti}, {mipri}, {morji}, {saske}, {viska}.
djuno .i mi djuno so'i da la .lojban. I know a lot about Lojban. x1 knows fact(s) x2 (du'u) about subject x3 by epistemology x4. Words usable for epistemology typically have a du'u place; know how to - implying knowledge of method but not necessarily having the ability to practice (= {tadjyju'o}). (cf. know / familiar with: se slabu, na'e cnino, na'e fange). See also cmavo list {du'o}, {krici}, {jinvi}, {cilre}, {certu}, {facki}, {jijnu}, {jimpe}, {senpi}, {smadi}, {kakne}, {birti}, {mipri}, {morji}, {saske}, {viska}.
djuno mi djuno mo'a da le cmaci I know too little about math. x1 knows fact(s) x2 (du'u) about subject x3 by epistemology x4. Words usable for epistemology typically have a du'u place; know how to - implying knowledge of method but not necessarily having the ability to practice (= {tadjyju'o}). (cf. know / familiar with: se slabu, na'e cnino, na'e fange). See also cmavo list {du'o}, {krici}, {jinvi}, {cilre}, {certu}, {facki}, {jijnu}, {jimpe}, {senpi}, {smadi}, {kakne}, {birti}, {mipri}, {morji}, {saske}, {viska}.
do xu do djica le nu mi sidju do Do you want me to help you? pro-sumti: you listener(s); identified by vocative.
do'a do'a mi do ka'e ctuca le se jmina I could teach you some additional things. discursive: generously - parsimoniously. See also {dunda}.
do'a do'a nai do no da zekri lebna At least you didn't steal anything. discursive: generously - parsimoniously. See also {dunda}.
do'a a'o mi te dunda le pa kargu karce a ke do'a nai le pa karce poi na spofu Hopefully, I'll be given an expensive car or at least one that isn't broken. discursive: generously - parsimoniously. See also {dunda}.
do'e ti karda do'e le valsi It's a card with a word. elliptical / unspecified modal.
do'i do'i me le jufra pe pa se cukta poi mi pu tcidu That sentence is from a book that I had read. pro-sumti: elliptical / unspecified utterance variable.
do'o lu mi'a pu casnu le nu litru li'u lu do'o pu cuxna ma li'u "We discussed travelling." "What did you choose?" pro-sumti: you the listener & others unspecified.
doi doi le nobli do co'u morji fi le ckiku pe do Oh, sir! You forgot your keys. generic vocative marker; identifies intended listener; elidable after COI.
donri ra stali le zdani ca le donri be le prulamdei bei vo'e He stayed at home in the daytime. x1 is the daytime of day x2 at location x3; (adjective:) x1 is diurnal (vs. nocturnal). See also {nicte}, {djedi}, {tcika}.
draci pa pendo be mi cu finti pa draci be le nabmi pe le te seksi My friend is the author of a drama about the problem of sexes. x1 is a drama / play about x2 [plot / theme / subject] by dramatist x3 for audience x4 with actors x5. x2 may also be a convention. See also {finti}, {cukta}, {lisri}, {cfika}.
drani do drani le ka pilno ma kau noi valsi You are correct in what words you use. x1 is correct / proper / right / perfect in property / aspect x2 (ka) in situation x3 by standard x4. See also {srera}, {mapti}.
drata lo drata be mi ka'e sidju Someone else but me can help. x1 isn't the-same-thing-as / is different-from / other-than x2 by standard x3; x1 is something else. See also {mintu}, {frica}.
drata i ru'i ku bu'u le panka le'i re prenu cu simxu le ka prami e le ka drata le ka makau stizu gi'e se zutse ce'u The two people loving each other are sitting on different benches in the park. x1 isn't the-same-thing-as / is different-from / other-than x2 by standard x3; x1 is something else. See also {mintu}, {frica}.
drudi le drudi be le mi'u dinju cu ei se cikre The roof of the building needs fixing. x1 is a roof / top / ceiling / lid of x2. (cf. bitmu, stedu, galtu, gapru, loldi, marbi, gacri, mapku; a drudi is (designed to be) over / above something and shelters it from other things above the drudi, mapku)
du li pa su'i pa du li re li pa no fe'i mu 1 + 1 = 2 = 10 / 5. identity selbri; = sign; x1 identically equals x2, x3, etc.; attached sumti refer to same thing.
du xu do du le prenu poi mitysisku mi ca le prulamdei Are you the same person who searched for me yesterday? identity selbri; = sign; x1 identically equals x2, x3, etc.; attached sumti refer to same thing.
du'e le mi'u vacri ca se la'u li du'e glare It's too hot. digit / number: too many; subjective.
du'e du'e prenu cu zvati le mi'u klaji There are too many people in the street. digit / number: too many; subjective.
du'i mi'a du'i casnu le mintu We equally discussed the same. dunli modal, 1st place (equalled by) equally; as much as ...
du'i xu do ne du'i mi zukcfu Are you as busy as I am? dunli modal, 1st place (equalled by) equally; as much as ...
du'u .i mi djuno le du'u do na fuzme I know that you are not responsible. abstractor: predication / bridi abstractor; x1 is predication [bridi] expressed in sentence x2.
dugri li ci dugri li pa no no no li pa no 3 is the logarithm of 1000 to base 10. x1 is the logarithm of x2 with base x3. See also {tenfa}.
dukti la alis la kevin pu dukti le ka catlu ma kau Alice and Kevin looked in the opposite directions. x1 is polar opposite from / contrary to x2 in property / on scale x3 (property / si'o). See also {ranxi}, {ragve}, {fatne}.
dunda mi pu dunda tu'a pa plise do I gave you an apple. x1 [donor] gives / donates gift / present x2 to recipient / beneficiary x3 [without payment / exchange]. Also grants; x3 is a receiver (= terdu'a for reordered places); the Lojban doesn't distinguish between or imply possession transfer or sharing; x2 may be a specific object, a commodity (mass), an event, or a property; pedantically, for objects / commodities, this is sumti-raising from ownership of the object / commodity (= {posydu'a}, posyseldu'a for unambiguous {semantics}). See also {benji}, {muvdu}, {canja}, {pleji}, {vecnu}, {friti}, {sfasa}, {dapma}, {cnemu}, {prali}.
dunda le nobli turni pu dunda fi le selfu fe lo ka ponse le tumla The noble ruler granted the servant legal ownership of some land. x1 [donor] gives / donates gift / present x2 to recipient / beneficiary x3 [without payment / exchange]. Also grants; x3 is a receiver (= terdu'a for reordered places); the Lojban doesn't distinguish between or imply possession transfer or sharing; x2 may be a specific object, a commodity (mass), an event, or a property; pedantically, for objects / commodities, this is sumti-raising from ownership of the object / commodity (= {posydu'a}, posyseldu'a for unambiguous {semantics}). See also {benji}, {muvdu}, {canja}, {pleji}, {vecnu}, {friti}, {sfasa}, {dapma}, {cnemu}, {prali}.
dunja ra na ru'e dunja He almost froze. x1 freezes / jells / solidifies at temperature x2 and pressure x3. See also {febvi}, {lunsa}, {runme}, {sligu}.
dunku mi pu dunku le ka kansa no da I was distressed at being alone. x1 is anguished / distressed / emotionally wrought / stressed by x2. See also {fengu}, {surla}.
dunku xu do dunku le nu le mensi be do cu bilma Are you distressed at your sister being ill? x1 is anguished / distressed / emotionally wrought / stressed by x2. See also {fengu}, {surla}.
dunli mi dunli le mensi be mi le ka clani i ku'i mi na mintu le mi'u mensi I am as long as my sister is. But I'm not her. x1 is equal / congruent to / as much as x2 in property / dimension / quantity x3. Same in quantity / quality (not necessarily in identity); 'analogy' may be expressed as the equivalence of two properties of similarity (ka x1 simsa x2) and (ka x3 simsa x4). See also cmavo list {du'i}, {satci}, {frica}, {simsa}, {mintu}.
dunli mi dunli do le ka jinvi ma kau le se zukte be le mi'u prenu I am in concord with you in what we think about his actions. x1 is equal / congruent to / as much as x2 in property / dimension / quantity x3. Same in quantity / quality (not necessarily in identity); 'analogy' may be expressed as the equivalence of two properties of similarity (ka x1 simsa x2) and (ka x3 simsa x4). See also cmavo list {du'i}, {satci}, {frica}, {simsa}, {mintu}.
dunra ca le dunra be le re no no mu moi bei la australiias mi pu zvati ti During Australian winter of year 2005 I was here. x1 is winter / wintertime [cold season] of year x2 at location x3. See also {citsi}, {crisa}, {critu}, {vensa}.
dzena do dzena mi le ka ce'u ce'u lidne le ka jbena ca ma kau You are my ancestor since you were born before me. x1 is an elder / ancestor of x2 by bond / tie / degree x3; x1's generation precedes x2's parents. See also {patfu}, {rirni}, {tamne}.
dzipo au mi vitke le dzipo tumla I want to visit the Antarctica. x1 reflects Antarctican culture / nationality / geography in aspect x2. See also {ketco}, {friko}, {sralo}, {terdi}.
e .i mi .e do pu casnu le za'u bangu I discussed languages, and you discussed languages (maybe not with each other, maybe in different discussions). logical connective: sumti afterthought and.
e'a e'a do klama le nenri You may come in. attitudinal: granting permission - prohibiting. See also {curmi}.
e'a e'a nai fagri No fire allowed! attitudinal: granting permission - prohibiting. See also {curmi}.
e'a e'a nai crepu le xrula You may not pick the flowers. attitudinal: granting permission - prohibiting. See also {curmi}.
e'ande e'o do e'ande mi le ka tcidu le mi'u cukta ba le nu do mo'u tcidu ri Please, allow me to read the book after you finish reading it.
e'ande le mi'u rirni pu e'ande le mi'u verba le ka kelci bu'u le mi'u panka The parent let the child play in the park.
e'e e'e mi kuspe do I feel up to reaching you. attitudinal: competence - incompetence / inability. See also {kakne}, {certu}.
e'e e'e nai mi kuspe do I don't feel up to reaching you. attitudinal: competence - incompetence / inability. See also {kakne}, {certu}.
e'e e'ei nai do kuspe You are not going to reach it. attitudinal: competence - incompetence / inability. See also {kakne}, {certu}.
e'ei e'ei klama le zdani Let's go home.
e'ei do e'ei co'u denpa C'mon, what are you waiting for?
e'ei e'ei do jarco le ka vlipa Show your strength, go for it!
e'ei e'ei mi kuspe do I'll reach you.
e'i e'i mi cliva I have to leave. attitudinal: feeling constraint - independence - challenge / resistance against constraint. See also {selri'u}, {seljimte}.
e'i do sanga e'i Sing! attitudinal: feeling constraint - independence - challenge / resistance against constraint. See also {selri'u}, {seljimte}.
e'i e'i do carmi gunka You ought to work hard. attitudinal: feeling constraint - independence - challenge / resistance against constraint. See also {selri'u}, {seljimte}.
e'o e'o mi zgana Let me see. attitudinal: request - negative request. See also {cpedu}, {pikci}.
e'o e'o do dunda le mi'u jisra mi Will you pass the juice, please? attitudinal: request - negative request. See also {cpedu}, {pikci}.
e'o e'o nai ko lebna le titla Here, take some candies. attitudinal: request - negative request. See also {cpedu}, {pikci}.
e'u e'u mi'o troci Let's try. attitudinal: suggestion - abandon suggest - warning. See also {stidi}, {kajde}.
e'u e'u klama Let's go. attitudinal: suggestion - abandon suggest - warning. See also {stidi}, {kajde}.
e'u e'u nai do stapa le cripu You'd better not step onto the bridge. attitudinal: suggestion - abandon suggest - warning. See also {stidi}, {kajde}.
e'u e'u do dasni le kosta You ought to wear a coat. attitudinal: suggestion - abandon suggest - warning. See also {stidi}, {kajde}.
ei ei do ca sipna You should be sleeping now. attitudinal: obligation - freedom. See also {bilga}, {zifre}.
ei ei do djuno You ought to know. attitudinal: obligation - freedom. See also {bilga}, {zifre}.
ei ei nai do mipri le nei You needn't hide yourself. attitudinal: obligation - freedom. See also {bilga}, {zifre}.
ei ro da cu se senpi ei Everything should be doubted. attitudinal: obligation - freedom. See also {bilga}, {zifre}.
enge le patfu be mi pu enge ti noi dinju My father was an architect of this building.
entuzi la kevin cu mutce le ka entuzi le ka co'a se jibri le cnino Kevin is very enthusiastic about getting a new job.
fa fe zo coi cusku fa mi Hello, said I. sumti place tag: tag 1st sumti place.
fa fe ma fa mi zukte .ei What should I do? sumti place tag: tag 1st sumti place.
fa sarcu fa le nu do zvati It's required that you are present. sumti place tag: tag 1st sumti place.
fa'a ko catlu fa'a le mi'u canko Look in the direction of the window. location tense relation / direction; arriving at / directly towards ...
fa'a xu le mi'u pa cipni ca'o vofli fa'a le solri Is the bird flying towards the Sun? location tense relation / direction; arriving at / directly towards ...
fa'u zmadu fa'u mleca fi le ka sampu fa'u le ka drani It's more easy and less correct, respectively. non-logical connective: respectively; unmixed ordered distributed association.
facki mi facki le jitfa le pu se cusku be la alis I discovered false statements in what Alice said. x1 discovers / finds out x2 (du'u) about subject / object x3; x1 finds (fi) x3 (object). See also {cirko}, {djuno}, {jijnu}, {smadi}, {sisku}.
facki mi facki le du'u le mi'u tcadu cu jibni I found that the city is near. x1 discovers / finds out x2 (du'u) about subject / object x3; x1 finds (fi) x3 (object). See also {cirko}, {djuno}, {jijnu}, {smadi}, {sisku}.
facki mi pu facki le du'u le mi'u lisri cu xajmi I found the story funny. x1 discovers / finds out x2 (du'u) about subject / object x3; x1 finds (fi) x3 (object). See also {cirko}, {djuno}, {jijnu}, {smadi}, {sisku}.
fadni fi le'i pendo be mi cu fadni fa la kevin le ka cusku le simsa noi srana mi It's common for my friends and Kevin in particular to say such things about me. x1 [member] is ordinary / common / typical / usual in property x2 (ka) among members of x3 (set). Also: x2 is a normal / common / ordinary / typical property among set x3 (= selterfadni for reordered places); also regular, (mabla forms:) banal, trite, vulgar; (x3 is complete set). See also {cafne}, {rirci}, {kampu}, {lakne}, {tcaci}, {cnano}.
fagdei xu do zifre ca le vanci be le fagdei Are you free on Tuesday evening?
fagri le fagri be le mi'u boske bei le brife co'a carmi The fire in the forest burning in the wind becomes intense. x1 is a fire / flame in fuel x2 burning-in / reacting-with oxidizer x3 (default air / oxygen). See also {jelca}, {sacki}.
fagri le mi'u mudri cu se fagri The wood is burning. x1 is a fire / flame in fuel x2 burning-in / reacting-with oxidizer x3 (default air / oxygen). See also {jelca}, {sacki}.
fai le nu jimpe la'e ti cu nandu i la'e ti jai nandu fai le nu ri se jimpe Understanding this is hard. This is hard to understand. sumti place tag: tag a sumti moved out of numbered place structure; used in modal conversions.
falnu ti noi bloti cu te falnu This is a sailboat. x1 is a sail for gathering propelling material x2 on vehicle / motor x3. Waterwheel (= {jacfanxi'u}). See also {bloti}.
falnu ti noi molki cu te falnu le djacu pa xislu This mill operates on a water wheel. x1 is a sail for gathering propelling material x2 on vehicle / motor x3. Waterwheel (= {jacfanxi'u}). See also {bloti}.
famti do famti mi le ka ce'u mensi le mamta be ce'u You are my aunt since you are a sister of my mother. x1 is an aunt / uncle of x2 by bond / tie x3; x1 is an associated member of x2's parent's generation. See also {bruna}, {mamta}, {mensi}, {patfu}, {rirni}, {tamne}.
fancu le nu se la'u li xo kau mi'o snada cu te fancu le nu se la'u li xo kau mi'o troci Our success depends on how hard we try. x1 is a function / single-valued mapping from domain x2 to range x3 defined by expression / rule x4. See also {mekso}, {bridi}.
fancu le jdima be le broda cu te fancu le nu le mi'u broda tai ma kau cu se sabji jo'u le nu le mi'u broda cu se cpedu xo kau da The price of a good is a function of its supply and demand. x1 is a function / single-valued mapping from domain x2 to range x3 defined by expression / rule x4. See also {mekso}, {bridi}.
fancu le nu mi jimpe la'e ti na te fancu tu'a do I don't depend on you to understand this. x1 is a function / single-valued mapping from domain x2 to range x3 defined by expression / rule x4. See also {mekso}, {bridi}.
fancu li fy pe li xy cu fancu li ma'u li ma'u no me'o vei xy su'i pa ve'o pi'i vei xy vu'u pa ve'o f(x) = (x + 1) (x − 1), where x>1, f(x)>0. x1 is a function / single-valued mapping from domain x2 to range x3 defined by expression / rule x4. See also {mekso}, {bridi}.
fange ra fange mi le ka zukte ma kau He is alien to me in what he does. x1 is alien / foreign / [exotic] / unfamiliar to x2 in property x3 (ka). See also {cizra}, {jbena}, {ckini}.
fanmo do te mukti le ka mo ca le fanmo le ca jeftu What are you going to do on weekend? x1 is an end / finish / termination of thing / process x2; [not necessarily implying completeness]. x1 is final / last / at the last; x1 is a terminal / terminus of x2; x1 is the final / terminated state of terminated process x2; x2 terminates / ceases / stops / halts at x1 (= selfa'o for reordered places). See also {krasi}, {cfari}, {mulno}, {sisti}, {denpa}, {jipno}, {kojna}, {traji}, {krasi}.
fanmo le fanmo be le mi'u te jivna ba cinri ba'a I expect the final part of the competition interesting. x1 is an end / finish / termination of thing / process x2; [not necessarily implying completeness]. x1 is final / last / at the last; x1 is a terminal / terminus of x2; x1 is the final / terminated state of terminated process x2; x2 terminates / ceases / stops / halts at x1 (= selfa'o for reordered places). See also {krasi}, {cfari}, {mulno}, {sisti}, {denpa}, {jipno}, {kojna}, {traji}, {krasi}.
fanri ti fanri le nanba le gurni This is a mill producing bread from grain. x1 is a factory / foundry / industrial plant / mill producing x2 from materials x3. See also {molki}, {gundi}.
fanta le bumru pu fanta le nu mi'a viska da Fog prevented us from seeing anything. x1 prevents / keeps / stops / restrains / constrains event x2 from occurring. See also {pinfu}, {bandu}, {zunti}, {rinju}, {jimte}, {bapli}, {rivbi}.
fanva .i mi pu fanva lu coi ui li'u le glico le lojbo zoi gy.yay, hello!.gy. I translated {coi ui} to English from Lojban as "Yay, hello!" x1 translates text / utterance x2 to language x3 from language x4 with translation result x5. See also {cusku}, {bangu}.
fanva xu lu coi do li'u drani xe fanva zoi gy.Hello, you!.gy. Is {coi do} a correct translation of "Hello, you!"? x1 translates text / utterance x2 to language x3 from language x4 with translation result x5. See also {cusku}, {bangu}.
fanza le nu le verba cu klaku cu fanza le mamta be le mi'u verba Baby crying annoys his mother. x1 (event) annoys / irritates / bothers / distracts x2. Also: is disruptive to. See also {fengu}, {raktu}, {dicra}, {tunta}, {zunti}, {jicla}.
fanza do fanza mi You annoy me. x1 (event) annoys / irritates / bothers / distracts x2. Also: is disruptive to. See also {fengu}, {raktu}, {dicra}, {tunta}, {zunti}, {jicla}.
fapro mi pu fliba le ka fapro le nu do cisma I couldn't resist your smile. x1 opposes / balances / contends against opponent(s) x2 (person / force ind. / mass) about x3 (abstract). Also resists. See also {bandu}, {bradi}, {darlu}, {damba}, {jivna}, {lanxe}, {rivbi}, {sarji}, {xarnu}.
fapro xu do fapro fi le ka sidju mi Do you refuse to help me? x1 opposes / balances / contends against opponent(s) x2 (person / force ind. / mass) about x3 (abstract). Also resists. See also {bandu}, {bradi}, {darlu}, {damba}, {jivna}, {lanxe}, {rivbi}, {sarji}, {xarnu}.
farlu mi pu farlu fi pa skalera fe le dertu I fell down from the stairs onto the ground. x1 falls / drops to x2 from x3 in gravity well / frame of reference x4. Note: things can fall in spin, thrust, or tide as well as gravity; (agentive 'drop' = one of two lujvo: falcru and falri'a). See also {lafti}, {cpare}, {klama}, {sfubu}.
farlu la alis pu jai gau farlu fai le mi'u dakli le mi'u jubme Alice dropped the bag on the table. x1 falls / drops to x2 from x3 in gravity well / frame of reference x4. Note: things can fall in spin, thrust, or tide as well as gravity; (agentive 'drop' = one of two lujvo: falcru and falri'a). See also {lafti}, {cpare}, {klama}, {sfubu}.
farna le cmana cu farna le se klama be la alis vau mi From my viewpoint, the mountains were the direction at which Alice was coming. x1 is the direction of x2 (object / event) from origin / in frame of reference x3. x2 is towards x1 from x3 (= selfa'a for reordered places). See also {zunle}, {pritu}, {galtu}, {gapru}, {cnita}, {dizlo}, {berti}, {snanu}, {stuna}, {stici}, {purci}, {balvi}, {lidne}.
farvi le'e nanba cu farvi le bredi le te zbasu le nu co'a mixre le purmo jo'u le matne jo'u le sovda jo'u le sakta vau jo'u ba bo le nu glare jo'u ba bo le nu satre vo'a le matne One makes a standard cake from raw materials by mixing flour, butter, eggs and sugar together, then heating, then greasing the cake with butter, and after that, it is ready. x1 develops / evolves towards / into x2 from x3 through stages x4. See also {pruce}, {banro}, {makcu}, {ciste}, {cupra}, {ferti}.
fasnu le cizra pu va fasnu There were strange things happening there. x1 (event) is an event that happens / occurs / takes place; x1 is an incident / happening / occurrence. (cf. cmavo list fau, krefu, lifri, fatci, rapli; gasnu, zukte, if specifically agentive, banli)
fasnu le ei ba fasnu ba fasnu Whatever shall be will be. x1 (event) is an event that happens / occurs / takes place; x1 is an incident / happening / occurrence. (cf. cmavo list fau, krefu, lifri, fatci, rapli; gasnu, zukte, if specifically agentive, banli)
fatci mi se la'u li me'i ro birti le du'u ro se djuno be mi bei le mi'u munje cu fatci I'm not completely sure that all that I know about the world are actual facts. x1 (du'u) is a fact / reality / truth / actuality, in the absolute. See also {datni}, {jitfa}, {sucta}, {xanri}, {jetnu}, {fasnu}, {zasti}, {cfika}, {saske}.
fatri gau mi fatri fa le titla le verba le pa mei I handed out candies to children one candy to each of them. x1 is distributed / allotted / allocated / shared among x2 with shares / portions x3; (x2 / x3 fa'u). Also spread, shared out, apportioned; agentive distribution (= {fairgau}, {fairzu'e}). See also cmavo list {fa'u}, {fendi}, {preja}, {katna}, {tcana}.
fau fau le nu do djica vau ko cpedu fi mi If you want, ask me. fasnu modal, 1st place (non-causal) in the event of ...
fau ro da zo'u ca ro nu do nitcu tu'a da vau do e'a da lebna Whenever you need something, take it. fasnu modal, 1st place (non-causal) in the event of ...
fau fau ro da da'i mi snada I would succeed anyway. fasnu modal, 1st place (non-causal) in the event of ...
fau da'i ma fasnu fau le nu ro remna no roi sipna What would happen if humans never slept? fasnu modal, 1st place (non-causal) in the event of ...
faurbanzu le nu mi tavla fo la lojban na faurbanzu le nu mi jimpe do My level of speaking Lojban isn't enough to understand you. $x_1$ (nu) is a sufficient condition / is enough for $x_2$ (nu) to happen See {sarcu}
faurbanzu da'i le nu do ca co'a klama cu faurbanzu le nu do ca le drani se tcika mo'u klama Leaving now would be enough for you to arrive on time. $x_1$ (nu) is a sufficient condition / is enough for $x_2$ (nu) to happen See {sarcu}
faurbanzu banzu le se djica be mi It's enough for me. $x_1$ (nu) is a sufficient condition / is enough for $x_2$ (nu) to happen See {sarcu}
fe fe ma zvati fa la alis Where is Alice? sumti place tag: tag 2nd sumti place.
fe'e ko vi'i fe'e di'i sombo le mi'u gurni Sow the grain in a line and evenly! mark space interval distributive aspects; labels interval tense modifiers as location-oriented.
fe'i le mi'u jubme cu mitre li pa fe'i re The table is half a meter in length. n-ary mathematical operator: divided by; division operator; [(((a / b) / c) / ...)].
fe'o ca ti mi cliva e'i fe'o Now I have to leave, have a nice day! vocative: over and out (end discussion).
febvi le mi'u djacu za'o febvi The water is already boiling. x1 boils / evaporates at temperature x2 and pressure x3. Roil (= {febjicla}). See also {dunja}, {lunsa}, {runme}.
fegli le mi'u djacu cu fegli le ka se panci ma kau The water has an ugly smell.
fei mi ba volta de'i li cy fei I will return at 11 o'clock. digit / number: hex digit B (decimal 11) [eleven].
femti lo'e pa protoni cu femti le ka mitre li ji'i pa pi xa vau le ka clani A proton has a size of about 1.6 femtometres. x1 is $10^{-15}$ of x2 in dimension / aspect x3 (default is units). See also {grake}, {mitre}, {snidu}, {stero}, {delno}, {molro}, {kelvo}, {xampo}, {gradu}, {litce}, {merli}, {centi}, {decti}, {dekto}, {gigdo}, {gocti}, {gotro}, {kilto}, {megdo}, {mikri}, {milti}, {nanvi}, {petso}, {picti}, {terto}, {xatsi}, {xecto}, {xexso}, {zepti}, {zetro}
fendi mi fendi le mi'u najnimre ci spisa I divide the orange into three pieces. x1 (agent) divides / partitions / separates x2 into sections / parts / ind. x3 by method / partition x4. Also segments. See also {sepli}, {bitmu}, {fatri}, {dilcu}, {katna}, {frinu}.
fengu ra pu fengu mi le ka pu na klama She was angry with me for not coming. x1 is angry / mad at x2 for x3 (action / state / property). See also {fanza}, {dunku}.
fenki le mi'u tcini cu fenki The situation is crazy. x1 (action / event) is crazy / insane / mad / frantic / in a frenzy (one sense) by standard x2. See also {bebna}, {racli}, {xajmi}.
fenki le ka fengu cu klesi le ka jai fenki Anger is a form of madness. x1 (action / event) is crazy / insane / mad / frantic / in a frenzy (one sense) by standard x2. See also {bebna}, {racli}, {xajmi}.
fenra da fenra le mi'u bitmu There is a crack in the wall. x1 is a crack / fissure / pass / cleft / ravine / chasm / [defect / flaw] [shape / form] in x2. See also {kevna}, {cfila}, {jinto}.
fenso le mi'u nixli pu fenso pa bukpu pa jesni pa cilta The girl sewed pieces of cloth using a needle and a thread. x1 sews / stitches / sutures materials x2 (ind. / set) together with tool(s) x3, using filament x4. (x2 if a set must be a complete specification); See also {cilta}, {jivbu}, {jorne}, {nivji}, {pijne}, {lasna}.
fepni le mi'u penbi cu fepni li mu no le ropno The pen costs 50 eurocents. x1 is measured in kopeck / cent money-subunits as x2 [quantity], in monetary system x3. Also pfennig, paisa, sen, fen, dinar, etc.; x1 is generally a price / cost / value. (additional secondary, tertiary, etc. subunit places may be added as x4, x5, x6, ...); See also {sicni}, {jdini}, {jdima}, {vecnu}, {rupnu}, {dekpu}, {gutci}, {minli}, {merli}, {bunda}, {kramu}.
fepri ro da pu sanga se rai le ka pilno le fepri be vo'a Everybody sang at the top of their lungs. x1 is a / the lung [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: breathing / respiratory apparatus / bellows]. Also (adjective:) x1 is pulmonary. See also {pambe}, {vasxu}.
ferti le vi tumla cu ferti le ka te crepu le vanjba This land is fertile for reaping grapes. x1 is fertile / conducive for supporting the growth / development of x2; x1 is fruitful / prolific. Also fecund (note that the Lojban covers both potential and actual / realized fertility). See also {vanbi}, {sidju}, {rorci}, {farvi}, {banro}, {cange}.
ferti ti noi fetsi cu ferti le ka se tarbi This female is fertile for conception. x1 is fertile / conducive for supporting the growth / development of x2; x1 is fruitful / prolific. Also fecund (note that the Lojban covers both potential and actual / realized fertility). See also {vanbi}, {sidju}, {rorci}, {farvi}, {banro}, {cange}.
festi ko bevri le festi be le grute le klaji Take the fruit scraps to the street. x1(s) is / are waste product(s) [left to waste] by x2 (event / activity). Also shit, crap; agentive wasting (= {fesygau}, {fesyzu'e}). See also {xaksu}, {kalci}, {pinca}.
fetsi ti fetsi le finpe le ka se ganti ma kau This fish is female in having a certain kind of gonads. x1 is a female / doe of species x2 evidencing feminine trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is feminine. See also {nakni}.
fi mi dunda fe tu'a ti fi do I give this to you. sumti place tag: tag 3rd sumti place.
fi mi co'i klama fi le tsani I came from the sky. sumti place tag: tag 3rd sumti place.
fi'a lu do klama fi'a le mi'u zdani li'u lu fi li'u "Are you going home, from home or?" "From home." sumti place tag: place structure number / tag question.
fi'i fi'i le vitke be le zdani be mi'a Welcome to our house. vocative: hospitality - inhospitality; you are welcome / make yourself at home.
fi'i do le'o co'e ne'a le zdani be mi fi'i nai How dare you show up near my house, go away! vocative: hospitality - inhospitality; you are welcome / make yourself at home.
fi'o le mi'u mlatu pu plipe fi'o suksa The cat jumped quickly. convert selbri to nonce modal / sumti tag.
fi'o le mi'u nabmi cu nandu fi'o jinvi so'i prenu The problem is difficult according to many people. convert selbri to nonce modal / sumti tag.
fi'u mi pu citka pa fi'u ci plise I ate 1/3 of an apple. digit / number: fraction slash; default / n => 1 / n, n / => n / 1, or / alone => golden ratio.
fi'u le re fi'u ci si'ei be le prenu na kakne le ka limna Two thirds of people can't swim. digit / number: fraction slash; default / n => 1 / n, n / => n / 1, or / alone => golden ratio.
fi'u le se klani be fi le ka clani be'o fi'u le se klani be fi le ka ganra cu du li fi'u The length is in golden ratio to the length. digit / number: fraction slash; default / n => 1 / n, n / => n / 1, or / alone => golden ratio.
fi'u mi pu te vecnu pa re fi'u re sovda I bought half a dozen eggs. digit / number: fraction slash; default / n => 1 / n, n / => n / 1, or / alone => golden ratio.
figre mi nelci ti noi crino figre I like these green figs. x1 is a fig [fruit / tree] of species / strain x2. See also {grute}.
finpe mi se pluka le ka kalte le finpe I like fishing. x1 is a fish of species x2 [metaphorical extension to sharks, non-fish aquatic vertebrates]. See also {danlu}.
finti .i mi pu finti le lisri le ka zdile le verba vau le se lifri be mi I created a story out of my real experience to amuse the child. x1 invents / creates / composes / authors x2 for function / purpose x3 from existing elements / ideas x4. x1 is creative / inventive. See also cmavo list {fi'e}, {ciska}, {pemci}, {zbasu}, {larcu}, specific works of authorship, {prosa}, {skina}.
firca ko sisti le ka firca le mensi be mi le ka benji le jai se dunda ri Stop flirting with my sister by sending her gifts. x1 flirts with x2 by doing x3 See {cinse}, {pamta'a}, {cinjikca}, {mletritra}, {gletu}
flalu le flalu be le ka na ralte le gerku bei ro se zdani cu cizra The law specifying that no citizen should keep a dog is crazy. x1 is a law specifying x2 (state / event) for community x3 under conditions x4 by lawgiver(s) x5. x1 is a legality; x2 is legal / licit / legalized / a legality (= selfla for reordered places). See also {javni}, {ritli}, {zekri}, {pulji}, {tinbe}.
flani le sance be le mi'u flani cu jai pluka The flute has a pleasant sound. x1 is a flute / pipe / fife / recorder [flute-like / air-reed musical instrument]. See also {zgike}.
flaume le pa spisa be le flaume torta ije uo mi ba'o xagji A piece of a plum cake, and, voilà, I'm no longer hungry.
flecu ti flecu le condi pa lalxu pa galtu krasi pe bu'u lei cmana This is a current in a deep bed running towards a lake from high springheads in the mountains. x1 is a current / flow / river of / in x2 flowing in direction to / towards x3 from direction / source x4. [x1 is a stream of x2; x2 is a fluid Gas or liquid. (= {selfle} for reordered places); x1 flushes toward x3; flush (= {caifle}, {sukfle})]; See also {rirxe}, {senta} where no directionality is implied, {rinci}, {xampo}, {dikca}, {sakci}, {gapci}, {litki}, {ciblu}.
fliba mi za'u re'u fliba le mi'u cipra I failed the test again. x1 fails at doing x2 (state / event); x1 is a failure at its role in x2. Baffled (= {pesfli}, {jmifli}, {dafspufli}, {menfli}, among other senses); also x2 ceases / does not complete / fails to continue due to failure on the part of x1. See also {cfila}, {snada}, {srera}, {troci}, {sisti}, {ranji}, {denpa}, {bebna}, {zunti}.
fliba le mi'u se troci pu se fliba The attempt failed. x1 fails at doing x2 (state / event); x1 is a failure at its role in x2. Baffled (= {pesfli}, {jmifli}, {dafspufli}, {menfli}, among other senses); also x2 ceases / does not complete / fails to continue due to failure on the part of x1. See also {cfila}, {snada}, {srera}, {troci}, {sisti}, {ranji}, {denpa}, {bebna}, {zunti}.
fliba mi fliba le ka zvafa'i le mi'u penbi I can't find the pen. x1 fails at doing x2 (state / event); x1 is a failure at its role in x2. Baffled (= {pesfli}, {jmifli}, {dafspufli}, {menfli}, among other senses); also x2 ceases / does not complete / fails to continue due to failure on the part of x1. See also {cfila}, {snada}, {srera}, {troci}, {sisti}, {ranji}, {denpa}, {bebna}, {zunti}.
flira u'e melbi flira ra What a nice face she has! x1 is a / the face [head / body-part] of x2; (adjective:) x1 is facial. See also {sefta}, {stedu}, {crane}, {mebri}.
flira ra pu minde mi le ka lumci le flira be mi He told me to wash my face. x1 is a / the face [head / body-part] of x2; (adjective:) x1 is facial. See also {sefta}, {stedu}, {crane}, {mebri}.
flu'ente ti flu'ente pa lalxu pa galtu krasi pe bu'u lei cmana le condi This is a current in a deep bed running towards a lake from high springheads in the mountains.
flu'ente le flu'ente pe le bu'u tcadu cu carmi The traffic in this city is intense.
flu'ente le nazbi be mi cu ve flu'ente I have a runny nose.
flu'ente le mi'u cmana mo'u se flu'ente le glare The mountain erupted jetting hot matter.
fo mi pu ciksi fe le nu mi pu na zvati vau fo le nu mi pu bilma I explained that I was absent because I was ill. sumti place tag: tag 4th sumti place.
foldi mi vreta bu'u pa foldi be le xrula I'm lying on a flower field. x1 is a field [shape / form] of material x2; x1 is a broad uniform expanse of x2. Also woods (= {ricfoi}), lawn / meadow (= {sasfoi}), brush (= {spafoi}, {cicyspafoi}). See also {purdi}, {cange}.
fonmo le mi'u glare pu ru'i cupra le fonmo be le djacu bei le gapci The heat was producing bubbles of gas in the water. x1 is a quantity of foam / froth / suds of material x2, with bubbles / vacuoles of material x3. See also {zbabu}.
fonxa ti fonxa le skori e nai le te cradi This is a landline phone, not a radiophone. x1 is a telephone transceiver / modem attached to system / network x2. See also {tcana}.
forca ti forca le nu jukpa vau le ci mei le mudri This is a wooden fork for cooking with three tines. x1 is a fork / fork-type tool / utensil for purpose x2 with tines / prongs x3 on base / support x4. See also {dakfu}, {smuci}, {komcu}, {tutci}.
fragari le fragari cu je'a titla Strawberries are really sweet.
fraso xu do tavla fo le fraso Do you speak French? x1 reflects French / Gallic culture / nationality / language in aspect x2. See also {ropno}.
fraxu ko fraxu mi le ka jai lerci Forgive me for being late. x1 forgives x2 for event / state / activity x3. See also {dunda}, {curmi}, {zungi}.
frica mi frica do le ka nelci ma kau You and I differ from each other in what we like. x1 differs / is distinct from / contrasts with / is unlike x2 in property / dimension / quantity x3. Also other-than (less common meaning). See also {ranxi}, {drata}, {dunli}, {simsa}, {vrici}.
friko au mi viska le friko xanto I want to see African elephants. x1 reflects African culture / nationality / geography in aspect x2. See also {ropno}, {xazdo}.
frili ti voi karce cu jai frili fai le nu ri se sazri This car is easy to handle. x1 (action) is easy / simple / facile for x2 (agent) under conditions x3; x2 does x1 freely / easily. See also {nandu}, {sampu}, {zifre}.
frili na pu frili mi fa le ka zvafa'i lei mi'u ckiku It wasn't easy for me to find the keys. x1 (action) is easy / simple / facile for x2 (agent) under conditions x3; x2 does x1 freely / easily. See also {nandu}, {sampu}, {zifre}.
frinu li re frinu li bi li vo 2 = 8 / 2. x1 is a fraction, with numerator x2, denominator x3 (x2 / x3). See also {parbi}, {dilcu}, {mekso}, {fendi}.
friti mi pu friti fi le mi'u mamta fe le nu mi sidju le mi'u verba le ka klama le cnita I offered the mother to help the child to go down. x1 offers / proffers x2 [offering] to x3 with conditions x4. (x4 may be nu canja, nu pleji, etc.; an unconditional offering has the 'condition' of acceptance); x2 may be a specific object, a commodity (mass), an event, or a property; pedantically, for objects / commodities, this is sumti-raising from ownership of the object / commodity (= {posfriti}, posyselfriti for unambiguous {semantics}). See also {canja}, {dunda}, {rinsa}, {vecnu}, {jdima}, {cnemu}, {pleji}, {vitke}.
frumu le mi'u nakni pu frumu ca le nu ri catlu mi He frowned looking at me. x1 frowns / grimaces (facial expression). x1 frowns / grimaces at / in reaction to x2 (= {frufra}). See also {cmila}, {cisma}.
fu mi ba benji le xatra fu le kibro I will send the letter via the internet. sumti place tag: tag 5th sumti place.
fu'au fu'au mi se e'ande fi le ka dasni le tordu skaci Luckily, I'm allowed to wear a short skirt. discursive: luckily - not pertaining to luck - unluckily. Expresses fortune / misfortune of the speaker. Use {dai} to express fortune / misfortune of the listener. See also {funca}.
fu'au do ca zvati le zdani fu'au dai You are now at home, lucky you. discursive: luckily - not pertaining to luck - unluckily. Expresses fortune / misfortune of the speaker. Use {dai} to express fortune / misfortune of the listener. See also {funca}.
fu'au fu'au nai le vi dacti na mutce da'i le ka plixau Unluckily, this thing wouldn't be of big help. discursive: luckily - not pertaining to luck - unluckily. Expresses fortune / misfortune of the speaker. Use {dai} to express fortune / misfortune of the listener. See also {funca}.
fu'au fu'au nai no da pu ganse le nu le mi'u ninmu ba'o kansa mi'a Unluckily, no one noticed that she was no longer with us. discursive: luckily - not pertaining to luck - unluckily. Expresses fortune / misfortune of the speaker. Use {dai} to express fortune / misfortune of the listener. See also {funca}.
fu'e mi viska pa fu'e ia cizra zdani fu'o I can see what I believe is a strange house. begin indicator long scope.
fu'e mi ca klama le drata tcadu fu'e ta'o de'i li jy dy re te zu'e le ka viska lei rirni be mi fu'o I am going to another city (on Tuesday, by the way, to visit my parents). begin indicator long scope.
fu'i e'e fu'i mi cpare le mi'u cmana I can easily climb the mountain, I can go for it! attitudinal modifier: easy - difficult. See also {frili}.
fu'i ui fu'i nai mi mo'u klama le korbi be le tcadu Yay, that was hard but now I'm at the edge of the city. attitudinal modifier: easy - difficult. See also {frili}.
fukpi mi ralte pa fukpi be ti noi pixra bei pa bukpu pe le jubme bei le nu prina I have a printed copy of this picture made as a tablecloth. x1 is a copy / replica / duplicate / clone of x2 in form / medium x3 made by method x4 (event). See also {krefu}, {rapli}, {gidva}.; Borrowing (=fu'ivla).
fulta le morsi pezli xu fulta le sefta be le mi'u djacu Dead leaves float on the surface of the water. x1 (passive) floats on / in fluid (gas / liquid) x2; x1 is buoyant. See also {limna}, {bloti}, {sakli}.
funca mi se funca le ka se jundi ro da I'm lucky in that everybody listens to me. x1 (event / property) is determined by the luck / fortune of x2; (note mabla / zabna not implied). See also {cunso}, {mabla}, {zabna}.
fusra pa perli mo'u fusra There is one pear and it is rotten. x1 rots / decays / ferments with decay / fermentation agent x2; x1 is rotten / decayed / fermented. See also {birje}, {vanju}, {vifne}.
fuzme la alis pu jai se facki fai le du'u ri na fuzme le zekri vau le kamni Alice was found not responsible for the crime by the committee. x1 is responsible / accountable for x2 (action / resulting state) to judge / authority x3. See also {bilga}.
ga ga mi citka gi mi kelci I either eat or play, or do both. logical connective: forethought all but tanru-internal or (with gi).
ga'a ga'a mi ca cerni To me it's morning now. zgana modal, 1st place to observer ... ; witnessed by ...
ga'i do nitcu ma doi le pikci ga'i What do you need, you beggar? attitudinal modifier / honorific: hauteur - equal rank - meekness; used with one of lower rank. See also {gapru}, {cnita}.
ga'i mi ro do ga'i cu'i tavla I'm talking to you, my peers. attitudinal modifier / honorific: hauteur - equal rank - meekness; used with one of lower rank. See also {gapru}, {cnita}.
ga'i e'o doi le turni ko sidju mi'a ga'i nai sai Please, governor, help us, worthless people. attitudinal modifier / honorific: hauteur - equal rank - meekness; used with one of lower rank. See also {gapru}, {cnita}.
ga'u pu bumru ga'u le lalxu There was mist over the river. location tense relation / direction; upwards / up from ...
gacri le snime cu gacri le mi'u dertu Snow covers the ground. x1 is a cover / [lid / top] for covering / concealing / sheltering x2. See also {pilka}, {gapru}, {marbi}, {drudi}, ve {botpi}, {bitmu}, {calku}.
gadri zo le mi'u gadri lu nu dansu li'u {le} is a gadri. x1 is an article / descriptor labelling description x2 (text) in language x3 with semantics x4. x2 is the noun phrase / sumti without the article / descriptor; description ((x1 with x2) = gadysu'i); note: 'determiner' has become the accepted general linguistics term, displacing 'article'; however, 'determiner' includes all words that can introduce a noun phrase / sumti, whether a description or not, such as pronoun possessives like lemi, quantifiers (especially in indefinites) like ci and su'o, and demonstratives like ti, ta, and tu; the term 'descriptor' in Lojban, is limited to words that introduce descriptions (excluding indefinites), such as those of selma'o LA and LE, their common compounds such as lemi, and possibly lenu. 'article' typically refers only to a single word; Lojban assumes the broader meaning] See also {valsi}, {cmavo}.
gai mi citka de'i li cy gai I eat at noon (12 o'clock). digit / number: hex digit C (decimal 12) [twelve].
galfi le mi'u mamta pu galfi le mi'u rectu jo'u le mi'u nanba le pluka snuji Mother turned the meat and the bread into lovely sandwiches. x1 (event) modifies / alters / changes / transforms / converts x2 into x3. Causal, resultative change; agentive modification (= {gafygau}, {gafyzu'e}). (cf. stika for non-resultative, binxo for not-necessarily causal change, cenba for non-resultative change; zasni)
galfi ju'o le mi'u ninmu ba galfi la kevin le speni be vo'a I'm sure she will make Kevin her spouse. x1 (event) modifies / alters / changes / transforms / converts x2 into x3. Causal, resultative change; agentive modification (= {gafygau}, {gafyzu'e}). (cf. stika for non-resultative, binxo for not-necessarily causal change, cenba for non-resultative change; zasni)
galfi le lenku brife pu galfi le mi'u pezli le bunre The cold wind turned the leaves brown. x1 (event) modifies / alters / changes / transforms / converts x2 into x3. Causal, resultative change; agentive modification (= {gafygau}, {gafyzu'e}). (cf. stika for non-resultative, binxo for not-necessarily causal change, cenba for non-resultative change; zasni)
galtu le cipni poi ca'o vofli cu galtu mi lei cmana To me the flying bird is high above the mountains. x1 is high / up / upward in frame of reference x2 as compared with baseline / standard height x3. Also upper; x3 is generally some defined distance above a zero point / baseline, or is that baseline itself. See also {gapru}, {dizlo}, {cnita}, {drudi}, {farna}.
galxe da'i le djacu cu xamgu le galxe be do Water would be fine for your throat. x1 is a / the throat / gullet [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: narrow(ing) opening of a deep hole]. See also {cnebo}, {kevna}, {tunlo}.
ganlo le mi'u vorme cu ganlo le nenri le fange The door is closed not letting the strangers in. x1 (portal / passage / entrance-way) is closed / shut / not open, preventing passage / access to x2 by x3. As a doorway, but also perhaps a semi-permeable membrane. See also {kalri}, {pagre}, {canko}, {vorme}, {zunti}.
ganra le mi'u tricu cu ganra le ka se midju The tree is thick in the middle. x1 is broad / wide in dimension x2 [2nd most significant dimension] by standard x3. See also {clani}, {jarki}, {rotsu}, {condi}, {barda}, {gutci}, {minli}.
ganse mi ganse le nu ti cpina vau le ka smaka ri I sense it being irritating by tasting it. x1 [observer] senses / detects / notices stimulus property x2 (ka) by means x3 under conditions x4. x1 is sensitive to x2; also feels, spots, perceives, makes out, discerns / recognizes (but only implying reaction without necessarily any significant mental processing); note that the emphasis is on a property which stimulates x1 and is detected (sanji is passive about the sensing, and is not limited to sensory input, as well as presuming some kind of discernment / recognition, while not being concerned with the means of detection); x3 sense / sensory channel. See also {pencu}, {sanji}, {viska}, {sumne}, {tirna}, {zgana}, {canci}, {simlu}.
ganti le xanto cu se ganti le barda le nakni Male elephants have large testicles. x1 is a / the testes / ovary / testicle / scrotum / balls / gonad / stamen / pistil [body-part] of x2, gender x3. Egg / sperm / pollen / gamete producing / bearing organ. See also {plibu}, {sovda}, {pinji}, {gutra}, {mabla}.
ganxo le mi'u mikce pu kucli tu'a le nabmi pe le ganxo be le mi'u nanmu The doctor was curious about the problem with the anus of the man. x1 is a / the anus / anal orifice / asshole / arsehole [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: exit, waste exit]. Also asshole / ass / arsehole; (adjective:) x1 is anal. See also {zargu}, {kalci}, {mabla}, {rinci}.
ganzu le mi'u turni pu ganzu le ruble prenu le vlipa jenmi le ka bapli le nu le mi'u jenmi cu zukte le te minde He turned weak people into a powerful army by making them execute orders. x1 organizes x2 [relative chaos] into x3 [ordered / organized result] by system / principle(s) x4. x3 is also a system; x4 could be merely a function which inherently serves to dictate the organizational structure of x3. See also {ciste}, {morna}, {stura}, {bilni}, {cabra}.
gapci ti noi karce cu se livla le gapci This car is powered by gas. x1 is gaseous / fumes / a gas / vapor of material / composition including x2, under conditions x3. x3 includes temperature and pressure. See also {pambe}, {vacri}, {litki}, {sligu}, {danmo}, {bumru}, {cidro}, {flecu}.
gapru le mi'u solri ca gapru mi The Sun is now above me. x1 is directly / vertically above / upwards-from x2 in gravity / frame of reference x3. See also {tsani}, {galtu}, {cnita}, {drudi}, {gacri}, {dizlo}, {farna}.
garna ti garna le xance This is a handrail. x1 is a rail / railing / bar [tool] supporting / restraining x2, of material x3. See also {kamju}, {grana}, {tutci}.
gasnu do pu gasnu le nu mi klaku You made me cry. x1 [person / agent] is an agentive cause of event x2; x1 does / brings about x2. (cf. cmavo list gau, gunka, zukte, rinka, fasnu for non-agentive events, jibri, kakne, pilno)
gasta le balre be ti noi dakfu cu gasta The blade of this knife is made of steel. x1 is a quantity of / is made of / contains steel of composition including x2. See also {jinme}, {molki}, {tirse}.
gau ba gau mi do cliva I will make you leave. gasnu modal, 1st place agent / actor case tag with active agent ...
gau mi pu jai gau citka fai le mi'u verba I fed the child. gasnu modal, 1st place agent / actor case tag with active agent ...
ge mi ge citka pa torta gi pinxe le jisra I both eat a cake and drink some juice. logical connective: forethought all but tanru-internal and (with gi).
ge'e ge'e le mlatu pe mi mo'u se jbena pa no da Well, my cat has given birth to ten kittens. attitudinal: elliptical / unspecified / non-specific emotion; no particular feeling.
ge'i lu do ge'i citka le torta gi pinxe le jisra li'u lu ge li'u "What connective of GA series matches your situation: you eat a cake, you drink some juice?" "I do both." logical connective: forethought all but tanru-internal connective question (with gi).
gei ca ro snidu le'e jgalu cu zenba le ka mitre vau li gei ni'u so Fingernail grows about one nanometer every second. trinary mathematical operator: order of magnitude / value / base; [b * (c to the a power)].
genja ti noi spati cu se genja le clani This plant has long roots. x1 is a root [body-part] of plant / species x2; [metaphor: immobile, supporting, nourishing]. See also {jamfu}, {jicmu}, {patlu}, {samcu}, {spati}, {krasi}.
genxu mi pu kavbu pa finpe pa genxu I caught a fish with a hook. x1 is a hook / crook [shape / form] of material x2. See also {kruvi}, {korcu}.
gerku mi jai gau citka fai le gerku pe mi re roi ro djedi I feed my dog twice a day. x1 is a dog / canine / [bitch] of species / breed x2. See also {lorxu}, {labno}, {mlatu}.
gerna le du'u lo'e gadri cu lidne lo'e sinxa be lo se bridi cu gerna la .lojban. lo'e su'o sumti That gadri precede selbri is the grammar of Lojban for some sumti. x1 is the grammar / rules / defining form of language x2 for structure / text x3. See also {bangu}, {stura}, {cmavo}, {jufra}.
gerna .i zoi ry.привет.ry. te gerna le rusko "привет" is a Russian text. x1 is the grammar / rules / defining form of language x2 for structure / text x3. See also {bangu}, {stura}, {cmavo}, {jufra}.
gi ge do gi mi nelci le'e perli Both you and I like pears. logical connective: all but tanru-internal forethought connective medial marker.
gi'a mi citka gi'a sanga I do at least one of the following: I drink and I sing. I drink or I sing. logical connective: bridi-tail afterthought or.
gi'e ai mi lumci le kumfa gi'e jukpa le nanba I'm going to clean the room and cook bread. logical connective: bridi-tail afterthought and.
gi'e nai mi tavla bau la lojban gi'e nai certu tu'a ri I speak Lojban but I'm not an expert in it.
gi'i do klama gi'i stali Are you going or staying? logical connective: bridi-tail afterthought conn question.
gi'o ro da ka'e prenu gi'o ka'e tavla Everyone either can be a person and can talk, or have none of that. logical connective: bridi-tail afterthought biconditional / iff / if-and-only-if.
gi'u mi citka gi'u sanga I eat (whether or not I sing). logical connective: bridi-tail afterthought whether-or-not.
gidva ra gidva mi le ka tadni la lojban He guides me in studying Lojban. x1 (person / object / event) guides / conducts / pilots / leads x2 (active participants) in / at x3 (event). A guiding person advises / suggests / sets an example to be followed, but does not necessarily control / direct / manage actual execution of an event; an event may serve as a guide by setting a pattern / example to be emulated. See also {jitro}, {ralju}, {sazri}, te {bende}, {jatna}, {fukpi}, {morna}.
gigdo ti voi tcana cu benji ca ro snidu pa gigdo be lo ka bitni bei lo ka vreji This network station sends 1 gigabit of data per second. x1 is a billion [British milliard] [$10^9$] of x2 in dimension / aspect x3 (default is units). See also {grake}, {mitre}, {snidu}, {stero}, {delno}, {molro}, {kelvo}, {xampo}, {gradu}. {litce}, {merli}, {centi}, {decti}, {dekto}, {femti}, {gocti}, {gotro}, {kilto}, {megdo}, {mikri}, {milti}, {nanvi}, {petso}, {picti}, {terto}, {xatsi}, {xecto}, {xexso}, {zepti}, {zetro}
gigdo le kagni cu ponse le gigdo be le ka rupnu bei le ka ba zi pilno The company owns a billion dollars that it will soon use. x1 is a billion [British milliard] [$10^9$] of x2 in dimension / aspect x3 (default is units). See also {grake}, {mitre}, {snidu}, {stero}, {delno}, {molro}, {kelvo}, {xampo}, {gradu}. {litce}, {merli}, {centi}, {decti}, {dekto}, {femti}, {gocti}, {gotro}, {kilto}, {megdo}, {mikri}, {milti}, {nanvi}, {petso}, {picti}, {terto}, {xatsi}, {xecto}, {xexso}, {zepti}, {zetro}
ginka mi'ai pu zbasu pa ginka pe bu'u le mi'u lalxu We made camp near the lake. x1 is a camp / encampment / temporary residence of x2 at location x3. See also {dinju}, {xabju}, {zdani}.
ginka mi'ai pu se ginka ze'a le jeftu We camped there for a week. x1 is a camp / encampment / temporary residence of x2 at location x3. See also {dinju}, {xabju}, {zdani}.
girzu mi cmima lo girzu be le ka tadni la lojban I belong to a group of those who learn Lojban. x1 is group / cluster / team showing common property (ka) x2 due to set x3 linked by relations x4. Also collection, team, comprised of, comprising; members x3 (a specification of the complete membership) comprise group x1; cluster (= {kangri}). See also {bende}, {ciste}, {cmima}, {gunma}, {panra}, {cabra}, {cecmu}, {kansa}, {klesi}, {lanzu}, {liste}, {vrici}.
gismu zo zgana gismu {zgana} is a gismu (root verb). x1 is a (Lojban) root word expressing relation x2 among argument roles x3, with affix(es) x4. Gismu list, if physical object (= ({loi}) {gimste}); referring to the mental construct (e.g. propose adding a new gismu to the gismu list = {gimpoi}, {gimselcmi}, {gimselste}). See also {cmavo}, {cmene}, {lujvo}, {smuni}, {sumti}, {tanru}, {valsi}.
glare le mi'u tcati cu glare The tea is hot. x1 is hot / [warm] by standard x2. Warm (= {mligla}), feverish (= {bi'agla}). See also {lenku}.
gleki mi gleki le nu do jinga I am happy that you won. x1 is happy / merry / glad / gleeful about x2 (event / state). Adversity (= {kamnalgei}). See also {badri}, {cinmo}.
gletu ko na gletu ra mu'i le nu do djica ku po'o Don't have sex with her just because you want to. x1 copulates / fucks / mates / has coitus / sexual intercourse with x2. x1 and x2 are symmetrical; mounts (= {cpanygle}). See also {cinse}, {pinji}, {plibu}, {vibna}, {vlagi}, {mabla}, {speni}.
glico mi traduki le vi uenzi le glico I'm translating this text to English. x1 is English / pertains to English-speaking culture in aspect x2. Generally assume broadest sense of 'English'; may refer to 'English', pertaining to the country / people / culture of England (normally requiring constraint = gligu'e, or simply redundancy = gligli-); British English, the norm language of the UK (= {gliglibau}). (cf. {brito} which refers to the United Kingdom as a whole or to the British empire, {merko}, {sralo}, {kadno}, {skoto})
gluta le mi'u gluta pu jai gau stodi fai le xance be ra le ka mligla The gloves kept her hands warm. x1 is a mitten / glove [hand and lower arm garment] of material x2. Mitten (= {degycauglu}). See also {taxfu}.
go go la alis ba lumci le kumfa gi la kevin cu sidju la alis Alice will clean a room if, and only if, Kevin helps her. logical connective: forethought all but tanru internal biconditional / iff / if-and-only-if(with gi).
go'a au mi ne ka'ai do zgana pa cnino skina i ku'i za'a do ca zukcfu so'i da i ca ma mi'o ka'e go'a I'd like to watch a new movie with you. But as I can see you are very busy now. When can we do that? pro-bridi: repeats a recent bridi (usually not the last 2).
go'i .au mi penmi do i xu le nu go'i cu cumki I'd like to meet you. Is this possible? pro-bridi: preceding bridi; in answer to a yes / no question, repeats the claim, meaning yes.
go'o sa'u mi pu jinvi le nu go'o i do mutce le ka tatpi I simply thought this: you are very tired. pro-bridi: repeats a future bridi, normally the next one.
gocti lo'e pa protoni cu gocti le ka grake li ji'i pa pi ze vau le ka tilju Proton is approximately 1.7 Yoctogram in mass. x1 is $10^{-24}$ of x2 in dimension / aspect x3 (default is units). See also {grake}, {mitre}, {snidu}, {stero}, {delno}, {molro}, {kelvo}, {xampo}, {gradu}. {litce}, {merli}, {centi}, {decti}, {dekto}, {femti}, {gigdo}, {gotro}, {kilto}, {megdo}, {mikri}, {milti}, {nanvi}, {petso}, {picti}, {terto}, {xatsi}, {xecto}, {xexso}, {zepti}, {zetro}
goi i'a da goi ko'a dinju Okay, so there is a house, let's call it {ko'a} from now on. sumti assignment; used to define / assign ko'a / fo'a series pro-sumti; Latin 'sive'.
goi ko'a simlu le ka zarci i je so'i prenu ta'e klama le nenri jo'u le bartu i ji'a cinri fa le nu pa canko be ko'a cu spofu ko'a looks like a store, many people go in and out. In addition, it's interesting that there is a window in ko'a that is broken. sumti assignment; used to define / assign ko'a / fo'a series pro-sumti; Latin 'sive'.
gotro le terdi cu gotro le ka grake li ji'i pa ki'o vau le ka tilju The mass of the Earth is approximately 6000 Yottagram. x1 is $10^{24}$ of x2 in dimension / aspect x3 (default is units). See also {grake}, {mitre}, {snidu}, {stero}, {delno}, {molro}, {kelvo}, {xampo}, {gradu}. {litce}, {merli}, {centi}, {decti}, {dekto}, {femti}, {gigdo}, {gocti}, {kilto}, {megdo}, {mikri}, {milti}, {nanvi}, {petso}, {picti}, {terto}, {xatsi}, {xecto}, {xexso}, {zepti}, {zetro}
gradu ti voi foldi doi la xunre mapku cu gradu le ka clani vau le ka do klama le zdani be le mamta be mi fo le se cmima be ce'u This field, oh Red Hood, is a unit of length on your way to my mother's home. x1 [magnitude] is a unit / degree of / on scale / reference standard x2 (si'o) measuring property x3. Also grade, level, point; x3 dimension. See also {ckilu}, {kantu}, {kelvo}, {merli}, {ranti}, {selci}.
grake lei plise cu grake li pa ki'o The apples are 1 kilogram in weight. x1 is x2 gram(s) [metric unit] in mass (default is 1) by standard x3. See also {junta}, {kilto}, {bunda}, {centi}, {decti}, {dekto}, {femti}, {gigdo}, {gocti}, {gotro}, {litce}, {megdo}, {mikri}, {milti}, {nanvi}, {petso}, {picti}, {terto}, {xatsi}, {xecto}, {xexso}, {zepti}, {zetro}.
grana ra pu jgari pa grana He was holding a rod. x1 is a rod / pole / staff / stick / cane [shape / form] of material x2. See also {garna}.
grasu ko punji le so'o grasu le mi'u xislu Put some grease on the wheel. x1 is a quantity of / is made of / contains grease / fat / oil from source x2. See also {ctile}, {matne}, {plana}.
grasu ri se savru It squeaks. x1 is a quantity of / is made of / contains grease / fat / oil from source x2. See also {ctile}, {matne}, {plana}.
gredile ti gredile le ci pinta jo'u le re sraji It's a grid with three horizontal and two vertical lines.
greku le greku be le mi'u bitmu cu mudri The frame of the fence is wooden. x1 is a frame / structure / skeleton / outline supporting / load-bearing / determining the form of x2. See also {korbi}, {stura}, {tsina}, {bongu}.
grusi ca le nicte ro mlatu cu grusi At night, all cats are grey. x1 is gray [color adjective]. See also {skari}, {blabi}, {xekri}, {kandi}, {carmi}.
grute ti noi grute be le plise cu crino This apple fruit is green. x1 is a fruit [body-part] of species x2. See also {badna}, {dembi}, {figre}, {guzme}, {narge}, {perli}, {pilka}, {plise}, {spati}, {stagi}, {tamca}, {tsiju}, {tarbi}, {panzi}, {rorci}, te {pruce}, {jbari}, {nimre}.
gu la alis cu gu stati gi melbi Alice is smart whether or not she is beautiful. logical connective: forethought all but tanru-internal whether-or-not (with gi).
gu'a le nu litru ba gu'a clani gi ckape The journey will be dangerous or long. logical connective: tanru-internal forethought or (with gi).
gu'e ca pa djedi mi ba gu'e badri gi gleki da One day there will be something so that I will be both sad and happy about. logical connective: tanru-internal forethought and (with gi).
gu'i lu do gu'i citka gi pinxe li'u lu ge li'u "Do you eat or drink?" "Both." logical connective: tanru-internal forethought question (with gi).
gu'o ai mi te vecnu pa gu'o cnino gi kargu karce I'm going to buy an expensive car if and only if it is new. logical connective: tanru-internal forethought biconditional / iff / if-and-only-if (with gi).
gu'u ai mi te vecnu pa gu'u kargu gi cnino karce I'm going to buy a new car whether or not it is expensive. logical connective: tanru-internal forethought whether-or-not (with gi).
gubni le mi'u panka cu gubni le prenu The park is public and open to people. x1 is public / un-hidden / open / jointly available to / owned by all among community x2 (mass). See also {sivni}.
gugde ti gugde le cilce prenu le na'e barda This is a country of wild people covering not a big territory. x1 is the country of peoples x2 with land / territory x3; (people / territory relationship). Also sovereignty, domestic (as opposed to foreign), nation (when not referring to ethnos). See also {turni}, {natmi}, {jecta}, {tumla}, {tutra}, {lanci}.
gugde .i ti te gugde mi'a This is our land. x1 is the country of peoples x2 with land / territory x3; (people / territory relationship). Also sovereignty, domestic (as opposed to foreign), nation (when not referring to ethnos). See also {turni}, {natmi}, {jecta}, {tumla}, {tutra}, {lanci}.
gumri ti noi gumri cu vindu le remna This mushroom is poisonous to humans. x1 is a mushroom of species x2. Cf. {mledi}, {ledgrute}
gundi le mi'u gundi be le taxfu be le ka macnu se cupra cu carmi le ka farvi The industry of producing handmade dresses is intensely developing. x1 is industry / industrial / systematic manufacturing activity producing x2 by process / means x3. See also {cupra}, {fanri}, {rutni}, {zbasu}.
gundi mi se cuntu le gundi be le zgike I am involved in music industry. x1 is industry / industrial / systematic manufacturing activity producing x2 by process / means x3. See also {cupra}, {fanri}, {rutni}, {zbasu}.
gunka mi gunka le ka tadni la lojban vau le ka sutra tavla bau la lojban I'm working on learning Lojban in order to quickly talk in it. x1 [person] labors / works on / at x2 [activity] with goal / objective x3. Also: x1 is a worker / laborer. (cf. {sazri}, {gasnu}, {se} {jibri}; {zukte} - which need not be labor; physics term 'work' = {ni} {muvyselbai}, {briju}, {jibri}, {lazni}, {selfu})
gunma pa gunma be le prenu ca'o sruri le mi'u dinju The crowd of people is surrounding the building. x1 is a mass / team / aggregate / whole, together composed of components x2, considered jointly. A description in x1 indicates of mass property(ies) displayed by the mass; masses may reveal properties not found in the individual set members that are massified, which themselves are not necessarily relevant to the mass property implicit in this bridi. See also {bende}, {girzu}, {pagbu}, cmavo list {loi}, {lei}, {lai}, {ciste}, {cmima}, {kansa}, {tinci}, {mulgunma}.
gunro ba bo le mi'u verba co'a gunro pa salpo mo'i ni'a fi le cutne be vo'a And then the child started rolling down the slope rotating around his chest. x1 rolls / trundles on / against surface x2 rotating on axis / axle x3; x1 is a roller. See also {bolci}, {carna}, {jendu}, {slanu}.
gunro mi ca'o gunro le vacri I am spinning in the air. x1 rolls / trundles on / against surface x2 rotating on axis / axle x3; x1 is a roller. See also {bolci}, {carna}, {jendu}, {slanu}.
gunse ju'i do ci gunse ca'o limna le mi'u lalxu Hey, look, three geese are swimming in the lake. x1 is a goose / [gander] of species / breed x2. See also {cipni}.
gunta lei ratcu ca'o gunta le mi'u dinju le ka cpacu le gurni Rats are attacking the building to get the grain. x1 (person / mass) attacks / invades / commits aggression upon victim x2 with goal / objective x3. See also {bradi}, {damba}, {darxi}, {jamna}, {jenca}, {jursa}.
gurni mi vi ku ralte le gurni be le zumri I keep here maize grain. x1 is grain / [British: corn] / cereal from plant / species x2. See also {bavmi}, {cunmi}, {mavji}, {maxri}, {molki}, {mraji}, {rismi}, {sobde}, {spati}, {zumri}, {nanba}, {sorgu}.
guska mi pu guska le skapi le cidni be mi I scraped the skin off my knees. x1 blade / scraper / erosive scrapes / erodes / abrades x2 from x3. Abrade, abrasive (= {mosyguska}). See also {balre}, {sraku}, {batci}, {canpa}, {mosra}.
gusni le fagri pu te gusni le mi'u kevna le xunre The fire illuminated the cave with red light. x1 [energy] is light / illumination illuminating x2 from light source x3. [x3 illuminates / lights x2 with light / illumination x1; x2 is lit / illuminated by illumination x1 from source x3 (= selgu'i for reordered places); light / lamp (= tergu'i)](cf. dirce, manku, solri, carmi, ctino, kantu)
gusta banli gusta Nice restaurant. x1 is a restaurant / cafe / diner serving type-of-food x2 to audience x3. See also {barja}, {citka}, {kukte}, {sanmi}, {xotli}.
gusta bu'u le mi'u xotli da gusta le kukte le vitke be le mi'u xotli In the hotel there is a restaurant serving tasty food to guests of the hotel. x1 is a restaurant / cafe / diner serving type-of-food x2 to audience x3. See also {barja}, {citka}, {kukte}, {sanmi}, {xotli}.
gutci le jubme cu clani lo ka gutci li re le ka brito The table is two British feet in length. x1 is x2 (default 1) short local distance unit(s) [non-metric], standard x3, x4 subunits. Foot (= {jmagutci}); yard (= {cibjmagutci}), pace (= {tapygutci}), inch (= {degygutci}), cubit (= {birgutci}). (additional subunit places may be added as x5, x6, ...); See also {mitre}, {clani}, {ganra}, {condi}, {rotsu}, {rupnu}, {fepni}, {dekpu}, {minli}, {merli}, {bunda}, {kramu}.
gutra le gutra be le mamta be mi pu se vimcu My mother had uterus removed. x1 is a / the womb / uterus [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: nourishing, protective, giving birth]. See also {jbena}, {rorci}, {sovda}, {tarbi}, {ganti}, {mabla}.
i mi xabju le tcadu i mi se jibri le ka dansu I live in the city. I have a job of a dancer. sentence link / continuation; continuing sentences on same topic; normally elided for new speakers.
i da ve'e trixe le tsani ma pu renro cei brodo le rokci i mu'a mi pu na brodo Who threw the rock? For example, I didn't.
i da ze'e narge le se prami ti gusta le'e se nelci be mi cei brodu i ku'i le ji'a mamta be mi ta'e zbasu lo cidja poi brodu This restaurant serves the food that I like. However, my mother as well makes food that I like.
i doi dilnu do e'osai carvi xu do budjo le ka se tcaci Are you a Buddhist in your habits?
i le dirba pu klama le darno la alis pu ca'o ku zgana cei brodi le pixra i mi na brodi Alice was beholding the pictures. I wasn't.
i le kanla be ra cu pu carmi do bruna mi le ka se mamta You are my brother since we are born from the same mother.
i le nicte ca xekri je blanu la alis mo'u citka cei brode pa plise i je la kevin mo'u brode Alice has eaten up an apple. And Kevin ate an apple too.
i'a i'a mi ba denpa Okay, I will wait. attitudinal: acceptance - blame. See also {nalna'e}, {nalpro}, {no'epro}, {nalzugjdi}.
i'a i'a mi na certu Well, I'm not an expert. attitudinal: acceptance - blame. See also {nalna'e}, {nalpro}, {no'epro}, {nalzugjdi}.
i'a le danfu i'a nai cu ei drata No, the solution doesn't satisfy me, it should be different. attitudinal: acceptance - blame. See also {nalna'e}, {nalpro}, {no'epro}, {nalzugjdi}.
i'e i'e do pu gunka le vajni Very good! You did an important work. attitudinal: approval - non-approval - disapproval. See also {zanru}.
i'e i'e cu'i do pu ku ca le se tcika mo'u klama Well, okay, you arrived on time. attitudinal: approval - non-approval - disapproval. See also {zanru}.
i'e i'e nai do jai lerci Oy, you are late. attitudinal: approval - non-approval - disapproval. See also {zanru}.
i'i i'i do badri doi le pendo You are sad, I know that feeling, bro. attitudinal: togetherness - privacy. See also {kansa}, {gunma}, {sivni}, {sepli}.
i'i i'i nai mi zukte le na me do moi It's your problems, I'm not doing your work. attitudinal: togetherness - privacy. See also {kansa}, {gunma}, {sivni}, {sepli}.
i'i i'icai Big mood. attitudinal: togetherness - privacy. See also {kansa}, {gunma}, {sivni}, {sepli}.
i'o i'o do je'a pendo Ah, you're a true friend. attitudinal: appreciation - envy. See also {ckire}, {jilra}.
i'o i'o nai do ro roi se funca le zabna Mmm, you are always lucky. attitudinal: appreciation - envy. See also {ckire}, {jilra}.
i'u coi i'u Greetings, old friend. attitudinal: familiarity - mystery. See also {slabu}, {nalni'o}, {kufra}.
i'u i'u ti noi plise so'i mei cu kukte Yes, these apples are sweet. attitudinal: familiarity - mystery. See also {slabu}, {nalni'o}, {kufra}.
i'u ti i'u nai xotli It's some hotel. attitudinal: familiarity - mystery. See also {slabu}, {nalni'o}, {kufra}.
ia ia drani I believe that's correct. attitudinal: belief - skepticism - disbelief. See also {krici}, {jinvi}.
ia mi viska pa ponse be ia pa blanu zdani I see an owner of what I believe to be a blue house. attitudinal: belief - skepticism - disbelief. See also {krici}, {jinvi}.
ia ia cu'i le mi'u prenu cu catra Allegedly, he is the murderer. attitudinal: belief - skepticism - disbelief. See also {krici}, {jinvi}.
ia ia nai le mi'u prenu cu stace mi I don't believe, he is frank with me. attitudinal: belief - skepticism - disbelief. See also {krici}, {jinvi}.
ie ie la kevin ka'e pu zvati ti Yes, Alice could be here. attitudinal: agreement - disagreement. See also {tugni}.
ie le danlu cu morsi ie nai No, I don't agree that the animal is dead. attitudinal: agreement - disagreement. See also {tugni}.
ii ii da klama Eek, there is someone coming! attitudinal: fear - security. See also {terpa}, {snura}.
ii ii nai le mi'u djacu na ba kuspe mi'o The water won't reach us. attitudinal: fear - security. See also {terpa}, {snura}.
ije su'o da zo'u da vi fasnu i je mi na djuno le du'u da mo kau Something is happening here, and I don't know what it is.
influ'enza mi bilma fi le influ'enza I've got the flu.
info le info be le nu vofli cu vajni mi The information about flights is important to me.
info le ka zukte le zekri cu info le mi'u nanmu le ka zgana le se zukte be ce'u That he is a criminal is the information about the man collected by monitoring his actions.
insekto mi se cinri le ka tadni le insekto I am interested in studying insects.
intele le ka facki le du'u ma kau drani cu intele le panzi be mi The ability to determine who is right is the sign of high intellect of my child.
io ko io jersi mi This way, Sir! attitudinal: respect - disrespect. See also {sinma}.
io ko io nai ti klama Get your asses over here! attitudinal: respect - disrespect. See also {sinma}.
irci la tom cu irci la'o .net.#lojban.net. la'o gy.freenode.gy Tom chats in IRC channel #lojban of freenode network.
iu da'i mi stali iu I'd love to stay. attitudinal: love - no love lost - hatred. See also {prami}.
iu do iu nai na pu sidju mi You didn't help me, hate you! attitudinal: love - no love lost - hatred. See also {prami}.
iu cakla iu nai I hate chocolate. attitudinal: love - no love lost - hatred. See also {prami}.
ja ba'a le mi'u tanxe cu barda ja tilju I expect the box to be big or heavy (at least one of the two characteristics). logical connective: tanru-internal afterthought or.
ja'a mi ja'a jimpe I do understand. bridi logical affirmer; scope is an entire bridi.
ja'a la alis pu ku sinma ja'a gi'e nai sidju vau mi Alice did respect me but didn't help me. bridi logical affirmer; scope is an entire bridi.
ja'ai ui ja'ai Yay indeed! affirm last word: attached to cmavo to affirm them; denies negation by nai whenever it is applicable. Suggested by Mark Shoulson in 1999 as an affirmative of {nai}. By analogy with the pairs {na} / {ja'a}, {na'e} / {je'a}, and {na'i} / {jo'a}.
ja'ai mi pu citka se pi'o ja'ai le forca I ate indeed using a fork. affirm last word: attached to cmavo to affirm them; denies negation by nai whenever it is applicable. Suggested by Mark Shoulson in 1999 as an affirmative of {nai}. By analogy with the pairs {na} / {ja'a}, {na'e} / {je'a}, and {na'i} / {jo'a}.
ja'ai mi djica na gi'e ja'ai bredi I don't want but I'm ready. affirm last word: attached to cmavo to affirm them; denies negation by nai whenever it is applicable. Suggested by Mark Shoulson in 1999 as an affirmative of {nai}. By analogy with the pairs {na} / {ja'a}, {na'e} / {je'a}, and {na'i} / {jo'a}.
ja'e pu lerci i ja'e bo mi pu bilga le ka volta I was late. Therefore, I had to return. jalge modal, 1st place resultingly; therefore result ...
ja'e mi pu tatpi i ja'e bo mi co'a sipna I was so tired that I fell asleep. jalge modal, 1st place resultingly; therefore result ...
ja'o ja'o do merko Then, you must be an American. evidential: I conclude. See also {selni'i}, {ni'ikri}.
ja'o ja'o do na nelci le birje So, you don't like beer. evidential: I conclude. See also {selni'i}, {ni'ikri}.
jabre do jabre le nu mi gunka vau le ka ru'i tavla You slow my work down by your constant talk. x1 brakes / causes to slow motion / activity x2 with device / mechanism / principle x3. See also {mosra}.
jadni le tarci cu jadni le mi'u tsani Stars decorate the sky. x1 (object) adorns / decorates x2; x1 is an adornment / decoration of x2; x2 is fancy / decorated. Fancy / decorated (= {selja'i}). See also {jemna}, {dirba}, {batke}.
jai lei ckiku cu jai nandu fai le nu ri se zvafa'i i va'i le nu zvafa'i lei ckiku cu nandu The keys are hard to find. In other words, to find the keys is difficult. convert tense / modal (tagged) place to 1st place; 1st place moves to extra FA place (fai).
jai le'e bangu cu jai nandu i le'e bangu cu jai nandu fai le nu cilre fi ri Languages are difficult. Languages are difficult in learning things about them. convert tense / modal (tagged) place to 1st place; 1st place moves to extra FA place (fai).
jai ko cusku le jai se djica be do Say what you want. convert tense / modal (tagged) place to 1st place; 1st place moves to extra FA place (fai).
jai do ro roi cusku su'o da poi nandu fa le nu jimpe fi ke'a You always say something hard to understand. convert tense / modal (tagged) place to 1st place; 1st place moves to extra FA place (fai).
jai mi jai gau farvi fai pa proga i va'i pa proga gau mi farvi I develop a program. In other words, with me as the agent a program develops.
jakne le mi'u jakne ba klama fi le mi'u terdi fe le mi'u lunra The rocket will go from the Earth to the Moon. x1 is a rocket [vehicle] propelled by jet expelling x2 carrying payload x3. See also {cecla}, {danti}, {spoja}.
jalge le mi'u snuti pu se jalge le nu le mi'u nakni pu na jundi The accident happened because he hadn't been careful. x1 (action / event / state) is a result / outcome / conclusion of antecedent x2 (event / state / process). Also: x2 gives rise to x1 (= selja'e for reordered places); total (general meaning, but also = mekyja'e, pi'irja'e, sujyja'e). See also se {mukti}, te {zukte}, se {rinka}, se {krinu}, se {nibli}, {mulno}, {sumji}, {pilji}, {mekso}, cmavo list {ja'e}, {ciksi}.
jalge le cizra pu jalge There ensued something strange. x1 (action / event / state) is a result / outcome / conclusion of antecedent x2 (event / state / process). Also: x2 gives rise to x1 (= selja'e for reordered places); total (general meaning, but also = mekyja'e, pi'irja'e, sujyja'e). See also se {mukti}, te {zukte}, se {rinka}, se {krinu}, se {nibli}, {mulno}, {sumji}, {pilji}, {mekso}, cmavo list {ja'e}, {ciksi}.
jalna ta'i ma jukpa le rismi se pi'o nai le jalna How to cook rice without starch? x1 is a quantity of / contains / is made of starch from source x2 of composition including x3. See also {patlu}, {samcu}.
jamfu le jamfu be mi cu lenku My feet are cold. x1 is a / the foot [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: lowest portion] (adjective:) x1 is pedal. See also {jicmu}, {genja}, {zbepi}, {tuple}, {jubme}, {xance}, {tamji}.
jamna la alis jo'u la meilis pu jamna zu'ai le du'u jdice le du'u ma kau traji le ka melbi vau le me vo'a Alice and Mei Lee were at war with each other in deciding who was prettier among them. x1 (person / mass) wars against x2 over territory / matter x3; x1 is at war with x2. See also {bradi}, {gunta}, {panpi}, {damba}, {darlu}.
janbe mi pu tirna le janbe be le cladu I heard a loud bell ringing. x1 is a bell / chime / [tuning fork] [tuned percussion instrument] producing sound / note x2. Also: x1 rings / tolls (i.e. if it rings, then it is a bell); resonates (one sense, = jabdesku). See also {zgike}, {tonga}, {desku}, {slilu}.
janco le anka cu janco le tuple jo'u le cutne Ankle is a joint between chest and leg. x1 is a / the shoulder / hip / joint [body-part] attaching limb / extremity x2 to body x3. See also {birka}.
janli bu'u le klaji mi co'i janli le pa pendo be mi I bumped into a friend of mine in the street. x1 collides with / crashes / bumps / runs into x2. (also collide = simjanli for a collision between two moving objects); See also {darxi}.
jansu mi jansu le gugde pe mi le ka du le prenu poi jdice vau fau le nu casnu le nu lebna le ctile I represented my country in discussions on getting oil as a person that takes decisions. x1 is a diplomat / consul representing polity x2 in / at negotiation x3 for function / purpose x4. (for) x3 polity, (use tu'a); also ambassador (= {raljansu}, {trujansu}). See also {jecta}, {krati}.
janta ti jatna le grute le kagni pe mi le te vecnu pe le drata gugde This is a bill for the fruits issued to my company by customers from another country. x1 is an account / bill / invoice for goods / services x2, billed to x3 by x4. See also {jdima}, {vamji}, {vecnu}, {canja}, {jerna}, {dejni}, {jbera}.
jarbu mi se zdani le jarbu be la london I live in the suburbs of London. x1 is a suburban area of city / metropolis x2. See also {nurma}, se {tcadu}, ve {tcadu}.
jarco fi mi'a fa la alis cu jarco le ka stati To us Alice appeared to be smart. x1 (agent) shows / exhibits / displays / [reveals] / demonstrates x2 (property) to audience x3. [reveal (= {tolmipygau}, {mipyja'o}, {sivja'o}); also: x1 shows that x2, x1 shows off x2; showing an object is generally expressed with a {tu'a} x2, since the properties of the shown object (other than its presence) intended for observation are seldom specified (simple presence could be expressed by {leka} Object. {cu} {zvati})]; See also {tigni}, {cipra}, {zgana}, {jvinu}, {lanli}, {mipri}, {simlu}.
jarco la kevin cu jarco le ka gidva Kevin acts as a guide. x1 (agent) shows / exhibits / displays / [reveals] / demonstrates x2 (property) to audience x3. [reveal (= {tolmipygau}, {mipyja'o}, {sivja'o}); also: x1 shows that x2, x1 shows off x2; showing an object is generally expressed with a {tu'a} x2, since the properties of the shown object (other than its presence) intended for observation are seldom specified (simple presence could be expressed by {leka} Object. {cu} {zvati})]; See also {tigni}, {cipra}, {zgana}, {jvinu}, {lanli}, {mipri}, {simlu}.
jarki le mi'u dargu cu jarki le ka se pagbu ti The road is narrow here. x1 is narrow in dimension x2 [2nd most significant dimension] by standard x3. See also {caxno}, {cinla}, {tordu}, {tagji}, {cmalu}.
jaspu e'o le jaspu be do Your passport, please. x1 is a passport issued to x2 (person) by authority x3 allowing x4 (activity). See also {pikta}, {catni}, {curmi}.
jaspu ti jaspu mi le jecta le ka klama la nipon This is my passport issued by the state allowing me to go to Japan. x1 is a passport issued to x2 (person) by authority x3 allowing x4 (activity). See also {pikta}, {catni}, {curmi}.
jatna le mi'u jatna be le kamni pe mi'o cu jinvi ma What does the commander of our committee think? x1 is captain / commander / leader / in-charge / boss of vehicle / domain x2. See also {jitro}, {lidne}, te {bende}, {minde}, {ralju}, {gidva}, {bloti}.
jau e'u mi'o zu'ai penmi de'i li cy jau Let's meet at 1pm. digit / number: hex digit D (decimal 13) [thirteen].
jaurdei mi ba tadni ca le jaurdei I will work on Wednesday.
javni mi te javni le ka co'u tavla gi'e co'a jundi I should stop talking and start listening. x1 is a rule prescribing / mandating / requiring x2 (event / state) within system / community x3. Regulation, prescription (also x2), principle, requirement (also x2), prescribe, require (conditions are usually contained within x2); x1 is regulatory; x2, x3 are regulated. See also {flalu}, {ritli}, cmavo list {ja'i}, {marde}, {tcaci}, {tinbe}, {zekri}.
javni e'u zukte le javni be le ka di'i retsku I suggest you follow the rule or regularly asking questions. x1 is a rule prescribing / mandating / requiring x2 (event / state) within system / community x3. Regulation, prescription (also x2), principle, requirement (also x2), prescribe, require (conditions are usually contained within x2); x1 is regulatory; x2, x3 are regulated. See also {flalu}, {ritli}, cmavo list {ja'i}, {marde}, {tcaci}, {tinbe}, {zekri}.
javni ma javni le nu pilno What are the terms of usage? x1 is a rule prescribing / mandating / requiring x2 (event / state) within system / community x3. Regulation, prescription (also x2), principle, requirement (also x2), prescribe, require (conditions are usually contained within x2); x1 is regulatory; x2, x3 are regulated. See also {flalu}, {ritli}, cmavo list {ja'i}, {marde}, {tcaci}, {tinbe}, {zekri}.
jbama le jbama be le djacu cu se pilno mi'a le ka jai gau sisti le nu fagri Water bombs are used by us to stop fire. x1 is a bomb / explosive device with explosive material / principle x2. See also {cecla}, {spoja}.
jbari mi pu citka so'o jbari be le fragari I ate several strawberries. x1 is a berry (fruit / plant) of plant / species x2. See also {grute}, {tsiju}, {narge}.
jbena le mi'u speni be mi mo'u se jbena pa tixnu My wife gave birth to a daughter. x1 is born to x2 at time x3 [birthday] and place x4 [birthplace]; x1 is native to (fo) x4. x2 bears / gives birth to x1; also x3: natal day. See also {fange}, {gutra}, {rorci}, {mamta}, {salci}, {citsi}.
jbera e'a pei mi jbera le vi penbi do May I borrow this pen from you? x1 (agent) borrows / temporarily takes / assumes x2 (object) from source x3 for interval x4. Credit (= {jernu'e}); borrow / assume a property or quality as a chameleon does (= {zaskai}, {zasysmitra}, {zasysmitai}). See also {dejni}, {janta}, {zivle}.
jbera mi ba te jbera pa karce do I will lend you a car. x1 (agent) borrows / temporarily takes / assumes x2 (object) from source x3 for interval x4. Credit (= {jernu'e}); borrow / assume a property or quality as a chameleon does (= {zaskai}, {zasysmitra}, {zasysmitai}). See also {dejni}, {janta}, {zivle}.
jbini la alis cu jbini li re no jo'u li ci no le ka jai nanca Alice is between 20 and 30 years old. x1 is between / among set of points / bounds / limits x2 (set) / amidst mass x2 in property x3 (ka). x2 (a complete set, generally ordered) defines the bounds / limits / range for x1. See also se {vasru}, {nenri}, {zvati}, {cpana}, {snuji}, {senta}, {bitmu}, {jimte}, {kuspe}, {jibni}, {lamji}, {sruri}, {vanbi}, {midju}, {cmima}, {setca}.
jbopre ju'i le jbopre do se zdani ma Hey, Lojbanist! Where do you live?
jdari le cilmo mudri cu jdari le ka jelca Wet wood is resistant to burning. x1 is firm / hard / resistant / unyielding to force x2 under conditions x3. See also {nandu}, {ralci}, {randa}, {ranti}, {tinsa}, {sligu}, {stodi}.
jdice mi mo'u jdice le du'u sarcu fa le nu mi'a stali I decided that we need to stay. x1 (person) decides / makes decision x2 (du'u) about matter x3 (event / state). See also {pajni}, {cuxna}, {kanji}, {manri}.
jdice xu do jdice le ka jai se kufra vau le zdani be do Have you decided that your home is comfortable? x1 (person) decides / makes decision x2 (du'u) about matter x3 (event / state). See also {pajni}, {cuxna}, {kanji}, {manri}.
jdice mi'a zanru le se jdice be le mi'u kamni We welcome the decision of the committee. x1 (person) decides / makes decision x2 (du'u) about matter x3 (event / state). See also {pajni}, {cuxna}, {kanji}, {manri}.
jdika le prenu pu jdika le ka gunma vau le ci mei People decreased in number by three persons. x1 (experiencer) decreases / contracts / is reduced / diminished in property / quantity x2 by amount x3. See also {zenba}, {mleca}, {vimcu}.
jdima ma jdima ti fo do What is your price for this? x1 [amount] is the price of x2 to purchaser / consumer x3 set by vendor x4. x2 may be a specific object, a commodity (mass), an event, or a property; pedantically, for objects / commodities, this is sumti-raising from ownership of the object / commodity (= {posydi'a}, {posyseldi'a} for unambiguous semantics); price is something decided / set by the seller, and is closely akin to offer ({friti}), which is what a buyer may decide; (note that price is not he same as cost / expense, which is the actual amount exchanged in a transaction; the latter is {vecnu} or {canja}; neither is the same as 'value' or {vamji}; in colloquial English, these are sometimes interchanged, at least partially because of the rarity of barter and bargaining in the marketplace). See also {canja}, {friti}, {janta}, {jdini}, {kargu}, {pleji}, {dapma}, {vamji} for 'value', ve {vecnu} for 'cost', {canja}, {fepni}, {jerna}, {jinga}, {prali}, {rupnu}, {sfasa}, {vamji}.
jdima le rupnu be li ci cu jdima le ka sazri le se kelci karce vau le verba le ponse be le karce Three dollars is the price of riding a toy car for children set by the owner of the car. x1 [amount] is the price of x2 to purchaser / consumer x3 set by vendor x4. x2 may be a specific object, a commodity (mass), an event, or a property; pedantically, for objects / commodities, this is sumti-raising from ownership of the object / commodity (= {posydi'a}, {posyseldi'a} for unambiguous semantics); price is something decided / set by the seller, and is closely akin to offer ({friti}), which is what a buyer may decide; (note that price is not he same as cost / expense, which is the actual amount exchanged in a transaction; the latter is {vecnu} or {canja}; neither is the same as 'value' or {vamji}; in colloquial English, these are sometimes interchanged, at least partially because of the rarity of barter and bargaining in the marketplace). See also {canja}, {friti}, {janta}, {jdini}, {kargu}, {pleji}, {dapma}, {vamji} for 'value', ve {vecnu} for 'cost', {canja}, {fepni}, {jerna}, {jinga}, {prali}, {rupnu}, {sfasa}, {vamji}.
jdini xu ti du le pe do jdini Is this your money? x1 is money / currency issued by x2; (adjective:) x1 is financial / monetary / pecuniary / fiscal. currency' sometimes is restricted to paper money (= {pledi'i}). See also {fepni}, {jdima}, {rupnu}, {sicni}, {canja}.
jdini le jdini be lei merko turni ba se pilno fi le nu sidju le pindi Money issued by the American government will be used to help the poor. x1 is money / currency issued by x2; (adjective:) x1 is financial / monetary / pecuniary / fiscal. currency' sometimes is restricted to paper money (= {pledi'i}). See also {fepni}, {jdima}, {rupnu}, {sicni}, {canja}.
jduli le jduli be le vanjba se rai se nelci mi I like grape jelly best. x1 is a quantity of jelly / semisolid [texture] of material / composition including x2. (adjective:) x1 is gelatinous. See also {litki}, {sligu}.
je do pu je ca je ba pendo mi You were, are and will be my friend. logical connective: tanru-internal afterthought and.
je'a do je'a stati doi lei prenu You are really smart, people. scalar affirmer; denies scalar negation: Indeed!.
je'a lei mi'u grute cu se tasta le je'a rigni The fruits are indeed disgusting in taste. scalar affirmer; denies scalar negation: Indeed!.
je'ai lu do je'ai nelci le gerku li'u lu to'e li'u "You like/dislike dogs?" "I hate them." NAhE question.
je'e lu ki'e do li'u lu je'e do li'u "Thank you!" "You are welcome!" vocative: roger (ack) - negative acknowledge; used to acknowledge offers and thanks.
je'i do ba'o je'i pu'o citka Have you eaten yet or are you only about to eat? logical connective: tanru-internal afterthought conn question.
je'u je'u do stati prenu Truly, you are a smart person. discursive: truth - falsity. See also {jetnu}.
je'u le mi'u purdi je'u nai cu se ponse le za'u cizra prenu This "garden" (which is in fact not a garden) is owed by some weird people. discursive: truth - falsity. See also {jetnu}.
je'u xu do kansa mi'a i je'u nai Are you with us? No. discursive: truth - falsity. See also {jetnu}.
jecta le nu se sazri za'u pa turni cu jecta le vi tutra Being controlled by more than one government is the political system of this area. x1 is a polity / state governing territory / domain x2; [government / territory relationship]. (adjective:) x1 is civil / political. See also {gugde}, {tutra}, {turni}, {natmi}, {jansu}, {lanci}, {cecmu}.
jeftu mi'o ba volta ti za le jeftu be li re We'll return here in two weeks. x1 is x2 weeks in duration (default is 1 week) by standard x3. Re. x3, a week may be more or less than seven days, classically being tied to the time between trips to the marketplace; this week (= {cabjeftu}); next week (= {bavlamjeftu}); last week (= {prulamjeftu}). See also {detri}, {djedi}, {masti}, {nanca}.
jegvo xu do se lijda le jegvo Do you belong to an Abrahamic religion? x1 pertains to the common Judeo-Christian-Moslem (Abrahamic) culture / religion / nationality in aspect x2. Also Muslim. See also {lijda}, {muslo}, {dadjo}, {xriso}.
jei mi pu troci le ka facki le mi'u jei la alis pu zvati la paris I tried to find out whether Alice had been to Paris. abstractor: truth-value abstractor; x1 is truth value of [bridi] under epistemology x2.
jei mi pu facki fi su'o da le mi'u jei da pu zu xabju le mi'u dinju I found out who had lived in the house long before. abstractor: truth-value abstractor; x1 is truth value of [bridi] under epistemology x2.
jei mi pu facki fi su'o da le mi'u pu zu jei da xabju le mi'u dinju I found out who as seen from a long time ago could be characterized as living in the house at that time. abstractor: truth-value abstractor; x1 is truth value of [bridi] under epistemology x2.
jei mi djuno le mi'u jei je ka zvati ti I know who is here. abstractor: truth-value abstractor; x1 is truth value of [bridi] under epistemology x2.
jei mi djuno fi da fe le mi'u jei je ka zvati ti I know that someone is here and I know who it is. abstractor: truth-value abstractor; x1 is truth value of [bridi] under epistemology x2.
jelca le mi'u mudri cu jelca The wood is burning. x1 burns / [ignites / is flammable / inflammable] at temperature x2 in atmosphere x3. Default x2 / x3 to normal temperatures in air; ignite (= {jelcfa}), flammable / inflammable (usually = jelka'e or jelfrili). See also {fagri}, {kijno}, {sigja}, {livla}, {sacki}.
jemna le nixli pu zvafa'i le rokci noi ba facki le du'u ke'a jemna A girl found a stone that later was turned out to be a gem. x1 is a gem / polished stone / pearl of type x2 from gemstone / material / source x3. Also jewel (= {jmeja'i}); gemstone (= x2, x3, or jmero'i, jmekunra); pearl (= selcakyjme - a gem found inside a shell, tercakyjme - a gem made of shell material, boijme - any ball-shaped gem), mother-of-pearl (= {cakyjme}). See also {kunra}, {rokci}, {jadni}, {dirba}, {kargu}, {krili}, {pulji}.
jenca pu jenca le fetsi fa le nu vo'a ka'e mo'u klama lo drata gugde It shocked her that she could get to another country. x1 (event) shocks / stuns x2. See also {darxi}, {gunta}, {spaji}.
jendu le mi'u jendu be le re xislu cu mudri The axle of the two wheels is wooden. x1 is an axle / spindle [tool] on which x2 rotates, of material / properties x3. See also se {carna}, {gunro}, {tutci}.
jenmi ti jenmi le vi gugde le ka vimcu be le fagri This is an army of firefighters of this country. x1 (mass) is an army serving group / community x2 (mass) in function x3 (activity). See also {bilni}, {sonci}, {xarci}.
jenmi le mi'u re ki'o sonci cu jenmi le mi'u pagbu be le mi'u gugde The two thousand soldiers is an army of this part of the country. x1 (mass) is an army serving group / community x2 (mass) in function x3 (activity). See also {bilni}, {sonci}, {xarci}.
jerna do jerna le ka se sinma vau le ka carmi gunka You are worth being respected for your hard work. x1 (agent / person) earns / [deserves / merits] wages / salary / pay x2 for work / service x3 (activity). Also x2 earnings, reward (= zanseljerna or {nemjerna}), punishment / comeuppance (= {sfaseljerna}, {malseljerna}); x3 behavior; job (= {terjerna}); x2 may be a specific object, a commodity (mass), an event, or a property; pedantically, for objects / commodities, this is sumti-raising from ownership of the object / commodity (= {posyjerna}, posyseljerna for unambiguous {semantics}). See also {jibri}, {pleji}, {vecnu}, {cnemu}, {canja}, {jdima}, {jinga}, {prali}, {sfasa}, {janta}, {kargu}, {vamji}.
jerna mi pu jerna le rupnu be li pa no no le ka lumci lei palta I earned 100 dollars for washing the dishes. x1 (agent / person) earns / [deserves / merits] wages / salary / pay x2 for work / service x3 (activity). Also x2 earnings, reward (= zanseljerna or {nemjerna}), punishment / comeuppance (= {sfaseljerna}, {malseljerna}); x3 behavior; job (= {terjerna}); x2 may be a specific object, a commodity (mass), an event, or a property; pedantically, for objects / commodities, this is sumti-raising from ownership of the object / commodity (= {posyjerna}, posyseljerna for unambiguous {semantics}). See also {jibri}, {pleji}, {vecnu}, {cnemu}, {canja}, {jdima}, {jinga}, {prali}, {sfasa}, {janta}, {kargu}, {vamji}.
jersi lei gerku cu jersi pa lorxu Dogs are in pursuit of a fox. x1 chases / pursues / (physically) follows after x2; volition is not implied for x1 or x2. x1 follows after x2. See also {kavbu}, {rivbi}, {kalte}, {lidne}.
jersi e'o do jersi mi Please, follow me. x1 chases / pursues / (physically) follows after x2; volition is not implied for x1 or x2. x1 follows after x2. See also {kavbu}, {rivbi}, {kalte}, {lidne}.
jesni gau mi tunta fa le tamji be mi pa jesni I pricked my thumb with a needle. x1 is a needle [pointed shape / form, not tool] of material x2. See also {konju}, {pijne}, {jipno}, {kinli}.
jetce le nazbi be mi cu te jetce I have a runny nose. x1 is a jet [expelled stream] of material x2 expelled from x3. See also {sputu}, {vamtu}.
jetce le mi'u cmana mo'u te jetce le glare le sutra The mountain erupted jetting hot matter. x1 is a jet [expelled stream] of material x2 expelled from x3. See also {sputu}, {vamtu}.
jetnu pa da poi prije prenu zo'u le du'u le remna cu xendo cu jetnu le se jinvi be da According to one wise person, it's true that all humans are kind. x1 (du'u) is true / truth by standard / epistemology / metaphysics x2. Words usable for epistemology typically have a du'u place. See also {stace}, {jitfa}, {fatci}, {birti}, {cfika}.
jetnu u'a la'e di'u se jetnu le du'u mi drani Aha, that proves that I am right. x1 (du'u) is true / truth by standard / epistemology / metaphysics x2. Words usable for epistemology typically have a du'u place. See also {stace}, {jitfa}, {fatci}, {birti}, {cfika}.
jgalu le mi'u cipni cu se jgalu le kinli The bird has sharp claws. x1 is a / the claw / nail / talon [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: pointed, penetrating, physical weapon]. See also {denci}, {jirna}, {batci}.
jganu ti jganu me'o a bu le mitre be li pi mu gi'e stero be li re This is an angle from vertex A having the lateral of 0.5 meters and subtending two steradians. x1 is an angle [2-dimensional shape / form] from vertex x2 subtended by lateral [segment] x3. Also (adjective:) x1 is angular; x2 corner; (segment x3 can be defined by interval). See also {kojna}, {linji}, {konju}, {mokca}.
jgari le mi'u nakni mo'u co'a jgari le stedu be la alis se pi'o le xance be le mi'u nakni He grasped Alice's head with his hand. x1 grasps / holds / clutches / seizes / grips / [hugs] x2 with x3 (part of x1) at locus x4 (part of x2). Hug (= {birjai}, {pamjai}); handshake (= {xanjaisi'u}); hold with hands (= {xanjai}); handle (= {jaitci}). See also {ralte}, {pencu}, {darxi}, {batke}, {rinju}.
jgena ti jgena so'i blanu skori jo'u pa xunre skori This is a knot of many blue ropes and one red rope. x1 is a knot / tangle in / between x2 (object / jo'u-objects). Knot (verb = jgegau, jgezu'e, jgeri'a, jgela'a), knot: fastening between two or more cords (= {jgeterjo'e}). See also {pluja}, {julne}, {lasna}, {skori}.
jgina xo da jgina le remna le ka le skapi be ce'u cu skari ma kau How many genes in humans determine the color of skin? x1 is a gene of creature [or locus on creature] x2 determining trait / process x3. Also chromosome = ({gincilta}, ginpoi). See also {cerda}.
jgira mi jgira le nu do co'a kakne le ka zgipli le pipno I am proud that you are now able to play the piano. x1 (person) feels / has pride in / about x2 (abstraction). An emotional combination of satisfaction and respect / esteem towards property(ies) or action(s) of person / entity that has a specific tie to emoter; self-pride (= {se'ijgi}, {tolcumla}); use x2 tu'a for pride in non-specific actions / properties of someone. See also {cinmo}, {cumla}, {sevzi}, {sinma}, {snada}.
jgita xu do kakne le ka zgipli le jgita be lei ze mei Can you play a 7-stringed guitar? x1 is guitar / violin / fiddle / harp [stringed musical instrument] with actuator / plectrum / bow x2. Also lute, viola, cello. See also {zgike}.
ji do djica tu'a le ckafi ji le tcati Do you want tea or coffee (make a choice)? logical connective: sumti afterthought connective question.
ji'a mi ji'a je'a nelci I like it too. discursive: additionally. See also {jmina}.
ji'a lo'e xagji cribe cu citka lo'e cinki ku ji'a A hungry bear will eat even insects. discursive: additionally. See also {jmina}.
ji'a ji'a mi pu citka le'e titla Additionally, I ate the sweet. discursive: additionally. See also {jmina}.
ji'a mi pu citka le titla ji'a I ate what is additionally a sweet. discursive: additionally. See also {jmina}.
ji'a mi pu citka le ji'a titla I eat the sweet among other things. discursive: additionally. See also {jmina}.
ji'e mi tsali ji'e le nu mi ka'e lafti le pipno I'm strong to the degree that I can lift the piano. jimte modal, 1st place limitedly; up to limit ...
ji'e la kevin cu ricfu ji'e le nu ri ponse so'i dinju Kevin is so rich that he owns several houses. jimte modal, 1st place limitedly; up to limit ...
ji'i ji'i pa no tadni ca zvati le mi'u kumfa About 10 students are in the room. digit / number: approximately (default the typical value in this context) (number).
jibni zo xagri zo tabra cu jibni le ka se smuni The terms "pipe instrument" and "horn" are close in their meanings. x1 is near / close to / approximates x2 in property / quantity x3 (ka / ni). See also {darno}, {nenri}, {vanbi}, {jbini}, {lamji}, {zvati}, {cpana}, {bartu}, {diklo}, {stuzi}.
jibri mi se jibri le ka vecnu le grute I have a job as a fruit seller. x1 is a job / occupation / employment / vocation (a type of work regularly done for pay) of person x2. Working for another (= {selplijibri}). See also {briju}, {gunka}, {te} {jerna} which is employment specifically for pay and not specifically for another, {te} {pilno} which is employment not necessarily for pay and not necessarily regular or lasting but for another, {se} {gasnu} and {se} {zukte} for incidental activities.
jibri xu do se jibri le ka sampla Do you have the job of a programmer? x1 is a job / occupation / employment / vocation (a type of work regularly done for pay) of person x2. Working for another (= {selplijibri}). See also {briju}, {gunka}, {te} {jerna} which is employment specifically for pay and not specifically for another, {te} {pilno} which is employment not necessarily for pay and not necessarily regular or lasting but for another, {se} {gasnu} and {se} {zukte} for incidental activities.
jicla ko jicla le mi'u tcati Stir the tea. x1 (object, or event: force) stirs / mixes / [roils / agitates] fluid (gas / liquid) x2. Convection (= {nenflejicla}); agentive stirring (= {jiclygau}, {jiclyzu'e}). See also {fanza}, {tunta}, {mixre}.
jicla ko jicla le mi'u stasu co'u le nu ri febvi Stir the soup until it boils. x1 (object, or event: force) stirs / mixes / [roils / agitates] fluid (gas / liquid) x2. Convection (= {nenflejicla}); agentive stirring (= {jiclygau}, {jiclyzu'e}). See also {fanza}, {tunta}, {mixre}.
jicmu le logji cu jicmu la lojban Logic is the foundation of Lojban. x1 is a basis / foundation / underlying or fundamental principle of x2; x1 is at the bottom of x2. x2 is founded on basis x1 (= selcmu for reordered places); (adjective:) x1 is basic / basal / fundamental); (generally events and properties will be bases for events and states, while objects may be bases / bottoms for objects). See also cmavo list {ji'u}, {jamfu}, {zbepi}, {genja}, {krasi}.
jicmu le tcica cu jicmu ro nu jamna Trickery is the basic of every war. x1 is a basis / foundation / underlying or fundamental principle of x2; x1 is at the bottom of x2. x2 is founded on basis x1 (= selcmu for reordered places); (adjective:) x1 is basic / basal / fundamental); (generally events and properties will be bases for events and states, while objects may be bases / bottoms for objects). See also cmavo list {ji'u}, {jamfu}, {zbepi}, {genja}, {krasi}.
jicmu le nu zgana gi'e lanli cu jicmu ro saske Monitoring and analysis is the foundation of every science. x1 is a basis / foundation / underlying or fundamental principle of x2; x1 is at the bottom of x2. x2 is founded on basis x1 (= selcmu for reordered places); (adjective:) x1 is basic / basal / fundamental); (generally events and properties will be bases for events and states, while objects may be bases / bottoms for objects). See also cmavo list {ji'u}, {jamfu}, {zbepi}, {genja}, {krasi}.
jijnu mi pu jijnu le du'u le mi'u fetsi cu smusku le jitfa I knew intuitively that she was lying. x1 (person) intuits x2 (du'u) about subject x3; [epistemology]. Words usable for epistemology typically have a du'u place. See also {djuno}, {facki}, {jimpe}, {jinvi}, {nabmi}, {pensi}, {sidbo}, {smadi}.
jikca ko jikca la'e me'o so pa pa Dial 911! x1 interacts / behaves socially with x2; x1 socializes with / is sociable towards x2. See also {tarti}, {penmi}.
jikca ra jikca le so'i prenu gi'e di'i gasnu le te salci He is a sociable person interacting with many people and regularly organizing parties. x1 interacts / behaves socially with x2; x1 socializes with / is sociable towards x2. See also {tarti}, {penmi}.
jikni le nu frili vecnu cu jikni le vi tutra Free market is the economy of this region. x1 consists of the economic system (production and distribution and consumption) of sector components x2; x1 is economic. x2 may be a country or other area, the labor, capital and land resources, and the economic agents that socially participate in the production, exchange, distribution, and consumption of goods and services of that area; they may be joined with JOI. {pavmomseljikni} for 'primary sector', {relmomseljikni} for 'secondary sector', {cibmomseljikni} for 'tertiary sector', and {vonmomseljikni} for 'quaternary sector'; {gubyseljikni} for 'public / state sector', {sivyseljikni} for 'private sector', and {jikseljikni} for 'social / voluntary sector'. Cf. {venci'e}, {selpraci'e}.
jikru mi pu pinxe le jikru be le mraji I drank an alcoholic drink distilled from rye. x1 is made of / contains / is a quantity of liquor / spirits distilled from x2. See also {barja}, {vanju}, {birje}, {xalka}.
jilka mi pu lumci le palta se pi'o le jilka be le sodna I washed dishes using soda. x1 is a quantity of / contains / is made of alkali / base of composition including x2. (adjective:) x1 is alkaline. See also {sodna}, {bakri}, {sodva}.
jilra mi pu jilra le bruna be mi le se frili poi tai ke'a tavla fa ce'u bau la lojban I envied the ease at which my brother talked in Lojban. x1 (person) is jealous of / envies x2 (person) about / for x3 (property - ka). See also {cinmo}.
jimca le jimca be le za'u vi tricu cu snime blabi Branches of these trees are snow white. x1 is a branch / bough / limb of x2; x2 forks into branches x1; [preferred over metaphorical birka]. Also appendage. See also {birka}, {rebla}, {tuple}.
jimdei ca le jimdei mi ba cadzu bu'u le panka On Friday, I will walk in a park.
jimpe mi na jimpe tu'a do I don't understand you. x1 understands / comprehends fact / truth x2 (du'u) about subject x3; x1 understands (fi) x3. See also {djuno}, {jijnu}, {morna}, {smuni}, {saske}, {viska}.
jimpe mi na jimpe le du'u ma kau smuni le se cusku be do I don't understand the meaning of what you said. x1 understands / comprehends fact / truth x2 (du'u) about subject x3; x1 understands (fi) x3. See also {djuno}, {jijnu}, {morna}, {smuni}, {saske}, {viska}.
jimte ti noi mokca cu jimte mi le ka mo'u se klama This point is the limit that I can reach. x1 is a limit / extreme / bound / border / [confinement] of x2 in property / domain x3. Restrain / constrain within limits (= {jitri'u}, {jitygau}, {jityzu'e}). See also cmavo list {ji'e}, {traji}, {korbi}, {kuspe}, {rinju}, {bapli}, {curmi}, {fanta}, {jbini}.
jinci ti jinci le pelji These are scissors for cutting paper. x1 is a pair of shears / scissors for cutting x2. See also {katna}.
jinga la alis pu jinga le ralju le drata nixli pa nu vi'i ve'u bajra Alice won the main prize gaining the victory over other girls in a long distant race. x1 (person / team) wins / gains prize x2 from / over x3 [competitors / losers] in competition x4. Also: x1 is a victor; x2 reward; x3 competitors here are opponents and in many situations, defeated / losers, vs. the set of those competing for a goal; x2 may be a specific object, a commodity (mass), an event, or a property; pedantically, for objects / commodities, this is sumti-raising from ownership of the object / commodity (= {posyji'a}, posyselji'a for unambiguous {semantics}). See also {cirko}, {jivna}, {talsa}, {cnemu}, {prali}, {pleji}, {sfasa}, {jdima}, {jerna}, {bradi}, {kargu}, {kelci}.
jinku ti jinku le remna tu'a le vidru le ka se setca fi le ciblu This a vaccine for human use, it protects against viruses and is to be injected into the blood. x1 is a vaccine / immune-system stimulant protecting x2 against disease x3 introduced by method x4. Also serum; inoculation (= jestu'u {veljinku}). See also {jurme}, {mikce}, {jesni}, {bilma}.
jinme ti noi grana cu jinme This rod is metallic. x1 is a quantity of / contains / is made of made of metal of composition including x2. (adjective:) x1 is metallic. See also {cnisa}, {gasta}, {lastu}, {margu}, {nikle}, {ransu}, {romge}, {sodna}, {tinci}, {tirse}, {tunka}, {zinki}, {kunra}, {sodva}.
jinme le slami cu daspo le jinme Acid destroys metal. x1 is a quantity of / contains / is made of made of metal of composition including x2. (adjective:) x1 is metallic. See also {cnisa}, {gasta}, {lastu}, {margu}, {nikle}, {ransu}, {romge}, {sodna}, {tinci}, {tirse}, {tunka}, {zinki}, {kunra}, {sodva}.
jinru le mi'u ba'o tricu pu jinru le djacu The stump was immersed in the water. x1 (object / person) is immersed / submerged / bathes in liquid x2. Take a bath / bathe (= {jirsezlu'i}). See also {lumci}, {nenri}, {jinsa}.
jinsa mi pu jai gau jinsa fai le mi'u jubme lei palta I cleared the table of dishes. x1 (object) is clean / pure of material / contaminant / dirt x2 by standard x3. See also {lumci}, {jinru}, {curve}, {sepli}.
jinto ti jinto le jinsa djacu This is a spring of clean water. x1 is a well / spring of fluid x2 at location x3. See also {krasi}, {djacu}, {fenra}.
jinvi mi pu darsi le ka tugni ra pa se jinvi be ra I dared to support his opinion. x1 thinks / opines x2 [opinion] (du'u) is true about subject / issue x3 on grounds x4. Words usable for epistemology typically have a du'u place. See also cmavo list {pe'i}, {djuno}, {krici}, {ciksi}, {jijnu}, {nabmi}, {pensi}, {senpi}, {sidbo}, {birti}, {pinka}.
jinvi mi jinvi fi la .alis. goi .abu. fe le du'u ri na gasnu le zekri kei fo le du'u no da skicu fi ma'a fe le nu .abu. vi zvati I think Alice didn't commit the crime on grounds that no one told us of her being nearby. x1 thinks / opines x2 [opinion] (du'u) is true about subject / issue x3 on grounds x4. Words usable for epistemology typically have a du'u place. See also cmavo list {pe'i}, {djuno}, {krici}, {ciksi}, {jijnu}, {nabmi}, {pensi}, {senpi}, {sidbo}, {birti}, {pinka}.
jinvi le pendo be mi cu jinvi le du'u le tcini cu zenba le ka xlali My friend thinks that the situation is deteriorating. x1 thinks / opines x2 [opinion] (du'u) is true about subject / issue x3 on grounds x4. Words usable for epistemology typically have a du'u place. See also cmavo list {pe'i}, {djuno}, {krici}, {ciksi}, {jijnu}, {nabmi}, {pensi}, {senpi}, {sidbo}, {birti}, {pinka}.
jinzi le mi'u fetsi cu se jinzi le ka certu le ka zgipli She has a natural talent for playing the music. x1 (property - ka) is an innate / inherent / intrinsic / natural property / quality / aspect of x2. See also {lakne}, {rarna}, {stati}, cmavo list {ka'e}, {tcaci}.
jinzi do se jinzi le ka badri You are a boring person. x1 (property - ka) is an innate / inherent / intrinsic / natural property / quality / aspect of x2. See also {lakne}, {rarna}, {stati}, cmavo list {ka'e}, {tcaci}.
jipci le jipci cu nelci le tsiju Chickens like seeds. x1 is a chicken / [hen / cock / rooster] / small fowl [a type of bird] of species / breed x2. See also {cipni}.
jipno mi pu pencu le mi'u plise se pi'o le jipno be le mi tance I touched the apple with the tip of my tongue. x1 is a tip / point / vertex / extremity / end [0-dimension shape / form] on object x2 at locus x3. See also {mokca}, {jesni}, {fanmo}, {kojna}, {krasi}.
jipno le jipno be le nazbi be mi mo'u dunja The tip of my nose is frozen. x1 is a tip / point / vertex / extremity / end [0-dimension shape / form] on object x2 at locus x3. See also {mokca}, {jesni}, {fanmo}, {kojna}, {krasi}.
jirna le mi'u mirli cu se jirna le clani The deer has long horns. x1 is a / the horn [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: pointed extremity]. See also {jgalu}, {bongu}.
jisra bu'u ma te vecnu le jisra be le grute Where can one buy fruit juice? x1 is made of / contains / is a quantity of juice / nectar from-source / of-type x2. Water-based extract from a (generally) biological source. See also {pinxe}, {djacu}, {grute}, {stagi}.
jitfa le du'u le mi'u nanla cu se slabu la alis cu jitfa le du'u le mi'u nanla cu kucli le nu la alis cu mo kau It's false that the boy is familiar with Alice since he is wondering who she is. x1 (du'u) is false / is an untruth by standard / epistemology / metaphysics x2. Words usable for epistemology typically have a du'u place. See also {fatci}, {stace}, {jetnu}, {cfika}.
jitro le jatna be mi cu jitro mi le ka gunka ti My boss controls me in working on this. x1 has control over / harnesses / manages / directs / conducts x2 in x3 (activity / event / performance). x2 are aspects / individuals controlled within activity / event x3; manage (= {selzuktro}, {selzukfu'e}, {gu'etro}, {gunfu'e}, {xaktro}, {xakfu'e}) (as distinct from manager / boss = gunterbe'e, gunja'a, gunmi'e, gunca'i). (cf. cmavo list ji'o, bapli, te bende, gidva - which does not necessarily control or command, jatna, macnu, minde, ponse, ralju, rinka, sazri, turni, vlipa, xance, xlura)
jitro lei pulji cu jitro le sruri The police controls the surroundings. x1 has control over / harnesses / manages / directs / conducts x2 in x3 (activity / event / performance). x2 are aspects / individuals controlled within activity / event x3; manage (= {selzuktro}, {selzukfu'e}, {gu'etro}, {gunfu'e}, {xaktro}, {xakfu'e}) (as distinct from manager / boss = gunterbe'e, gunja'a, gunmi'e, gunca'i). (cf. cmavo list ji'o, bapli, te bende, gidva - which does not necessarily control or command, jatna, macnu, minde, ponse, ralju, rinka, sazri, turni, vlipa, xance, xlura)
jivbu le ankabuta cu jivbu le julne le se cigla be fi vo'a Spiders weave nets from secrets of their glands. x1 weaves x2 from material / [yarn] x3. See also {fenso}, {nivji}.
jivna la alis pu jivna le drata nixli pa nu vi'i ve'u bajra vau le ka cpacu le jdini Alice competed with other girls in a long distance race with a monetary prize for the winner. x1 competes / vies with opponent x2 in contest / competition x3 (event) for gain x4; x1 rivals x2. Also x2 opponent(s), competitor(s), rival(s); x3 competition, race; x4 prize, reward, recognition (gain may be internal or external). See also {cnemu}, {jinga}, {talsa}, {bradi}, {fapro}, {kelci}.
jmagutci le jubme cu jmagutci li re le ka glico The table is two English feet in size. $g_1$ is $g_2$ international foot / feet (length unit) in length. Cf. {jamfu}, {gutci}, {degygutci}, {tapygutci}, {birgutci}, {cibjmagutci}, {minli}.
jmaji le jbopre pu jmaji pa dinju le vrici gugde Lojbanists from various countries gathered in a house. x1 (mass / jo'u) gathers / collects at location x2 from locations x3 (mass / jo'u). Also focus (= {seljmaji}). See also {crepu}.
jmifa pu zdile fa le ka limna vi lei jmifa It was amusing to swim near the reefs. x1 is a shoal [shallow hazard] / reef of material x2 in body of water x3. Rapids (= {ri'erjmifa}, {ri'ercaxno}). See also {caxno}.
jmina le mi'u sfofa cu jmina le ka se kufra vau le mi'u kumfa The sofa adds comfort to the room. x1 adds / combines x2 to / with x3, with result x4; x1 augments x2 by amount x3. See also {zmadu}, {banro}, {sumji}, {zenba}, {setca}.
jmina mi ba jmina le so'o crino spati le mi'u nanba le pa snuji I will add some greenery to bread getting a sandwich. x1 adds / combines x2 to / with x3, with result x4; x1 augments x2 by amount x3. See also {zmadu}, {banro}, {sumji}, {zenba}, {setca}.
jmive le mi'u danlu cu jmive le ka ruble muvdu The animal is alive since it is weakly moving. x1 lives / is alive by standard x2; x1 is an organism / living thing. (adjective:) x1 is vital, organic. See also {lifri}, {morsi}, {stuzi}, {zvati}, {xabju}.
jo ai mi te vecnu le karce poi kargu jo cnino I'm going to buy an expensive car if and only if it is new (or not to buy any cars if they don't satisfy this condition). logical connective: tanru-internal afterthought biconditional / iff / if-and-only-if.
jo nai mi tavla i jo nai do tavla Either I talk or you talk.
jo'a lu xu le mi'u prenu noi sanli vi tu noi dinju cu ninmu li'u lu jo'a i mi na djuno li'u "Is the person standing near that building a woman?" "Good question! I don't know! (there is a person standing near the building, the question of whether it's a woman is applicable)." discursive: metalinguistic affirmer. See also {drani}.
jo'e e'o doi io le ninmu jo'e le ctuca ko cliva le mi'u kumfa Respected women and teachers, please, leave the room. non-logical connective: union of sets.
jo'u do jo'u mi casnu le za'u bangu You together with me discussed languages (not necessarily with each other but just taken as a single entity). non-logical connective: in common with; along with (unmixed).
joi ti du le sovda joi le purmo This is a mass of eggs and flour. non-logical connective: mixed conjunction; and meaning mixed together, forming a mass.
jorne la alis cu jorne pa stizu pa skori Alice is tied to a chair with a rope. x1 is joined to / connects to / is united with x2 at common locus x3; x1 and x2 are a union. Also joined / fastened / attached by joint x3 / by means of x3 / with fastener x3; fastener (= {jo'etci}, {jonvelyla'a}); train, sequence of joined objects (= jonpoi; porjo'e for a single object joined into a sequence). See also {lasna}, {fenso}, {kansa}, {pencu}, {penmi}.
jorne ko jorne la'e me'o so pa pa Call 911! x1 is joined to / connects to / is united with x2 at common locus x3; x1 and x2 are a union. Also joined / fastened / attached by joint x3 / by means of x3 / with fastener x3; fastener (= {jo'etci}, {jonvelyla'a}); train, sequence of joined objects (= jonpoi; porjo'e for a single object joined into a sequence). See also {lasna}, {fenso}, {kansa}, {pencu}, {penmi}.
jorne mi ba jorne do ba le nu mi cliva le ckule I will call you after I leave the school. x1 is joined to / connects to / is united with x2 at common locus x3; x1 and x2 are a union. Also joined / fastened / attached by joint x3 / by means of x3 / with fastener x3; fastener (= {jo'etci}, {jonvelyla'a}); train, sequence of joined objects (= jonpoi; porjo'e for a single object joined into a sequence). See also {lasna}, {fenso}, {kansa}, {pencu}, {penmi}.
ju ei zukte i ju le mi'u nanmu cu klama Let's do it whether or not he comes. logical connective: tanru-internal afterthought whether-or-not.
ju'a la alis cu jinvi le du'u ju'a le mi'u nakni cu fenki Alice has an opinion that the man is crazy, and it is so, I say. evidential: I state - (default) elliptical / non-specific basis. See also {xusra}.
ju'e mi ju'e do casnu le za'u bangu I discussed languages. You discussed languages. vague non-logical connective: analogous to plain .i.
ju'i ju'i le nixli ma cmene do Hey, girl, what is your name? vocative: attention - at ease - ignore me.
ju'i ju'i cu'i sonci At ease, soldiers. vocative: attention - at ease - ignore me.
ju'i mi co'a si'u nai jimpe ju'i nai I understood myself, never mind. vocative: attention - at ease - ignore me.
ju'o ju'o do pu pensi da You must have thought of something. attitudinal modifier: certainty - uncertainty - impossibility. See also {birti}, {cumki}.
ju'o ju'o cu'i le mi'u nakni cu zukte se va'u le fetsi Maybe, he is doing it for her, I'm not sure. attitudinal modifier: certainty - uncertainty - impossibility. See also {birti}, {cumki}.
ju'o ju'o nai xu le tai valsi cu se pilno Are such words used? I have no idea! attitudinal modifier: certainty - uncertainty - impossibility. See also {birti}, {cumki}.
jubme xu da kunti jubme Is there a free table? x1 is a table / flat solid upper surface of material x2, supported by legs / base / pedestal x3. See also {ckana}, {jamfu}, {nilce}, {zbepi}, {tsina}, {stizu}.
judri ma judri do le tcadu What is your city address? x1 is an address of / are coordinates of x2 in system x3. See also {tcita}, {cmene}, {ciste}, {stuzi}.
judri ma judri do le kibro ve mrilu What is your e-mail address? x1 is an address of / are coordinates of x2 in system x3. See also {tcita}, {cmene}, {ciste}, {stuzi}.
jufra lu i le mlatu cu pinxe li'u jufra le danlu la lojban {i lo mlatu cu pinxe} is a sentence about animals in Lojban language. x1 (text) is a sentence / statement about x2 [topic / subject / predicate / focus] in language x3. Phrase (= {jufpau}, {suzrelvla}, {suzvla}, {gensle}). See also {valsi}, {bangu}, {gerna}, {cusku}, {smuni}.
jukpa le mi'u mamta pu jukpa pa torta le ka punji pa pu'o torta le toknu Mother cooked a cake by putting a raw "cake" in the oven. x1 cooks / prepares food-for-eating x2 by recipe / method x3 (process). Cook with heat (= {glajukpa}, {glaterjukpa}), bake (= {tokyjukpa}); fry (= {rasyjukpa}). See also {cupra}, {bredi}.
julne ti julne fi le finpe This is a fishing net. x1 is a net / filter allowing passage of x2, prohibiting passage of x3, netting properties x4. Also sieve. See also {komcu}, {ciste}, {jgena}.
julne tu julne le djacu le rismi That is a colander that lets the water pass and retains rice. x1 is a net / filter allowing passage of x2, prohibiting passage of x3, netting properties x4. Also sieve. See also {komcu}, {ciste}, {jgena}.
jundi mi pu jundi le nu ra pu cusku ma kau I was attentive at was he was saying. x1 is attentive towards / attends / tends / pays attention to object / affair x2. See also {kurji}, {zvati}.
jungo le mi'u fetsi cu jungo le ka tcila be le flira be ce'u The girl is Chinese in her face features. x1 reflects Chinese [Mandarin, Cantonese, Wu, etc.] culture / nationality / language in aspect x2. See also {xazdo}.
junla ti junla le snidu be li pi mu This clock measures seconds to the precision of 0.5 seconds. x1 is clock / watch / timer measuring time units x2 to precision x3 with timing mechanism / method x4. Also timepiece. See also {cacra}, {mentu}, {snidu}, {tcika}, {temci}.
junpero mi pu jmina so'o jimca be le junpero le fagri I added some juniper twigs to the fire.
junri xu do junri le ka te mukti le ka cliva le bu'u gugde Are you serious in your intent to leave this country? x1 (person) is serious / earnest / has gravity about x2 (event / state / activity). Also solemn (= {drijunri}, {ri'irjunri}, {tcejunri}). See also {tilju}, {xalbo}, {badri}, {ritli}.
junta le gunka pe le kensa cu se junta le ki'ogra be li pa no no le mi'u terdi The space worker weights 100 kilograms in the gravity of the Earth. x1 is the weight of object x2 in [gravitational or other force] field x3. See also {grake}, {linto}, {tilju}, {bunda}.
jurme le mi'u lanli pu pilno le jurme le cipra The researcher used bacteria for tests. x1 is a bacterium / germ / microbe / protozoan / amoeba [1-celled life] of species / defining property x2. See also {vidru}.
jursa le ka jivna pu jursa mi Competition was fierce for me. x1 (event / action / state) is severe / harsh to x2 [victim / experiencer]. See also {gunta}, {vlile}.
jutsi mi zgana le cinki noi jutsi so'i da I watch insects of all kinds. x1 is a species of genus x2, family x3, etc.; [open-ended tree-structure categorization]. Also subspecies, order, phylum; (places do not correspond to specific levels in the hierarchy; rather, x1 is at a 'lower' or 'bushier' part of the tree than x2, x2 is 'lower' than x3, etc.; skipping a place thus means that there is one or more known-and-unspecified levels of hierarchy between the two); not limited to Linnean animal / plant taxonomy. See also {klesi}, {lanzu}.
juxre mi pu ca'o juxre le ka muvdu I was getting clumsy in my movements. x1 (action) is clumsy / awkward by standard x2. See also {sluji}, {muvdu}.
juxre le mi'u fonxa pu juxre le ka se pilno The phone was clumsy to use. x1 (action) is clumsy / awkward by standard x2. See also {sluji}, {muvdu}.
jvinu le jvinu be le xamsi bei le kumfa pe mi cu banli I have a great view of the sea from my room. x1 is the view / scene / panorama / sight / prospect of x2 (object / location) from point-of-view x3. Also x1 is on display to x2 / x3. See also {catlu}, {kanla}, {viska}, {canko}, {jarco}.
ka lo ka mlatu cu ka danlu Cats are animals. abstractor: property / quality abstractor (-ness); x1 is quality / property exhibited by [bridi].
ka ta'i ku do ba cirko le ka sinma ce'u This way you will lose respect. abstractor: property / quality abstractor (-ness); x1 is quality / property exhibited by [bridi].
ka le ka pendo ku po'o cu tadji le ka se pendo The only way to have a friend is to be a friend. abstractor: property / quality abstractor (-ness); x1 is quality / property exhibited by [bridi].
ka'ai mi cadzu ka'ai le gerku I walk with a dog. kansa modal, 1 place; with ... / with a companion ... See also {kansa}
ka'e .i ro da ka'e te tavla Everything can be talked about. modal aspect: innate capability; possibly unrealized.
ka'o li te'o te'a vei ka'o pi'i pai ve'o su'i pa du li no e<sup>(i × π)</sup> +1 = 0. digit / number: imaginary i; square root of -1.
ka'u ka'u so'a prenu cu xebni da We know that most people hate something. evidential: I know by cultural means (myth or custom). See also {kluju'o}.
kabri e'o do te cpacu le pa kabri be le ckafi mi Please, give me a cup of coffee. x1 is a cup / glass / tumbler / mug / vessel / [bowl] containing contents x2, and of material x3. A kabri is normally eaten from by lifting it; a palta is not. See also {palta}, {citka}, {blaci}, {tansi}.
kabu mi je'a djica le ka tadni i ku'i ka bu nandu mi I do want to study. But it's difficult to me.
kacma ti kacma le mi'u tcadu pa datni centero This is a camera recording images of the city to a data center. x1 is a camera / photographic equipment recording illumination type x2 images to medium x3. See also {lenjo}.
kafke ra pu kafke le barda le ganxo He made a big fart. x1 coughs / farts / burps up / out x2 [predominantly gaseous] from orifice x3. See also {bilma}, {senci}, {sputu}, {vamtu}.
kagni pa kagni be le jbopre bei le nu kakpa le ctile pu zvafa'i le ctile le loldi be le xamsi The Lojbanists' chartered oil drilling company discovered oil at the bed of the sea. x1 is a company / corporation / firm / partnership chartered by authority x2 for purpose x3. Also enterprise / organization (if chartered). See also {kansa}, {kamni}, {banxa}, {bende}.
kai zildukse kai le kilto be le grake One kilogram was too much. ckaji modal, 1st place characterizing ...
kajde lei rirni pu kajde mi'a le ba vlile tcima Parents warned us about heavy weather. x1 (event / experience) warns / cautions x2 (person) of / about danger x3 (event / state / property). Agentive warning (= {jdegau}, {jdezu'e}); an attempt to warn which may not succeed (= {jdetoi}, {jdegautoi}, {jdezuktoi}). See also {ckape}, {nupre}, {snura}, {tcica}, {xlura}.
kajna mi pu punji le mi'u pelji le mi'u kajna be le fagri stuzi I put the paper on the mantel. x1 is a shelf / counter / bar in / on / attached to supporting object x2, for purpose x3. See also {balni}.
kakne mi na kakne le nu sipna I can't sleep. x1 is able to do / be / capable of doing / being x2 (event / state) under conditions x3 (event / state). Also: has talent; know how to; know how to use (= {plika'e}). (cf. stati, certu, gasnu (in the time-free potential sense), cmavo list ka'e, cmavo list nu'o, cmavo list pu'i, djuno, zifre)
kakpa pu bapli le nu la tom cu kakpa le karce pe vo'a lei snime Tom had to dig his car out of the snow. x1 (agent) digs x2 [material] up / out of x3 [source / hole] with limbs / tool(s) x4. Also x1 cuts into x3 (with material removal). See also {katna}, {plixa}, {sraku}, {canpa}, {sraku}.
kalci le kalci be le bakni cu jai rinka le nu le dertu cu ferti Cow dung makes soil fertile. x1 is a / the feces / excrement / dung / shit of x2 (animal / person); (adjective:) x1 is fecal (matter). Also crap. See also {ganxo}, {pinca}, {vikmi}, {mabla}, {festi}.
kalri le mi'u canko cu kalri le nenri le vifne vacri The window is open letting the fresh air in. x1 (portal / passage / entrance-way) is open / ajar / not shut permitting passage / access to x2 by x3. As a doorway. See also {ganlo}, {pagre}, {canko}, {vorme}.
kalri gau ko kalri fa le mi'u canko Open the window. x1 (portal / passage / entrance-way) is open / ajar / not shut permitting passage / access to x2 by x3. As a doorway. See also {ganlo}, {pagre}, {canko}, {vorme}.
kalri ko jai gau kalri fai le mi'u canko Open the window. x1 (portal / passage / entrance-way) is open / ajar / not shut permitting passage / access to x2 by x3. As a doorway. See also {ganlo}, {pagre}, {canko}, {vorme}.
kalsa le kumfa pe mi cu kalsa le ka bu'u ce'u le bukpu pe mi cu zvati ma kau My room is a mess (in where are my clothes). x1 is chaotic / disordered in property / aspect x2 (ka). See also {cunso}, {cnici}.
kalte lei mi'u certu pu kalte le finpe le ka lanli ri The researches were hunting fishes to study them. x1 hunts / stalks prey / quarry / game x2 for purpose x3. Also verb: to fish (= {fipkalte}). See also {jersi}, {kavbu}, {sisku}, {rivbi}.
kamju le mi'u pa kamju cu sarji le korbi be le mi'u drudi The column supports the edge of the roof. x1 is a column / pillar of material x2. Spine (= {bogykamju}), vertebra (= {kamjybo'u}). See also {ckana}, {garna}, {sanli}, {slanu}.
kamni le mi'u kamni be le ka jai gau farvi le mi'u bangu cu gunma za'u pa no prenu There are more than 10 members in the committee for developing the language. x1 (mass) is a committee with task / purpose x2 of body x3. Board of directors / trustees / cabinet (= {trukamni}, {gritrukamni}). See also {bende}, {kagni}.
kampu pa da zo'u le ka dasni le morna be fi da cu kampu ro ckaji le ka ti ckule fo ce'u Wearing the same uniform is common for every student in this school. x1 (property - ka) is common / general / universal among members of set x2 (complete set). Only fully universal sense applies; x1 must be found in all members of x2. For the non-universal sense see {fadni} and {zilfadni}. See also {cafne}, {rirci}, {fadni}, {cnano}, {tcaci}, {lakne}, {cmima}, {simxu}.
kanba le mi'u cirla cu se zbasu fi le ladru be le kanba The cheese is made from goat's milk. x1 is a goat / angora / [billy-goat / kid] of species / breed x2. See also {lanme}, {sunla}.
kancu mi pu kancu le'i prenu li pa re le re mei I counted the people as 12 couples. x1 (agent) counts the number in set x2 to be x3 [number / count] counting [off] by units x4. (x2 is complete set); See also {kanji}, {satci}, {merli}.
kandi fi mi fa le mi'u valsi cu kandi le ka se smuni To me the word is dim in meaning. x1 is dim / dull / pale / non-intense in property x2 (ka) as received / measured by observer x3. In colors, indicates unsaturated, pastel, pale (though blabi can also indicate a kind of paleness). See also {blabi}, {carmi}, {klina}, {linto}, {manku}, {murse}, {ruble}, {skari}, {milxe}, {blanu}, {bunre}, {cicna}, {crino}, {grusi}, {narju}, {nukni}, {pelxu}, {xekri}, {xunre}, {zirpu}.
kanla la alis cu se kanla le barda je melbi Alice has big beautiful eyes. x1 is a / the eye [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: sensory apparatus]; (adjective:) x1 is ocular. x1 is optic. See also {jvinu}, {kerlo}, {viska}, {kumte}.
kanpe fi li so'u fa mi pu kanpe le nu do clira volta I didn't expect you to return early. x1 expects / looks for the occurence of x2 (event), expected likelihood x3 (0-1, default {li} {so'a} i.e. near 1); x1 subjectively evaluates the likelihood of x2 (event) to be x3. The value of x3 is a subjective estimate of likeliness according to x1, and is the basic determinant of whether kanpe means something like 'hope' or 'wish' or 'expect', although kanpe never carries the connotation of desire; for that connotation see {pacna}. kanpe with x3 not very close to 1 has no simple equivalent in English, but for objects / states with negligible expectation it is something like 'wishing'; if the state is plausibly likely, it is something like 'hoping'. In both cases, though, the English implication of emotional desire is not present. The value will usually be expressed using inexact numbers ('{li} {piso'u}' to '{li} {piro}'); not-necessarily desirous wish, not-necessarily-desirous hope. See also {djica}, {pacna}, {lakne}, {cunso}.
kanpe le nu mi mo'u klama cu pu na ku se kanpe su'o da My arrival wasn't expected by anyone. x1 expects / looks for the occurence of x2 (event), expected likelihood x3 (0-1, default {li} {so'a} i.e. near 1); x1 subjectively evaluates the likelihood of x2 (event) to be x3. The value of x3 is a subjective estimate of likeliness according to x1, and is the basic determinant of whether kanpe means something like 'hope' or 'wish' or 'expect', although kanpe never carries the connotation of desire; for that connotation see {pacna}. kanpe with x3 not very close to 1 has no simple equivalent in English, but for objects / states with negligible expectation it is something like 'wishing'; if the state is plausibly likely, it is something like 'hoping'. In both cases, though, the English implication of emotional desire is not present. The value will usually be expressed using inexact numbers ('{li} {piso'u}' to '{li} {piro}'); not-necessarily desirous wish, not-necessarily-desirous hope. See also {djica}, {pacna}, {lakne}, {cunso}.
kanro mi kanro le ka na cortu le galxe I'm healthy in that my throat doesn't ache. x1 is healthy / fit / well / in good health by standard x2. See also {bilma}, {mikce}.
kansa le mi'u gerku pe mi fe'e ro roi kansa mi My dog is everywhere with me. x1 is with / accompanies / is a companion of x2, in state / condition / enterprise x3 (event / state). x1 is together with / along with x2. See also {kagni}, {jorne}, {gunma}, {girzu}, {lasna}.
kansa ro roi pu pluka fa le ka kansa do le ka gunka It was pleasant to work with you. x1 is with / accompanies / is a companion of x2, in state / condition / enterprise x3 (event / state). x1 is together with / along with x2. See also {kagni}, {jorne}, {gunma}, {girzu}, {lasna}.
kantu mi pu xaksu re kantu be le cacra ta'i le nu mi denpa tu'a do I wasted two hours waiting for you. x1 is a quantum / ray / elementary particle / smallest measurable increment of property / activity x2. Quantum ray (= {bonka'u}). (cf. selci for masses and most objects; ratni, gradu, gusni, nejni, linji)
kantu ti du le re kantu be le makfa Here are two pieces of magic. x1 is a quantum / ray / elementary particle / smallest measurable increment of property / activity x2. Quantum ray (= {bonka'u}). (cf. selci for masses and most objects; ratni, gradu, gusni, nejni, linji)
karce ti karce le festi It's a trash truck. x1 is a car / automobile / truck / van [a wheeled motor vehicle] for carrying x2, propelled by x3 See also {carce}, {xislu}, {marce}, {sabnu}.
karce do te mukti le ka te vecnu le pa karce pe ma noi kagni A car of what company are you going to buy? x1 is a car / automobile / truck / van [a wheeled motor vehicle] for carrying x2, propelled by x3 See also {carce}, {xislu}, {marce}, {sabnu}.
karda xu ka'e pleji se pi'o le dejni karda Is it possible to pay with a credit card? x1 is a card [small nearly-2-dimensional shape / form] of material x2, shape x3. (x3 shape default rectangular); See also {matci}, {tapla}, {plita}.
kargau gau ko kalri fa le mi'u canko le vifne vacri le nenri Open the window and let in some fresh air.
kargu le ka tai litru cu kargu mi se la'u li du'e Such trip is too expensive to me. x1 (object / commodity / property / event) is costly / expensive / dear to x2 by standard x3. x1 may be a specific object, a commodity (mass), an event, or a property; pedantically, for objects / commodities, this is sumti-raising from ownership of the object / commodity (= poskargu for unambiguous {semantics}). See also {vamji}, {dirba}, {vajni}, {jdima}, {pleji}, {canja}, {jerna}, {jinga}, {jemna}, {sfasa}, {vecnu}.
karli le mi'u fetsi pu punji pa karli le sruri be le cintura She put a waist around her waist. x1 is a collar / ring / belt / band around / surrounding x2 made of material x3. Also sphincter. See also {sruri}, {djine}.
karni mi tcidu pa karni be le pu zi nuzba I'm reading a magazine about recent news. x1 is a journal / periodical / magazine / [newspaper] with content x2 published by x3 for audience x4. x2 may be a subject, but not all journals have a single subject; all have some sort of principle defining what is included, so this need not be a list. See also {papri}, {pelji}, {tcidu}.
katna mi pu katna le mi'u nanba le pa no mei I cut the bread into 10 pieces. x1 (tool / blade / force) cuts [through] / splits / divides x2 (object) into pieces x3. For x1 force, it is a force acting as a blade, not acting upon a blade; agentive cutting (= {ka'argau}, {ka'arzu'e}). (cf. kakpa, sraku for cutting into without division; plixa, dakfu, jinci, porpi, spofu, tunta, xrani, fatri, fendi, balre, dilcu)
kau mi djuno le du'u ma kau darxi ba'e la alis I know who hit Alice (not someone else). discursive: marks word serving as focus of indirect question: I know WHO went to the store.
kau mi pu na ku birti le du'u xo kau prenu cu zvati I wasn't sure how many people were present. discursive: marks word serving as focus of indirect question: I know WHO went to the store.
kavbu mi pu kavbu le ka bilma fi la zukam vau le ka cadzu bu'u le bartu I caught cold by walking outside. x1 captures / catches / apprehends / seizes / nabs x2 with trap / restraint x3. Catch something thrown (= {rerkavbu}). See also {jersi}, {kalte}, {pinfu}, {sisku}, se {rinju}.
kavbu le mi'u nanla pu kavbu le mi'u bolci pa xance The boy caught the ball with one hand. x1 captures / catches / apprehends / seizes / nabs x2 with trap / restraint x3. Catch something thrown (= {rerkavbu}). See also {jersi}, {kalte}, {pinfu}, {sisku}, se {rinju}.
ke ti melbi cmalu ckule .i tu melbi ke cmalu ckule This is a prettily small school. That one is a pretty minihouse. start grouping of tanru, etc; ... type of ... ; overrides normal tanru left grouping. Cf. {ke'e}, {bo}.
ke la .alis. e ke la .kevin. a la .edvard. ba zvati le nu penmi Alice and either Kevin or Eduard will attend the meeting. start grouping of tanru, etc; ... type of ... ; overrides normal tanru left grouping. Cf. {ke'e}, {bo}.
ke .i la .alis. e la .kevin. a la .edvard. ba zvati le nu penmi Either Alice and Kevin, or Eduard will visit the meeting. start grouping of tanru, etc; ... type of ... ; overrides normal tanru left grouping. Cf. {ke'e}, {bo}.
ke .au do jukpa le nanba gi'e ke lumci le mi'u kumfa gi'o nai cadzu ka'ai le mi'u gerku I wish you cooked the bread and either cleaned the room or walked with the dog. start grouping of tanru, etc; ... type of ... ; overrides normal tanru left grouping. Cf. {ke'e}, {bo}.
ke'a mi pu vitke pa dinju poi bu'u ke'a mi'a se zdani ze'a le nanca be li so'o I visited a house where we lived for several years. pro-sumti: relativized sumti (object of relative clause).
ke'o ke'o do mi pu na tirna Eh? What did you say? I didn't hear. vocative: please repeat.
ke'o ke'o nai do mi co'i te benji ro da All right, no need to repeat, I got everything. vocative: please repeat.
ke'u ke'u mi na tugni do I repeat, I don't agree with you. discursive: repeating - continuing. See also {refbasna}, {krefu}, {rapli}, {velde'a}.
ke'u ke'u nai mi se zdani na ku le tcadu Furthermore, I live not in a city. discursive: repeating - continuing. See also {refbasna}, {krefu}, {rapli}, {velde'a}.
kecti mi kecti do le nu do fliba le ka jinga I feel sorry for you that you failed to win. x1 (person) pities / feels sorry for x2 (person) about x3 (abstraction). See also {cinmo}, {xendo}.
kelci pa nixli ca'o zukte le ka kelci le bambola pe vo'a A girl is playing with her doll. x1 [agent] plays with plaything / toy x2. Play game (= {ci'erkei}), play competitively (= {jvikei}). See also {jivna}, {jinga}, {zdile}.
kelvo le vacri ca kelvo li ji'i re ze ci It's around 273 degrees Kelvin (0 degrees Celsius). x1 is x2 degree(s) Kelvin [metric unit] in temperature (default is 1) by standard x3. See also {gradu}, {centi}, {decti}, {dekto}, {femti}, {gigdo}, {gocti}, {gotro}, {kilto}, {megdo}, {mikri}, {milti}, {nanvi}, {petso}, {picti}, {terto}, {xatsi}, {xecto}, {xexso}, {zepti}, {zetro}.
kenra le kenra be le tatru ka'e mo'u te mikce Breast cancer can be cured. x1 is a cancer [malignant disease] in x2. See also {bilma}, {mikce}, {spita}.
kensa so'i mluni cu vofli bu'u le kensa be le mi'u terdi There are many satellites flying in outer space near the Earth. x1 is outer space near / associated with celestial body / region x2. See also {canlu}, {munje}, {terdi}, {tsani}.
kerfa le kerfa be mi cu clani My hair is long. x1 is a / the hair / fur [body-part] of x2 at body location x3. See also {skapi}, {sunla}, {pimlu}.
kerlo doi le gerku ko na pencu le kerlo be mi Dog, don't touch my ears! x1 is a / the ear [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: sensory apparatus, information gathering]. (adjective:) x1 is aural. See also {kanla}, {savru}, {smaji}, {tirna}, {ractu}.
kernelo le kernelo be le mi'u terdi cu glare The core of the Earth is hot.
ketco ti'e le mi'u fetsi cu klama fi pa ketco gugde ku i'u cu'i They say she is from some South American country. x1 reflects South American culture / nationality / geography in aspect x2. See also {merko}, {xispo}, {brazo}, {gento}, {spano}.
kevna pa da kevna le drudi There is a hole in the roof. x1 is a cavity / hole / hollow / cavern in x2; x1 is concave within x2; x2 is hollow at locus x1. Also pit, depression, concavity; hollow (= {selke'a}). See also {fenra}, {kunti}, {canlu}, {canko}, {galxe}, {tubnu}.
ki le mi'u dinju cu darno ki mi The house is far from me. tense / modal: set / use tense default; establishes new open scope space / time / modal reference base.
ki'a lu mi pu te vecnu pa granate li'u lu granate ki'a li'u "I bought granate." "Huh, granate?" attitudinal question: confusion about something said. See also {cfipu}, {kucli}.
ki'a lu sa'u le mi'u verba cu mutce le ka tatpi li'u lu ki'a nai li'u "The child is just very tired." "I understand." attitudinal question: confusion about something said. See also {cfipu}, {kucli}.
ki'ai ki'ai salam Salam! Converts following cmevla or zoi-quote into a nonce interjection / attitudinal. See {sa'ei}, {ci'oi}, {tai'i}.
ki'e ki'e sai do Thank you very much! vocative: thanks - no thanks to you.
ki'e do pu mutce le ka sidju mi vau ki'e sai do You helped me a lot, thank you very much! vocative: thanks - no thanks to you.
ki'e .i mi ne si'u nai mo'u zvafa'i ki'e cu'i la .alis. I found myself, no thanks to you, Alice. vocative: thanks - no thanks to you.
ki'e ki'e cu'i do mi ca le se tcika mo'u klama I arrived on time, no thanks to you. vocative: thanks - no thanks to you.
ki'e .i mi jai lerci ki'e nai la .kevin. I was late, and that's because of you, Kevin. vocative: thanks - no thanks to you.
ki'o pa ki'o mu no no prenu cu tadni ti noi ckule One thousand and five hundred (1,500) people study in this school. digit / number: number comma; thousands.
ki'ogra lei mi'u plise cu ki'ogra li re The apples are 2 kilograms in weight.
ki'otre ti noi dargu cu ki'otre li pa le ka clani This box is one kilometer in length.
ki'u mi na ka'e tavla do i ki'u bo mi zvati le mi'u briju I can't talk to you since I'm in the office. krinu modal, 1st place (justified by) justifiably; because of reason ...
kibro pa pendo be mi cu finti pa karni poi kibro le ka se benji fu ma kau A friend of mine is an author of a magazine that is delivered via the internet. x1 pertains to the internet / cyberspace in aspect x2. Proposed by xorxes. Short rafsi -kib-. Cf. {mujysamseltcana}.
kicne ko jgari le kicne gi'e sipna Take a cushion and go to sleep. x1 cushions x2 with material x3; x1 is a cushion / pillow / pad [for x2] of padding material x3. See also {ckana}, {matci}.
kijno le kijno joi le cidro cu se gunma le djacu Oxygen and hydrogen make water. x1 is a quantity of / contains / is made of oxygen (O); [metaphor: supporting life / combustion]. See also {jelca}, {vacri}, {vasxu}.
kilto le xamsi cu kilto le ka mitre vau le ka condi The sea is 1'000 meters deep. x1 is a thousand [1000; $10^3$] of x2 in dimension / aspect x3 (default is units). See also {grake}, {mitre}, {snidu}, {stero}, {delno}, {molro}, {kelvo}, {xampo}, {gradu}, {litce}, {merli}, {centi}, {decti}, {dekto}, {femti}, {gigdo}, {gocti}, {gotro}, {megdo}, {mikri}, {milti}, {nanvi}, {petso}, {picti}, {terto}, {xatsi}, {xecto}, {xexso}, {zepti}, {zetro}, {minli}
kinli le mi'u balre cu kinli le jipno The tip of the blade is sharp. x1 is sharp / keen at locus x2. See also {balre}, {dakfu}, {jesni}.
klaji ti ralju klaji le mi'u tcadu le vrici zarci This is the main street of the city giving access to various shops. x1 is a street / avenue / lane / drive / cul-de-sac / way / alley / [road] at x2 accessing x3. Also corridor; not typically a route between points, but offers access to sites along it. See also {naxle}, {panka}, {pluta}, {dargu}.
klaku ra pu klaku le barda She cried large tears. x1 weeps / cries tears x2 about / for reason x3 (event / state). See also {badri}, {krixa}.
klama .i xu do klama fi la .nipon. Are you from Japan? x1 comes / goes to destination x2 from origin x3 via route x4 using means / vehicle x5. Also travels, journeys, moves, leaves to ... from ...; x1 is a traveller; (x4 as a set includes points at least sufficient to constrain the route relevantly). See also {cadzu}, {bajra}, {marce}, {vofli}, {litru}, {muvdu}, {cpare}, cmavo list {ka'a}, {pluta}, {bevri}, {farlu}, {limna}, {vitke}.
klama .i le dargu cu se kruca lu'a le pu ve klama be le ractu The road crossed what was the rabbit's track. x1 comes / goes to destination x2 from origin x3 via route x4 using means / vehicle x5. Also travels, journeys, moves, leaves to ... from ...; x1 is a traveller; (x4 as a set includes points at least sufficient to constrain the route relevantly). See also {cadzu}, {bajra}, {marce}, {vofli}, {litru}, {muvdu}, {cpare}, cmavo list {ka'a}, {pluta}, {bevri}, {farlu}, {limna}, {vitke}.
klama mi'a pu klama fu le ka se marce le bloti vau fo lu'a le lalxu fi le zdani fe le daplu We sailed on the boat along the lake from the home to an island. x1 comes / goes to destination x2 from origin x3 via route x4 using means / vehicle x5. Also travels, journeys, moves, leaves to ... from ...; x1 is a traveller; (x4 as a set includes points at least sufficient to constrain the route relevantly). See also {cadzu}, {bajra}, {marce}, {vofli}, {litru}, {muvdu}, {cpare}, cmavo list {ka'a}, {pluta}, {bevri}, {farlu}, {limna}, {vitke}.
klama mi pu klama fi la .nipon. fu le ka se marce le vinji I flew from Japan. x1 comes / goes to destination x2 from origin x3 via route x4 using means / vehicle x5. Also travels, journeys, moves, leaves to ... from ...; x1 is a traveller; (x4 as a set includes points at least sufficient to constrain the route relevantly). See also {cadzu}, {bajra}, {marce}, {vofli}, {litru}, {muvdu}, {cpare}, cmavo list {ka'a}, {pluta}, {bevri}, {farlu}, {limna}, {vitke}.
klama xu do pu klama fu le aftobuso fe la paris Did you ride the bus to Paris? x1 comes / goes to destination x2 from origin x3 via route x4 using means / vehicle x5. Also travels, journeys, moves, leaves to ... from ...; x1 is a traveller; (x4 as a set includes points at least sufficient to constrain the route relevantly). See also {cadzu}, {bajra}, {marce}, {vofli}, {litru}, {muvdu}, {cpare}, cmavo list {ka'a}, {pluta}, {bevri}, {farlu}, {limna}, {vitke}.
klama ra pu klama le nenri He came in. x1 comes / goes to destination x2 from origin x3 via route x4 using means / vehicle x5. Also travels, journeys, moves, leaves to ... from ...; x1 is a traveller; (x4 as a set includes points at least sufficient to constrain the route relevantly). See also {cadzu}, {bajra}, {marce}, {vofli}, {litru}, {muvdu}, {cpare}, cmavo list {ka'a}, {pluta}, {bevri}, {farlu}, {limna}, {vitke}.
klama mi klama la kaliforniias ri lu'i la nipon I returned to California from Japan. x1 comes / goes to destination x2 from origin x3 via route x4 using means / vehicle x5. Also travels, journeys, moves, leaves to ... from ...; x1 is a traveller; (x4 as a set includes points at least sufficient to constrain the route relevantly). See also {cadzu}, {bajra}, {marce}, {vofli}, {litru}, {muvdu}, {cpare}, cmavo list {ka'a}, {pluta}, {bevri}, {farlu}, {limna}, {vitke}.
klani le pa mlatu cu klani li pi mu le ka mitre ma kau le ka clani The cat is measured 0.5 meters in length. x1 is a quantity quantified / measured / enumerated by x2 (quantifier) on scale x3 (si'o). Also count. See also cmavo list {la'u}, {namcu}.
klani lei mlatu cu klani li vo le ka gunma le'i xo kau da i je va'i le mlatu cu vo mei The mass of the cats is measured as having 4 units, in other words, there are 4 cats. x1 is a quantity quantified / measured / enumerated by x2 (quantifier) on scale x3 (si'o). Also count. See also cmavo list {la'u}, {namcu}.
klesi mi cmima le klesi be le se zdani bei le ka vecnu I belong to the merchant class of inhabitants. x1 (mass / si'o) is a class / category / subgroup / subset within x2 with defining property x3 (ka). Also taxon, type, kind, classification, species, genus, family, order, phylum. See also cmavo list {le'a}, {cmima}, {jutsi}, {ciste}, {girzu}, {lanzu}, {vrici}.
klesi do na klesi lei se nelci be mi You are not my type. x1 (mass / si'o) is a class / category / subgroup / subset within x2 with defining property x3 (ka). Also taxon, type, kind, classification, species, genus, family, order, phylum. See also cmavo list {le'a}, {cmima}, {jutsi}, {ciste}, {girzu}, {lanzu}, {vrici}.
klesi ti su'o si'e su'o drata klesi be le notci This is another type of message. x1 (mass / si'o) is a class / category / subgroup / subset within x2 with defining property x3 (ka). Also taxon, type, kind, classification, species, genus, family, order, phylum. See also cmavo list {le'a}, {cmima}, {jutsi}, {ciste}, {girzu}, {lanzu}, {vrici}.
klina le vacri pu klina le darno voksa The air was clean to pass a distant voice. x1 (object / medium) is clear / transparent / without obstacle to in-the-clear x2 [transmission]. Also lucid; x2 remains apparent / lucid / clear (figurative use for 'understandable' is discouraged, better expressed as = {filseljmi} or {filsmu}). (cf. {kandi}, {zunti} - {nalzu'i} is better for 'unhindered')
klina le mi'u nanla pu klina le ka te smuni ma kau The boy was pretty clear in what he meant. x1 (object / medium) is clear / transparent / without obstacle to in-the-clear x2 [transmission]. Also lucid; x2 remains apparent / lucid / clear (figurative use for 'understandable' is discouraged, better expressed as = {filseljmi} or {filsmu}). (cf. {kandi}, {zunti} - {nalzu'i} is better for 'unhindered')
kliru la iodi'um cu kliru Iodine is a halogen. x1 is a quantity of / contains / is made of halogen of type x2 [chlorine, fluorine, iodine, etc.]. Also bromine; default chlorine. See also {xukmi}.
kliti xu do mo'u zbasu le mi'u kabri le ranti kliti Have you worked the cup out of soft clay? x1 is a quantity of / contains / is made of clay [moist, clammy dirt] of composition including x2. See also {dertu}, {pesxu}, {staku}.
kluza le mi'u creka pu kluza mi le ka se pagbu le tubnu The shirt was loose on me in sleeves. x1 (obj.) is loose / bloused / not tight on x2 (obj.) at locus x3. See also {tagji}, {trati}, {rinju}.
ko ko kurji ko Take care of yourself. pro-sumti: you (imperative); make it true for you, the listener.
ko ko sisti Stop it! pro-sumti: you (imperative); make it true for you, the listener.
ko kukte ko Enjoy your meal. pro-sumti: you (imperative); make it true for you, the listener.
ko ko dasni le taxfu Get dressed. pro-sumti: you (imperative); make it true for you, the listener.
ko'a ko'a e ko'e e ko'i e ko'o e ko'u prenu i je ko'a fa'u ko'e nelci ko'e fa'u ko'i i je ko'o fa'u ko'u na nelci ko'a fa'u ko'e i je se ni'i bo ko'e se nelci ma Let ko'a, ko'e, ko'i, ko'o and ko'u be people. Now ko'a and ko'e like ko'e and ko'i respectively, and ko'o and ko'u don't like ko'a and ko'e, respectively. Thus, ko'e is liked by whom? pro-sumti: he / she / it / they #1 (specified by goi).
ko'oi do o nai ko'oi mi co'a morsi Either you or I die! discursive: imperative / hortative ``{ko}'' is a short form of ''{do} {ko'oi}''; broader term than {au}, {a'o}, {e'o}, {e'u}, {e'a}, {ei}; {minde}, {cpedu}, {curmi}, {pacna}, {stidi}, {djica}, {bilga}
ko'oi ko'oi mi'o klama Let's go! discursive: imperative / hortative ``{ko}'' is a short form of ''{do} {ko'oi}''; broader term than {au}, {a'o}, {e'o}, {e'u}, {e'a}, {ei}; {minde}, {cpedu}, {curmi}, {pacna}, {stidi}, {djica}, {bilga}
ko'oi le mi'u prenu ku ko'oi citka le mi'u grute Let him eat the fruit! discursive: imperative / hortative ``{ko}'' is a short form of ''{do} {ko'oi}''; broader term than {au}, {a'o}, {e'o}, {e'u}, {e'a}, {ei}; {minde}, {cpedu}, {curmi}, {pacna}, {stidi}, {djica}, {bilga}
ko'oi le ko'oi se platu be do cu te snada Let your plan be successful! discursive: imperative / hortative ``{ko}'' is a short form of ''{do} {ko'oi}''; broader term than {au}, {a'o}, {e'o}, {e'u}, {e'a}, {ei}; {minde}, {cpedu}, {curmi}, {pacna}, {stidi}, {djica}, {bilga}
kobli mi pu citka le kobli stasu I ate a cabbage soup. x1 is a quantity of cabbage / lettuce / leafy vegetable of species / strain x2. See also {stagi}.
kojna le mi'u baktu cu jibni pa kojna be le mi'u kumfa The bucket is in a corner of the room. x1 is a corner / point / at-least-3-dimensional [solid] angle [shape / form] in / on x2, of material x3. Also apex; a corner exists on three dimensions but need not be limited to points; it suggests a discontinuity in slope in some direction; i.e. in some planar cross-section. See also {jipno}, {konju}, {bliku}, {fanmo}, {jganu}, {krasi}.
kokso xu do kakne le ka jai gau porpi fai le kokso Can you crack the coconut? x1 is a coconut of variety / cultivar x2 See also {cidja}, {rutrkoko}
kolme le kolme ca'o jelca Coal is burning. x1 is a quantity of / contains / is made of coal / peat / anthracite / bitumen from source x2. See also {tabno}, {tarla}.
kolme mi mo'u xaksu le mi'u kolme I've used up the coal. x1 is a quantity of / contains / is made of coal / peat / anthracite / bitumen from source x2. See also {tabno}, {tarla}.
kombitu ti kombitu le nu jai gau cnici fai le kerfa vau le cinla This is a comb with thin teeth for putting hair in order.
konju le tarci jadni cu te konju fi le mi'u tricu The star is the tip of the tree. x1 is a cone [shape / form] of material x2 with vertex x3. Also ellipse, ellipsoid (= {konclupa}). See also {jesni}, {djine}, {sovda}, {kojna}, {jganu}.
korbi ti korbi le re rirxe This is the border between the two rivers. x1 is an edge / margin / border / curb / boundary of x2 next-to / bordering-on x3. See also cmavo list {koi}, {greku}, {mlana}, {jimte}, {ctebi}, {bartu}.
korcu lei cidni be la alis mo'u korcu Alice's knees buckled. (adjective:) x1 is bent / crooked / not straight or direct / [twisted] / folded. See also {cinje}, {klupe}, {kruvi}, {polje}, {sarlu}, {sirji}, {bargu}, {genxu}.
korcu le mi'u jukpa pu korcu ga'u le fagri The cook leaned over the fire. (adjective:) x1 is bent / crooked / not straight or direct / [twisted] / folded. See also {cinje}, {klupe}, {kruvi}, {polje}, {sarlu}, {sirji}, {bargu}, {genxu}.
korka le korka be le cindu cu rotsu The cork of oak trees is thick. x1 is a quantity of / contains / is made of cork / bark from tree / species x2; [material]. See also {tricu}, {calku}, {skapi}, {stagi}.
korvo le mi'u korvo cu xekri du'i le ka kolme The raven is black as coal. s1 is a crow / raven of species s2.
kosta ko co'a dasni le mi'u kosta Put the coat on. x1 is a coat / jacket / sweater / cloak / [cape / shawl / pullover] [extra outer garment] of material x2. See also {pastu}, {sunla}, {taxfu}.
krali le prenu poi nanca li su'o po'o pa bi cu se krali le ka co'a speni vau le jecta be le vi gugde People of not less than 18 years only have a right to marry under the polity of this country. x1 (ka) is a legal / moral entitlement of x2 (individual / mass) by standard x3. Normative principles, variously construed as legal, social, or moral freedoms or entitlements. {rarkrali} for 'natural rights and {flakrali} for 'legal rights'; {xuskrali} for 'claim rights' and {zifkrali} for 'liberty rights'; {crukrali} for 'positive rights' and {ri'urkrali} for 'negative rights'; {sepkrali} for 'individual rights' and {gumkrali} for 'group rights'; {selcemkrali} for 'civil rights' and {seljeckrali} for 'political rights'; {jiknykrali} for 'economic rights', {jikykrali} for 'social rights', and {klukrali} for 'cultural rights'; {remkrali} for 'human rights' and {dalkrali} for 'animal rights'. Cf. {selfla}, {selzi'e}, {terzi'e}, {selzau}, {selpikta}.
kramu ti voi foldi cu kramu li re ki'o le ka mitre This field is 2000 square meters. x1 is x2 local area unit(s) [non-metric] (default 1) by standard x3, x4 subunits. (additional subunit places may be added as x5, x6, ...); See also {rupnu}, {fepni}, {dekpu}, {gutci}, {minli}, {merli}, {bunda}.
krasi le nu zgipli cu krasi le mi'u se tigni Playing music is the initial part of the performance. x1 (site / event) is a source / start / beginning / origin of x2 (object / event / process). Also root (figurative sense); (adjective:) x1 is initial. See also {fanmo}, cmavo list {ra'i}, {sabji}, {cfari}, {jipno}, {traji}, {kojna}, {genja}, {jicmu}, {sitna}, {jinto}.
krasi pa jinto cu krasi ti noi rirxe A well is the beginning of this river. x1 (site / event) is a source / start / beginning / origin of x2 (object / event / process). Also root (figurative sense); (adjective:) x1 is initial. See also {fanmo}, cmavo list {ra'i}, {sabji}, {cfari}, {jipno}, {traji}, {kojna}, {genja}, {jicmu}, {sitna}, {jinto}.
krasi ma krasi do What is your origin? x1 (site / event) is a source / start / beginning / origin of x2 (object / event / process). Also root (figurative sense); (adjective:) x1 is initial. See also {fanmo}, cmavo list {ra'i}, {sabji}, {cfari}, {jipno}, {traji}, {kojna}, {genja}, {jicmu}, {sitna}, {jinto}.
krati pa krati be le turni bei le ka ckini fi le gubni co'a tavla lei mi'u se natmi A representative of the governor in public relations started talking to the nation. x1 represents / is an agent / proxy / stands-in for [absent] x2 in matter(s) / function(s) x3. Also: on behalf of. See also cmavo list {ka'i}, {jansu}, {catni}, {vipsi}, {pulji}.
krefu le na te snada cu krefu lу nu troci vau li ci The attempt ended in a failure for the third time. x1 (event) is the x3'rd recurrence / repetition of x2 (abstract); x2 happens again in [form] x1. Also case, another, instance, different, other, time, occasion. See also {fukpi}, {rapli}, {cafne}, {fasnu}, {xruti}.
krici mi pu krici le ka volta vau do I believed that you would return. x1 believes [regardless of evidence / proof] belief / creed x2 (du'u) is true / assumed about subject x3. without evidence' refers to objective external evidence; also gives credence, has conviction. See also {jinvi}, {djuno}, {censa}, {cevni}, {lijda}, {makfa}, {malsi}, {senpi}, {birti}.
krili ti du le za'u krili be le silna These are the crystals of salt. x1 is a quantity of / contains / is made of crystal of composition x2 in form / arrangement x3. x2: composition including x2, which need not be complete specification. See also {jemna}, {bisli}.
krinu ma krinu le nu do jai lerci What is the reason for your lateness? x1 (event / state) is a reason / justification / explanation for / causing / permitting x2 (event / state). See also {ciksi}, {rinka}, {nibli}, {mukti}, se {jalge}, te {zukte}, cmavo list {ki'u}, {bapli}.
krixa ra pu krixa zo sidju He cried, "Help!" x1 cries out / yells / howls sound x2; x1 is a crier. See also {klaku}, {bacru}.
krokodilo le krokodilo cu zvati ma Where are the crocodiles?
kruca ko carna fi le zunle bu'u le te kruca Turn left at the crossroad. x1 intersects / crosses / traverses x2 at locus x3. See also {cripu}, {ragve}.
kruca mi pu denpa bu'u le te kruca be le ralju dargu bei le dertu dargu I was waiting at the place where the main road was intersected by a dirt road. x1 intersects / crosses / traverses x2 at locus x3. See also {cripu}, {ragve}.
kruji au pei bisli kruji Would you like ice cream? x1 is made of / contains / is a quantity of cream / emulsion / puree [consistency] of composition x2. [x2: composition including x2, which need not be complete specification]]; See also {ladru}, {matne}.
krumami le stasu be lo jipci cu krumami mi The chicken soup tastes umami to me. $x_1$ has an umami taste to observer $x_2$. See {titla}, {kukte}, {tasta}, {smaka}, {rectu}
ku'a e'o doi le ninmu ku'a le ctuca do klama le nenri Those who are women and teachers, please, enter. non-logical connective: intersection of sets.
ku'i ku'i mi na ralte su'o jdini However, I don't have money. discursive: however / but / in contrast. See also {karbi}, {dukti}, {nalpanra}.
ku'i ra pu ku tatpi gi'e ku'i nai co'a sipna She was tired and in line with that she fell asleep. discursive: however / but / in contrast. See also {karbi}, {dukti}, {nalpanra}.
kubli ti kubli lo ka ganra gi'e mitre li re kei joi lo ka clani gi'e mitre li ci This is a polygon of 2 meters wide and three meters long. x1 is a cube / regular polyhedron / polygon of dimensions x2 (def. 3), surfaces / sides x3 (def. 6). (cf. kurfa - needed for 'cube', bliku for a physical object; tanbo, tapla, tarmi)
kucli mi kucli le nu tu noi ninmu cu zukte ma I'm curious what is that woman doing? x1 is curious / wonders about / is interested in / [inquisitive about] x2 (object / abstract). Inquisitive (= {retkucli}). See also {manci}, {sisku}, se {cinri}.
kufra mi kufra le ka vreta bu'u le jbini be re kicne I feel comfortable lying between the two pillows. x1 feels comfort / is comfortable with conditions / environmental property(ies) x2. See also {cinmo}.
kukte le vi badna cu kukte mi For me this banana is sweet. x1 is delicious / tasty / delightful to observer / sense x2 [person, or sensory activity]. x1 is a delicacy. See also {gusta}, {ralci}, {vrusi}, {cpina}.
kukte ko se kukte Bon appetite! x1 is delicious / tasty / delightful to observer / sense x2 [person, or sensory activity]. x1 is a delicacy. See also {gusta}, {ralci}, {vrusi}, {cpina}.
kulnu le ka citka le insekto cu kulnu so'e remna Eating insects is the culture of most of humans. x1 [mass of ideas, customs, skills, arts] is culture of nation / ethnos x2 (mass); x1 is ethnic. (note that x2 is NOT individual; culture is what is shared among people and is not an individual trait). See also cmavo list {ka'u}, cmavo list {ku'u}, {natmi}, {cecmu}.
kumfa le vi kumfa be le xotli cu barda This hotel room is large. x1 is a room of / in structure x2 surrounded by partitions / walls / ceiling / floor x3 (mass / jo'u). Also chamber. See also {bitmu}, {canlu}, {zdani}.
kumte le gidva be mi'a cu kakne le ka sazri le kumte Our guide can ride a camel. x1 is a camel / llama / alpaca / vicuna / dromedary of species / breed x2. Llama (= {tcokumte}), Bactrian camel (= {zdokumte}); Arabian camel / dromedary (= {rabykumte}). See also {sunla}, {kanla}, {xirma}, {xasli}.
kunra ti kunra le tirse le cmana This is an iron containing ore mined from mountains. x1 is / contains / is made from a mineral / ore of type / metal x2 mined from location / lode / mine x3. See also {jinme}, {bisli}, {rokci}, {jemna}.
kunti le mi'u kabri cu kunti The glass is empty. x1 [container] is empty / vacant of x2 [material]; x1 is hollow. Also vacuum (= kunti be roda / so'ada). See also {culno}, {tisna}, {claxu}, {canlu}, {kevna}, {setca}.
kurfa lei sonci pu kurfa le vo mitre be li mu Soldiers formed together a rectangle 5 meters in each side. x1 is a right-angled shape / form defined by set of vertices x2, dimensions x3 (default 2). Also rectangle, square, rectilinear; square (= {kubykurfa}, {pitkubykurfa}), cube (= {kurkubli}), rectangle (= {clakurfa}), rhombus / diamond (= {sa'orkurfa}, {sa'orpitkubli}). See also {bliku}, {kubli}, {tapla}, {salpo}, {tarmi}.
kurji ei kurji le bilma We should take care of the patient. x1 takes-care-of / looks after / attends to / provides for / is caretaker for x2 (object / event / person). Also tends, cares for, keeps; x1 is a keeper / custodian of x2. See also {jundi}, {cinri}, {prami}, {raktu}, {zgana}.
kurki le mi'u birje cu kurki The beer is bitter. x1 is bitter / acrid / sharply disagreeable to observer / sense x2. See also {titla}, {slari}.
kuspe lu na ku mi nelci li'u zo'u le mulno brisni poi du lu mi nelci li'u cu se kuspe lu na ku li'u As for {i naku mi nelci} the whole clause {mi nelci} is in the scope of {naku}. x1 ranges / extends / spans / persists / reaches across / over interval / gap / area / scope / extent / range x2. Also continues. See also {ranji}, {renvi}, {tcena}, {bancu}, {cripu}, {ragve}, {vorme}, {canko}, {bitmu}, {sirji}, {jbini}, {jimte}, {preja}.
kuspe mi na kakne le ka kuspe tu noi forca I can't get that fork. x1 ranges / extends / spans / persists / reaches across / over interval / gap / area / scope / extent / range x2. Also continues. See also {ranji}, {renvi}, {tcena}, {bancu}, {cripu}, {ragve}, {vorme}, {canko}, {bitmu}, {sirji}, {jbini}, {jimte}, {preja}.
kusru ko na kusru mi Don't be cruel to me. x1 (person) is cruel / mean / unkind to victim x2. See also {xendo}, {jursa}.
kusru lei mi'u rirni pu kusru mi le ka na e'ande mi le ka kelci bu'u le bartu The parents were cruel to me in not allowing playing outside. x1 (person) is cruel / mean / unkind to victim x2. See also {xendo}, {jursa}.
la la alis ba klama le tcadu Alice will go to the city. name descriptor: the one(s) called ... ; takes name or selbri description.
la zo bruna cmene la kevin le pa pendo be mi Brother is how friends call Kevin. name descriptor: the one(s) called ... ; takes name or selbri description.
la'a la'a ti traji le ka misno Probably, this is the most popular one. discursive: probability - improbability. See also {lakne}.
la'a la'a ru'e la'e do'i cu ve ciksi Probably, it's the explanation. discursive: probability - improbability. See also {lakne}.
la'a la'a nai ka'e ku gau la kevin la alis co'a birti It's improbable that Kevin can convince Alice. discursive: probability - improbability. See also {lakne}.
la'e do jo'u mi pu casnu da i la'e di'u pu cacra li ji'i pa There was something you and I discussed. And that lasted for approximately an hour. the referent of (indirect pointer); uses the referent of a sumti as the desired sumti.
la'e la'e zo .alis. cu cinri cukta "Alice" is an interesting book. the referent of (indirect pointer); uses the referent of a sumti as the desired sumti.
la'o la'o gy.The wild bears.gy. jai cinri skina "The wild bears" is an interesting movie. delimited non-Lojban name; the resulting quote sumti is treated as a name.
la'oi xu do se zdani la'oi virginia Do you live in Virginia? single-word non-Lojban name; quotes a single non-Lojban word delimited by pauses and treats it as a name See also {la'o}, {zo'oi}.
labno mi pu tirna le nu le labno cu cmoni I heard wolfs howling. x1 is a wolf / lupine of species / breed x2. See also {gerku}.
labyxu'e le va nixli pe le labyxu'e cu mo Who is that girl in pink?
lacpu la alis pu lacpu la kevin re'o le kerfa Alice dragged Kevin upstairs by the hair. x1 pulls / tugs / draws / drags x2 by handle / at locus x3. Gravity (= ka {maicpu}, {maircpukai}). See also {catke}, {sakci}, {cokcu}.
lacri mi lacri do le ka ma kau sidju I rely on you to help me. x1 relies / depends / counts on / trusts x2 to bring about / ensure / maintain x3 (event / state). See also {minde}, {nitcu}, {tinbe}.
lacri mi xebni le ka lacri le karce pe mi le ka klama le jai se djica be mi fu ma kau I hate having to rely on my car to get where I want. x1 relies / depends / counts on / trusts x2 to bring about / ensure / maintain x3 (event / state). See also {minde}, {nitcu}, {tinbe}.
ladru e'o do sabji le pa kabri be le ladru mi Please give me a glass of milk. x1 is made of / contains / is a quantity of milk from source x2; (adjective:) x1 is lactic / dairy. See also {lanbi}, {mabru}, {tatru}, {cirla}, {kruji}.
ladru le mi'u nixli ca'o di'i pinxe le ladru poi se cupra le mamta be vo'a The girl still regularly her mother's milk. x1 is made of / contains / is a quantity of milk from source x2; (adjective:) x1 is lactic / dairy. See also {lanbi}, {mabru}, {tatru}, {cirla}, {kruji}.
lafti xu do kakne le ka lafti le mi'u rokci Can you lift the stone? x1 (force) lifts / applies raising / supporting force to x2 at locus x3 in gravity well x4. (x1 may be an abstract); verb lift / raise / elevate (= {lafmuvgau}). See also {farlu}, {plipe}.
lai lai djonson pu se zdani ti The Johnsons lived here. name descriptor: the mass of individual(s) named ... ; takes name or selbri description.
lakne lakne fa le nu ba carvi I will probably rain. x1 (event / state / property) is probable / likely under conditions x2. See also {cumki}, {jinzi}, {kampu}, {tcaci}, {cunso}, {cafne}, {fadni}, {cnano}.
lakne lakne fa le nu le nabmi na nandu The problem is probably not hard. x1 (event / state / property) is probable / likely under conditions x2. See also {cumki}, {jinzi}, {kampu}, {tcaci}, {cunso}, {cafne}, {fadni}, {cnano}.
lakse le bifce cu cupra le lakse Bees produce wax. x1 is quantity of wax [substance especially soft / moldable when warm] from source x2. Also paraffin. See also {bifce}, {ranti}, {bidju}.
laldo ti noi kosta cu laldo le ka ze'a ma kau se dasni This jacket is old in how long it has been worn. x1 is old / aged [relatively long in elapsed duration] by standard x2 (= {tolci'o}) See {citno}, {slabu}
lalxu ai mi vitke le lalxu be le mi'u panka I'm going to visit a lake in the park. x1 is a lake / lagoon / pool at site / within land mass x2. See also {daplu}, {djacu}, {rirxe}, {xamsi}, {zbani}.
lamji le zdani be la alis cu lamji le ckule le ka se stuzi vau le ka ce'u ce'u stici Alice's home is adjacent to the school in where it is located and it is to the east of the school when viewed from here. x1 is adjacent / beside / next to / in contact with x2 in property / sequence x3 in direction x4. Also touching, contiguous, against. See also {zvati}, {cpana}, {jibni}, {diklo}, {stuzi}, {bartu}, {jbini}.
lanbi le nanba cu vasru le so'i lanbi Bread contains a lot of protein. x1 is a quantity of protein / albumin of type x2 composed of amino acids (sequence / jo'u) x3 . See also {ladru}, {sovda}.
lanci ti lanci la lojban This is the flag of Lojban. x1 is a flag / banner / standard of / symbolizing x2 with pattern(s) x3 on material x4. See also {gugde}, {jecta}.
lanka ko jgari le lanka be le fragari Take a basket with strawberries. x1 is a basket with contents x2, woven from material x3. See also {vasru}, {baktu}.
lanli le mi'u mikce cu lanli le bilma le ka tirna le fepri The doctor examines the patient by listening to the lungs. x1 analyzes / examines-in-detail x2 by method / technique / system x3 [process / activity]. See also {catlu}, {zgana}, {jarco}, {pensi}, {pinka}.
lanme ti noi cirla cu se zbasu fi le ladru be le lanme This cheese is made from sheep's milk. x1 is a sheep / [lamb / ewe / ram] of species / breed x2 of flock x3. See also {kanba}, {sunla}.
lante ti lante le festi It's a can for waste. x1 is a can / tightly sealed / pre-sealed container for perishable contents x2, made of x3. See also {botpi}, {baktu}, {tinci}.
lanxe le nu mi gunka jo'u le nu mi surla cu lanxe le se zukte be mi I keep my work and my leisure time in balance. x1 is in balance / equilibrium under forces x2 (mass). (cf. midju, nutli; fapro for balancing / opposing forces, nutli)
lanzu ti lanzu le citno le ka ce'u ce'u prami This is a family of young people bound by mutual love. x1 (mass) is a family with members including x2 bonded / tied / joined according to standard x3. Also clan, tribe; x2 is in x1, a member of x1 (selylanzu for reordered places); relative (= lazmi'u - xy mintu y'y leka cmima da poi lanzu). See also {natmi}, {cmima}, {girzu}, {jutsi}, {klesi}.
larcu za'a do certu le larcu be le ka finti le melbi se sanga I can see, you are an expert in creating beautiful songs. x1 (process) is an art [creative application] of craft / skill x2 (idea / activity). (adjective:) x1 is artistic. See also {finti}, {zbasu}, {stati}.
larcu le ka prami cu larcu Love is an art. x1 (process) is an art [creative application] of craft / skill x2 (idea / activity). (adjective:) x1 is artistic. See also {finti}, {zbasu}, {stati}.
lasna le mi'u prenu pu lasna la kevin pa kamju pa skori The person tied Kevin to a pillar with a rope. x1 (agent) fastens / connects / attaches / binds / lashes x2 to x3 with fastener x4. No implication that result is considered a single object; although x2 and x3 may be reversible, x3 may be used for the substrate, the fixed / larger object to which x2 becomes attached. See also {jorne}, {fenso}, {jgena}, {batke}, {dinko}, {kansa}.
lastu le lastu cu mixre le tunka joi le zinki Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. x1 is a quantity of / contains / is made of brass [copper / zinc alloy] of composition including x2. (adjective:) x1 is brazen). See also {jinme}, {ransu}, {tunka}.
latna le mi'u latna co'a me le xrula poi se panci le pluka The lotus turns into a flower with a pleasant scent. x1 is a lotus, plant / flower / herb of species / strain x2 symbolizing x3 to culture / religion x4. See also {budjo}, {censa}, {lijda}, {spati}.
lazni mi lazni le ka catlu le mi'u matra I am lazy to look at the engine. x1 (person) is lazy / avoiding work / effort concerning action x2. See also {nejni}, {vreta}, {gunka}.
le le pa sazri ca denpa A driver waits. non-veridical descriptor: the one(s) described as ...
le mi pu viska le pa fetsi i ri melbi I saw a female. She is pretty. non-veridical descriptor: the one(s) described as ...
le'e lo'e cipni cu kakne le ka vofli i mi tadni le'e cipni Typical birds can fly. And I study such birds. non-veridical descriptor: the stereotype of those described as ...
le'o le mi'u'o ro ko tinbe fi mi Everybody follow my orders! attitudinal modifier: aggressive - passive - defensive. See also {gunta}, {bandu}.
le'o le mi'u'o cu'i sa'u mi pu retsku zo'ei le nu do se la'u li xo kau kanro Hey, I just asked you about your health. attitudinal modifier: aggressive - passive - defensive. See also {gunta}, {bandu}.
le'o le mi'u'o nai mi jimpe le du'u ei mi zutse ti Okay, okay, I understand that I have to sit here. attitudinal modifier: aggressive - passive - defensive. See also {gunta}, {bandu}.
lebna le mi'u za'u mei pu lebna fi mi fe le ka se krali le ka ponse le mi'u karce They took my rights on owning the car. x1 takes / gets / gains / obtains / seizes / [removes] x2 (object / property) from x3 (possessor). Also confiscate, appropriate. Acquire with volition such that x1 gains possession; x3 is possessor and not merely source, alienation is implied. (cf. punji, cpacu where volition or previous possession is not necessarily implied, vimcu for alienation where x1 need not gain possession, canci, cliva)
lebna mi pu lebna pa titla le mi'u tanxe ca le nu le drata na jundi I took a candy from the box when other weren't attentive. x1 takes / gets / gains / obtains / seizes / [removes] x2 (object / property) from x3 (possessor). Also confiscate, appropriate. Acquire with volition such that x1 gains possession; x3 is possessor and not merely source, alienation is implied. (cf. punji, cpacu where volition or previous possession is not necessarily implied, vimcu for alienation where x1 need not gain possession, canci, cliva)
lei mi pu zgana lei prenu gi'e ba co'a sanli i ba bo mi pu muvdu fa'a lei mi'u prenu I noticed a crowd and stood up. After that, I moved into the direction of the crowd. non-veridical descriptor: the mass of individual(s) described as ...
lenjo ti lenjo le gusni le darno This lens focusing light has a long focal length. x1 is a lens / glass [focussing shape / form] focussing x2 to focus / foci x3 by means / material x4. (adjective:) x1 is optical; focussing may be optical or otherwise, hence x2 which may be light, sound, X-ray, etc., default is light / optical lens; ka is refraction. See also {kacma}, {minra}.
lenjo mi co'a dasni lei lenjo te zu'e le ka sfubu I put on goggles in order to dive. x1 is a lens / glass [focussing shape / form] focussing x2 to focus / foci x3 by means / material x4. (adjective:) x1 is optical; focussing may be optical or otherwise, hence x2 which may be light, sound, X-ray, etc., default is light / optical lens; ka is refraction. See also {kacma}, {minra}.
lenjo ko bevri fi mi fe lei lenjo pe mi Bring me my glasses. x1 is a lens / glass [focussing shape / form] focussing x2 to focus / foci x3 by means / material x4. (adjective:) x1 is optical; focussing may be optical or otherwise, hence x2 which may be light, sound, X-ray, etc., default is light / optical lens; ka is refraction. See also {kacma}, {minra}.
lenku le vacri cu zenba le ka lenku It's getting cold. x1 is cold / cool by standard x2. See also {glare}, {bisli}.
lenku le mi'u jisra pe ne'i le mi'u lenku minji pu xlali The juice in the fridge was no good. x1 is cold / cool by standard x2. See also {glare}, {bisli}.
lerci le nu mi volta le zdani cu lerci le se jinvi be le mamta be mi According to my mother, I returned home late. x1 (event) is late by standard x2. See also {clira}.
lerfu zoi ry.д.ry. lerfu le rusko zo d д is a letter of Russian alphabet representing sound {d}. x1 (la'e zo BY / word-bu) is a letter / digit / symbol in alphabet / character-set x2 representing x3. Also x1 glyph, rune, character (also me'o BY / word-bu), x2 symbol set; (adjective:) x1 is alphabetic / symbolic; 'letteral' used by analogy with 'numeral'; sinxa is the more generic symbol. See also {mifra}, {namcu}, {sinxa}, {pandi}.
letri le dilnu cu letri le ka cupra le lindi The cloud are electric in that they produce lightning.
li li vo cu sumji li re li re 4 is the sum of 2 and 2. the number / evaluated expression; convert number / operand / evaluated math expression to sumti.
li'a li'a do xanka You are clearly worried. discursive: clearly - obscurely. See also {klina}.
li'a li'a no da poi te ckini la alis la kevin pu na drani Clearly, nothing in the relations of Alice to Kevin was amiss. discursive: clearly - obscurely. See also {klina}.
li'a li'a mi pu no roi zvati le dzipo tumla Of course, I have never been to Antarctica. discursive: clearly - obscurely. See also {klina}.
li'a li'a nai le tcima cu funca le mi'u solri Weather depends on the sun, I see, but it's complicated. discursive: clearly - obscurely. See also {klina}.
li'anpi ra pu se li'anpi le plana She had chubby cheeks.
li'anzi ti li'anzi le barda je rijno This is a chain with big silver rings.
li'i le pluka ko li'i se senva Have a pleasant dream (sweat dreams!) abstractor: experience abstractor; x1 is x2's experience of [bridi] (participant or observer).
li'i le pluka ko li'i se citka Bon appetite! abstractor: experience abstractor; x1 is x2's experience of [bridi] (participant or observer).
li'i ma do li'i salci How did you like the party? abstractor: experience abstractor; x1 is x2's experience of [bridi] (participant or observer).
li'o la kevin cu pa moi i la edvard cu re moi i li'o Kevin is the first. Eduard is the second, and so on. discursive: omitted text (quoted material).
lidne le mlatu ba lidne le gerku le ka se casnu ca ma kau Cats will be discussed before dogs. x1 precedes / leads x2 in sequence x3; x1 is former / preceding / previous; x2 is latter / following. Also x1 before, forerunner; leading, as in 'leading indicators'; x2 after, trailing (= selyli'e for reordered places). See also cmavo list {li'e}, {balvi}, {ralju}, {rebla}, {purci} for time sequence, {jersi}, {porsi}, {jatna}, {farna}.
lifri mi pu'i ze'u lifri le nandu I've had a hard life. x1 [person / passive / state] undergoes / experiences x2 (event / experience); x2 happens to x1. Also has / have (of events / experiences); (adjective:) x1 is empirical; suggests passive undergoing but does not exclude active (per zukte) intent; a deserved experience: reward or punishment (= {jernyfri}, {zanjernyfri}, {maljernyfri}). See also cmavo list {ri'i}, {jmive}, {fasnu}, {renvi}.
lifri do ba lifri le nabmi You'll get into trouble. x1 [person / passive / state] undergoes / experiences x2 (event / experience); x2 happens to x1. Also has / have (of events / experiences); (adjective:) x1 is empirical; suggests passive undergoing but does not exclude active (per zukte) intent; a deserved experience: reward or punishment (= {jernyfri}, {zanjernyfri}, {maljernyfri}). See also cmavo list {ri'i}, {jmive}, {fasnu}, {renvi}.
lifri mi pu lifri le nu mi ganse le cizra I underwent strange sensation. x1 [person / passive / state] undergoes / experiences x2 (event / experience); x2 happens to x1. Also has / have (of events / experiences); (adjective:) x1 is empirical; suggests passive undergoing but does not exclude active (per zukte) intent; a deserved experience: reward or punishment (= {jernyfri}, {zanjernyfri}, {maljernyfri}). See also cmavo list {ri'i}, {jmive}, {fasnu}, {renvi}.
lijda le na krici tu'a pa cevni na te lijda Not believing in God is not a religion. x1 is a religion of believers including x2 sharing common beliefs / practices / tenets including x3. Also mythos, creed, traditional beliefs, x2 people(s), adherents; (adjective:) x1, x2, x3 are religious / ecclesiastic in nature; x2 is a believer in / of x1, an adherent / follower of x1 (= seljda for reordered places); x2 is a practitioner of x3 (= selterjda for reordered places); x3 is a tenet / belief / ritual / creed of x1 / x2 (= terjda for reordered places); priest / clerical (= {jdaca'i}, {jdaka'i}, {jdaja'a}); organized church / religion (= {be'ejda}); congregation (= {jdabe'e}, {jdagri}). See also {budjo}, {censa}, {cevni}, {crida}, {dadjo}, {jegvo}, {krici}, {latna}, {malsi}, {marde}, {muslo}, {pruxi}, {ranmi}, {ritli}, {xriso}, {zekri}.
lijda la animism cu lijda le remna poi se zdani le vi tumla le du'u ro dacti cu vasru le pruxi Animism is a religion of people living on this land that asserts that every object contains a spirit. x1 is a religion of believers including x2 sharing common beliefs / practices / tenets including x3. Also mythos, creed, traditional beliefs, x2 people(s), adherents; (adjective:) x1, x2, x3 are religious / ecclesiastic in nature; x2 is a believer in / of x1, an adherent / follower of x1 (= seljda for reordered places); x2 is a practitioner of x3 (= selterjda for reordered places); x3 is a tenet / belief / ritual / creed of x1 / x2 (= terjda for reordered places); priest / clerical (= {jdaca'i}, {jdaka'i}, {jdaja'a}); organized church / religion (= {be'ejda}); congregation (= {jdabe'e}, {jdagri}). See also {budjo}, {censa}, {cevni}, {crida}, {dadjo}, {jegvo}, {krici}, {latna}, {malsi}, {marde}, {muslo}, {pruxi}, {ranmi}, {ritli}, {xriso}, {zekri}.
lijda do se lijda ma What is your religion? x1 is a religion of believers including x2 sharing common beliefs / practices / tenets including x3. Also mythos, creed, traditional beliefs, x2 people(s), adherents; (adjective:) x1, x2, x3 are religious / ecclesiastic in nature; x2 is a believer in / of x1, an adherent / follower of x1 (= seljda for reordered places); x2 is a practitioner of x3 (= selterjda for reordered places); x3 is a tenet / belief / ritual / creed of x1 / x2 (= terjda for reordered places); priest / clerical (= {jdaca'i}, {jdaka'i}, {jdaja'a}); organized church / religion (= {be'ejda}); congregation (= {jdabe'e}, {jdagri}). See also {budjo}, {censa}, {cevni}, {crida}, {dadjo}, {jegvo}, {krici}, {latna}, {malsi}, {marde}, {muslo}, {pruxi}, {ranmi}, {ritli}, {xriso}, {zekri}.
limna e'a nai do limna le xamsi Don't swim in the sea! x1 (agent) swims in fluid x2. See also {djacu}, {fulta}, {klama}, {litru}.
limxone au mi pinxe le jisra be le limxone I'd like to drink a lemon juice.
lindi sa'u tu pe pu ku cu lindi le darno pa dilnu That was just a lightning that stroke far away from here striking from a cloud. x1 is lightning / electrical arc / thunderbolt striking at / extending to x2 from x3. Also thunder (= {lidysna}). See also {dikca}.
linji lei pulji pu se linji le clani te zu'e le ka kurji le cadzu prenu The police officers formed long lines in order to protect walking people. x1 is a line / among lines [1-dimensional shape / form] defined by set of points x2. Ray / vector (farli'i or porli'i). See also {kruvi}, {sirji}, {jganu}, {kantu}, {mokca}.
linto le mi'u mlatu verba cu linto The kitten is lightweight. x1 is light in mass / weight by standard x2. (cf. junta, tilju; se xalbo, kandi for metaphor)
lisri ko skicu pa lisri be le crida mi Tell me a story about fairies. x1 is a story / tale / yarn / narrative about plot / subject / moral x2 by storyteller x3 to audience x4. Also legend; a narrative need not be fictional; x2 may be merely a convention rather than a subject; also x3 tells / recounts story / tale x1 about x2 to x4 (= {selterlisri} for place reordering); note that the storyteller need not be the author. See also {ranmi}, {cfika}, {skicu}, {prosa}, {pemci}.
liste mi pu tcidu fi pa liste be le'i notci noi fi ke'a porsi le ka ce'u e ba bo ce'u se benji I read a log of messages, which were sorted in the order of being sent. x1 (physical object) is a list / catalog / register of sequence / set x2 in order x3 in medium x4. Also roll, log. (x2 is completely specified); (cf. {porsi}, {girzu}, {cmima} for mental objects wherein order is of varying importance; some manifested order is intrinsic to a physical list, but the specific order may be incidental and not intentional / purposeful)
litce ti noi djacu cu litce li re It's two liters of water. x1 is x2 liter(s) [metric unit] in volume (default is 1) by standard x3. See also {merli}, {grake}, {mitre}, {dekpu}, {centi}, {decti}, {dekto}, {femti}, {gigdo}, {gocti}, {gotro}, {kilto}, {megdo}, {mikri}, {milti}, {nanvi}, {petso}, {picti}, {terto}, {xatsi}, {xecto}, {xexso}, {zepti}, {zetro}.
litki ko satre le mi'u litki pa panje Wipe the liquid with a sponge. x1 is liquid / fluid, of composition / material including x2, under conditions x3. Conditions include temperature and pressure. See also {cilmo}, {djacu}, {lumci}, {runta}, {pambe}, {sudga}, {gapci}, {sligu}, {flecu}, {jduli}.
litki le mi'u bisli ca'o co'a litki The ice is melting. x1 is liquid / fluid, of composition / material including x2, under conditions x3. Conditions include temperature and pressure. See also {cilmo}, {djacu}, {lumci}, {runta}, {pambe}, {sudga}, {gapci}, {sligu}, {flecu}, {jduli}.
litru mi pu litru le fange gugde I travelled abroad. x1 travels / journeys / goes / moves via route x2 using means / vehicle x3; x1 is a traveller. (x2 as a set includes points at least sufficient to constrain the route relevantly); See also {bajra}, {cadzu}, {cpare}, {tcana}, {klama}, {cliva}, {pluta}, {limna}, {muvdu}.
livga xu le ka citka le livga be le jipci cu xamgu do Is eating chicken liver good for you? x1 is a / the liver [body-part] of x2. See also {rango}, {betfu}.
livla le mi'u toknu cu se livla le mudri The furnace is stoked up with wood. x1 is a fuel / energy-source for powering x2. See also {nejni}, {xaksu}, {jelca}.
livla le livla na banzu There isn't enough fuel. x1 is a fuel / energy-source for powering x2. See also {nejni}, {xaksu}, {jelca}.
lo'ai mi pu vitke le dzipo le mi'u'ai nai I visited Antarctica (sic!) start quote of recent mistakenly uttered text to be replaced See {le'ai}.
lo'ai mi pu klama le zarci y le'ai pu sa'ai ba le mi'u'ai I went to the store, ehm, no, will go! start quote of recent mistakenly uttered text to be replaced See {le'ai}.
lo'ai sa'ai ba klama le mi'u'ai pei Is it "will go" that should have been said? start quote of recent mistakenly uttered text to be replaced See {le'ai}.
lo'e le'e cipni cu kakne le ka vofli Typical birds can fly. veridical descriptor: the typical one(s) who really is(are) ...
lo'u ma smuni le'u vau ua le mi'u'u poi do cusku What's the meaning of {vau ua} that you said? start questionable / out-of-context quote; text should be Lojban words, but needn't be grammatical. Terminated by {le'u}.
logji le du'u le prina be fi le jamfu be pa nixli cu nenri le mi'u dinju cu logji le du'u la alis pu zvati ti By the fact that there are footprints of a girl inside the house, one concludes that Alice was here. x1 [rules / methods] is a logic for deducing / concluding / inferring / reasoning to / about x2 (du'u). Also (adjective:) x1, x2 are logical. See also {nibli}.
loi lei tadni pu sruri le mi'u dinju Students surrounded the building. veridical descriptor: the mass of individual(s) that is(are) ...
loi mi ralte pa lei re gluta I have a pair of mittens. veridical descriptor: the mass of individual(s) that is(are) ...
lojbo .i mi lojbo le ka se cinri la .lojban. vau .i je mi na se bangu la .lojban. I'm a Lojbanic person in that I'm interested in Lojban; I don't speak it. x1 reflects [Loglandic] / Lojbanic language / culture / nationality / community in aspect x2. Pre-Lojban forms of Loglan (= {dzejbo}). See also {bangu}, {logji}.
loldi mi pu sipna bu'u le loldi be le kumfa pe mi I slept on the floor of my room. x1 is a floor / bottom / ground of x2. Floor / level / story of a building / edifice (= {setloi}, {dijysenta}). See also {bitmu}, {drudi}, {dertu}, {dizlo}, {cnita}, {zbepi}, {sarji}, {serti}.
lorxu le lorxu cu citka le jipci Foxes eat hens. x1 is a fox [bushy-tailed wild dog / canine] of species / breed x2. See also {gerku}.
lu mi pu cusku lu coi le pendo li'u I said "Hello, friends!" start grammatical quotation; quoted text should be grammatical on its own.
lu'e le re cirkulo cu du lu'e le logji Two circles is a symbol of logic. the symbol for (indirect discourse); uses the symbol / word(s) for a sumti as the desired sumti.
lu'e le vi janbe pe le vorme cu du lu'e mi This doorbell is to call me. the symbol for (indirect discourse); uses the symbol / word(s) for a sumti as the desired sumti.
lujvo zo ki'ogra lujvo lo ka ce'u grake lo pilji be li pa nonono kei lo ka kilto gi'e grake ce'o lo ka se grake kei lu kilto grake li'u {ki'ogra} is a lujvo meaning "is a thousand of grams" with arguments referencing relations "what is measured in thousands and is measured in grams", "the number of grams"; affixes of the lujvo are built from {kilto} and {grake} attached sequentially. x1 (text) is a compound predicate word with meaning x2 and arguments x3 built from metaphor x4. See also {stura}, {cmavo}, {gismu}, {rafsi}, {smuni}.
lumci mi pu lumci so'o palta le stali I washed off the remains from some dishes. x1 (agent) washes / cleanses x2 of soil / contaminant x3 in / with cleaning material(s) x4. Agentless washing / cleansing (= {cuvbi'o}, {jisybi'o}). See also {djacu}, {jinru}, {litki}, {zbabu}, {jinsa}, {curve}.
lunbe le mi'u cifnu ca lunbe The baby is naked now. x1 is bare / naked / nude; x1 is without cover / clothes / [protection]. See also {taxfu}, {bandu}.
lunra le mi'u terdi cu se lunra pa da The Earth has one natural moon. x1 is Earth's moon (default); x1 is a major natural satellite / moon of planet x2. See also {plini}, {solri}, {terdi}, {mluni}.
lunsa le bisli lunsa pu gacri le mi'u dertu Frost covered the ground. x1 condenses / liquefies on / into x2 at temperature x3, pressure x4; x1 is dew / condensate on x2. See also {cilmo}, {dunja}, {febvi}, {runme}, {bumru}.
lurdei mi ba gunka ca le jaurdei I will work on Monday.
luska ti noi luska cu cpare co masno This mollusk moves slowly.
ma do djica ma What do you want? pro-sumti: sumti question (what / who / how / why / etc.); appropriately fill in sumti blank.
ma ma prenu gi'e pu zvati ti Who was here? pro-sumti: sumti question (what / who / how / why / etc.); appropriately fill in sumti blank.
ma ma dacti gi'e pu zvati ti What object was here? pro-sumti: sumti question (what / who / how / why / etc.); appropriately fill in sumti blank.
ma ma nelci mi Who likes me? pro-sumti: sumti question (what / who / how / why / etc.); appropriately fill in sumti blank.
ma'a ma'a se zdani le bu'u planeta We inhabit this planet. pro-sumti: me / we the speaker(s) / author(s) & you the listener(s) & others unspecified.
ma'a le rarna munje cu vajni ca lo'e se lifri be ma'a Nature plays an important role in our lives. pro-sumti: me / we the speaker(s) / author(s) & you the listener(s) & others unspecified.
ma'i le terdi cu cmalu ma'i le plini be le solri The Earth is a small planet of the Sun. manri modal, 1st place (by standard 2) in reference frame ...
ma'i la lojban ma'i le rutni bangu cu se pilno le so'i prenu Among artificial languages Lojban is spoken by many people. manri modal, 1st place (by standard 2) in reference frame ...
ma'oi zo di'ai cmavo ma'oi coi {di'ai} is a grammatical particle of class "COI" (vocative). selma'o quote; quotes a word (a cmavo) and uses it to name a selma'o. Example: ma'oi coi is equivalent to COI. See also {ra'oi}.
ma'u li ma'u re du li bi vu'u xa "+2 = 8 - 6." digit / number: plus sign; positive number; default any positive.
mabla fi mi le mi'u cidja cu mabla le ka se zalvi le denci For me the food is awful in chewing it. x1 is execrable / deplorable / wretched / shitty / awful / rotten / miserable / contemptible / crappy / inferior / low-quality in property x2 by standard x3; x1 stinks / sucks in aspect x2 according to x3. Bloody (British sense), fucking, shit, goddamn. See also {palci}, {dapma}, {xlali}, {zabna}, {funca}, {ganti}, {ganxo}, {gletu}, {gutra}, {kalci}, {pinca}, {pinji}, {plibu}, {vibna}, {vlagi}, {zargu}.
mabru le delfinu cu mabru Dolphins are mammals. x1 is a mammal / 'animal' / beast of species x2. See also {danlu}, {ladru}, {tatru}, {ractu}, {xanto}, {xarju}.
macnu ti noi karce cu macnu le ka gau cenba le ka sutra The speed of this car is changed manually. x1 (event / action / process) is manual [not automatic] in function x2 under conditions x3. See also {zmiku}, {jitro}.
magneti le mi'u rokci cu magneti le ka snipa le jinme The stone is magnetic in that it sticks to metal.
magneti le mi'u rokci co'u magneti le ka co'a glare The stone becomes non-magnetic when being heat up.
mai pa mai la meilis ze'i se zdani ti First, Mei Li has been living here for a short time. utterance ordinal suffix; converts a number to an ordinal, such as an item or paragraph number.
mai re mai la meilis ka'e sidju ma'a Secondly, she can help us. utterance ordinal suffix; converts a number to an ordinal, such as an item or paragraph number.
mai ro mai la meilis cu stati nixli Lastly, she is a smart girl. utterance ordinal suffix; converts a number to an ordinal, such as an item or paragraph number.
makcu le mi'u nanmu cu simlu le ka makcu le ka seksi The man seems to be mature in his sexuality. x1 is mature / ripe / fully-grown / adult in development-quality x2 (ka). See also {cifnu}, {ninmu}, {verba}, {banro}, {farvi}, {nanmu}.
makfa le nu le mi'u ractu cu canci cu makfa le mi'u verba la djon The disappearance of the rabbit performed by John was magical for the child. x1 is magic / supernatural / sorcery / witchcraft / wizardry to x2, performed by person / force / deity x3. See also {krici}, {manci}.
malsi ti malsi le budjo This is a Buddhist temple. x1 is a temple / church / sanctuary / synagogue / shrine of religion x2 at location / serving area x3. x2 may be event of form (... worships / pays / respect to ...), hence (metaphorically extending to) monument (= {mojmalsi}, {si'armalsi}). See also {cevni}, {krici}, {lijda}, {ritli}.
mamta le mamta be do pu zukte ma ca le nu do mo'u klama le zdani What was your mother doing when you got home? x1 is a mother of x2; x1 bears / mothers / acts maternally toward x2; [not necessarily biological]. See also {patfu}, {sovda}, {rirni}, {rorci}, {tarbi}, {famti}, {bersa}, {jbena}.
manfo le mi'u bukpu ca manfo le ka se tengu The cloth is uniform in texture. x1 (object / event) is uniform / homogeneous in property x2 (ka). See also {prane}, {curve}, {ranji}, {vitno}, {stodi}, {dikni}, {sampu}, {traji}.
mango mi pu no roi citka le mango I have never eaten mangoes. x1 is a mango [fruit] of species / variety x2. {ricrmango} for mango tree
manku le mi'u kumfa cu manku The room is dark. x1 is dark / lacking in illumination. (cf. {blabi}, {gusni}, {ctino}; use {kandi} or {xekri} with colors, {ctino})
manri le junla cu manri lo nu djuno fi lo tcika kei lo ka tcidu lo se zvati be lo pagbu be le nei le nei The clock is a frame of reference for determining time by reading position of its parts from it. x1 is a frame of reference / standard for observing / measuring / determining x2, with / by rules x3. (x1 may be object or si'o idea); See also cmavo list {ma'i}, {ckilu}, {merli}, {pajni}, {cimde}, {jdice}, {marde}.
manri mi manri le nu ma kau ba jinga vau lo ka jdice ma kau I'm the standard of determining of who will win, however I decide that will be so. x1 is a frame of reference / standard for observing / measuring / determining x2, with / by rules x3. (x1 may be object or si'o idea); See also cmavo list {ma'i}, {ckilu}, {merli}, {pajni}, {cimde}, {jdice}, {marde}.
manri tu voi ve'i cmana ba manri le nu zgana le mi'u tumla That hill will be the reference frame for observing the land. x1 is a frame of reference / standard for observing / measuring / determining x2, with / by rules x3. (x1 may be object or si'o idea); See also cmavo list {ma'i}, {ckilu}, {merli}, {pajni}, {cimde}, {jdice}, {marde}.
mansa le zdani be mi cu mansa mi le ka tcini bu'u ce'u I'm satisfied with the conditions in my house. x1 satisfies evaluator x2 in property (ka) / state x3. See also {pajni}.
manti le sakta cu trina le manti Sugar attracts ants. x1 is an ant of species / breed x2. See also {cinki}, {jalra}.
mapku ai mi dasni le mapku I'm going to put on the hat. x1 is a cap / hat / crown / helmet / piece of headgear [head-top garment] of material x2. See also {taxfu}, {stedu}, {drudi}.
mapni le mapni cu zabna The cotton is of high quality. x1 is a quantity of / contains / is made of cotton [type of fabric / material]. See also {bukpu}.
mapti le se cusku be do na mapti le se cusku be le jatna pe do le ka se smuni Your words are inconsistent in meaning with what your boss said. x1 fits / matches / suits / is compatible / appropriate / corresponds to / with x2 in property / aspect x3. See also {satci}, {tugni}, {sarxe}, {drani}, {tarmi}, {ckini}, {mintu}.
mapti ti ckiku le na mapti be ti noi stela This is a key incompatible with this lock. x1 fits / matches / suits / is compatible / appropriate / corresponds to / with x2 in property / aspect x3. See also {satci}, {tugni}, {sarxe}, {drani}, {tarmi}, {ckini}, {mintu}.